What is real? ( Or not) EQUALITY

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MMJ2017, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Lets not forget THE country with the huge anti-abortion lobby
  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Lois lane , when it comes to treatment of women and history (as well as contemporary ) we certainly see the most horrific things imaginable . There are instances of every terrible thing possible done to women for sure .
    However there is another side of reality and society as well. For instance as a whole we picture those horrible actions against women as evil the work of the villain and illegal . Men and women as a whole have been working together against the horrifically of the world this whole time . I myself am a man and have and continue to value women much more than men as a whole just on average . And not in sone type of objective way either . ( Although I cannot help but the think and feel like the naked female human form is pure art and beauty ) yes I am programmed by nature sone degree to feel that but also wonderful miracle of how the female form works is amazing . I am saying from every direction the female form is magnificent .
    I value females roughly more than males advanced whole because of their capacity for cooperation as well there are types of problem solving men are simply not as good at ( on average)
    Next we actually see a transformation in modern times where females are more dominant have more positions if control this is going to happen ore and more notes matter what anyone likes it or not .
    I think we do have to be careful of a few things though as this is happening .
    We have to be careful not to see the world and history as domination of women , yes it happened but that is not and has never been known as a good thing , only sociopaths in private wish harm their mother sister daughter , we have always maintained that a good person does not harm another violate them whether man against man women against women men against women or women against women we all taught is wrong and of the villian not the hero .
    As we travel into the future we must seek cooperation
    Not to make enemy of groups
    Not to put differences against each other .
    The world hasand is changing to be more fair .
    The reason things gas gotten better ( to degree they improved)
    Was from cooperation
    We cannot see the world as victim and perpetrator ( only police force)
    We must view the average advanced whole that people are good want to cooperate , that we utilized the gifts talents unique to everyone.
    That we are responsible for ourselves but we also work together improve the state of things .
    Xenophobia from any direction creates what nobody wants and destroys what everyone loves.
  3. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    all is relative...all got another dynamics from a different angle or view...
    empathy is all we need...
    problem today all are polarized to much....many leftwing and feminists are sort of nazis...and they so good in prejudging...
    also they let make use of themselfs so easy by banksterpoliticians
    and facebook is the new inquisition...
    what do we wonder if we would grow up today...we would be so sick from fb and nestle schablone force in life
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  4. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    hollow statement to attempt to win favor. what follows is a technique in argumentation 'the gish gallop' it is very undesirable. do not trust people who use this technique.

    narrow anecdotal evidence has no relevance to the subject.

    you presume what is going to happen. you have no idea of what will happen.

    blatant generalizations.

    bunch of hollow platitudes that have nothing to do with the subject.

    this is incredibly sloppy argumentation. this reflects badly on you.

    you should seek to improve yourself if you are going to make arguments in public.

    this is just BS rhetoric. it serves no purpose other than a hollow scree in support of a particular world view.

    this is a great example of how not to argue a point. it is a good learning experience.

    if anyone is swayed by this method of argumentation, they are fools.

    while it employs the same awful techniques as the previous comment. this is worse than the previous as it includes unsubstantiated BS and contradiction.

    virtually unreadable.

    borderline propaganda.

    not that anyone in their right mind would be swayed by this utter garbage but is interesting to note the prevalence of this type of propaganda on non political forums.
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  5. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    the development of the human condition has relied on levering ability and power of 'non-real' tools in order to develop real conditions. this process works fine as is.

    the things you propose are not necessary in this process. they are in fact open the process to excesses and corruption. the pitfalls of such thinking have been demonstrated many times in real world conditions.

    the process has already happened with many of the points you raise in this topic. this has been pointed out to you multiple times which you ignore. you should inform yourself to the broader conversation. there is no need to re-litigate some of the more obvious primary points that have been known and accepted for a long time. it would save you a lot of time. unless you have a different purpose for this thread. if so you should make that known. no one will do these things you propose; it is unreasonable to ask people to do these things. just address your issues and make your arguments -- simple. no need for the superfluous, unnecessary crap, it will take care of itself within the process.

    it is already known for a long time that equality is a 'non-real' concept you do not have to constantly re-litigate this. why don't you take your own advice and get back to making you case for or against. you do not have to tell stories, frame narratives, include masses of unnecessary, irrelevant data, just do what you say you will do, and have asked and expect others to do.

    the pitfalls of your methodology have already been pointed out to you multiple times in multiple ways which you choose to ignore -- your choice. at this point, i would not blame people for being unclear on your motives.
  6. Calm.Down

    Calm.Down Banned

    Feb 8, 2019
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    No offence but if I were you I would probably choose another name for my ID, for example You_Are_Wrong . What have you experienced that makes you feel like that? You should refix your sense of superiority in advance.
  7. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    great, original argumentation that people has come to expect from this forum. not exactly a high bar for feeling superior. i will refix the standards of argumentation.
  8. Calm.Down

    Calm.Down Banned

    Feb 8, 2019
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    By neutralizing people's findings and inviting them to take back their words, feelings and states of their minds?
  9. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Q: What have you experienced that makes you feel like that?

    A: blah blah blah...turtles all the way down.

    do you want adequate critique on this forum or not? i will provide another methodology if you want. if it pleases you. if it entertains you.

    no one in their right mind will read this crap anyway, and if they do, they won't care and if they do care they will ask stupid rhetorical questions. ad infinitum.

    have you seen that movie too?
  10. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I have just spent some considerable amount of time wading through this fevered thread and now, having reached this bitter end, feel compelled to say:

    1. @MMJ2017 never uses one word when ten will do and regrettably appears to much prefer writing to reading.

    2. @refix can't see that he's merely hemorrhaging credibility, indulging himself at @MMJ2017's expense - just give it up, dude! - wherever equality resides it sure is not here no more - indeed if it ever was...

    As for equality... right now it's simply academic, 'cos under capitalism it's all base economics (personal and global) that inform both individual and collective possibility.

    EDIT: That's not to say that lively, engaged dialogue shouldn't be encouraged :wink:
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
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  11. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    If "down" is "up" then....it's "up", not "down". This looseness of language is .......disturbing. But widespread. The END cannot be far away. I mean, when one mashes words up like this, there's little point in categories, and the purpose of language is simply defunct. What's the point in saying anything........

    Maybe. :D

    As I had thought at the start of this thread, I still think now......"what's the use?" Kudos to you (and MMJ) for having the energy to engage. I am at the end of the road, at least regarding 'online engagement', maybe otherwise too. Up is down, and black is white. <shrug> I'm done. lol
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
  13. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    interesting to see different perspectives.

    on point 1. i am glad i am not the only one to think that. for one who claims to appreciate 'plain speaking', it is a convoluted mess. maybe 'plain speaking' is just a dumb device.

    i think MMJ and i have lukewarm agreement on the kernel of the argument. i am more just critiquing the procedure and methodology. as much as my limits will allow. MMJ keeps retreating to this weird meta-stance(position?) which i can not really attack effectively. so i guess the precious ideas are safe for the time being. i may be forced to go full ontology, but you know what they say about going full ontology.

    personally i think 'equality', in a limited characterization, is just a tool like any other 'non-real'(metaphysical) tools. so i already think it does not exist and has never existed, but as i have already said, "my stupid opinion is just as worthless as the next [in this context]". hope that clears that up for you. i can assure you, i did not have any credibility to begin with, so i have nothing to lose. ;)
  14. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    it's a thing.

    it probably takes very expensive sophisticated manipulation initiatives to achieve such moronic results.

    i understand your sentiment. i think that is the desired effect of these types of said initiatives. i am completely irrational therefore impervious to any undesirable effects.
  15. techdevil

    techdevil Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2017
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  16. Well, equality's OK, but most people prefer Equilibrium. Or Fabfilter. Or UAD.

    Or Pultec. Or Voxengo.
  17. techdevil

    techdevil Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2017
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    by spooky coincidence it just made an apperance on other site. prehaps its a sign? :) of what I'm not entirley sure!
  18. I expect we're all equally confused.
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  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    First of all making comment which stems into me describing a portion of myself related to the topic is none of the things you are describing and attempted attacks you are making. I am positive that you are intelligent enough to know this already which leads me to believe that you are playing a devil's advocate , fair enough except the logical response to such attempted attacks is .
    Me giving a person clarrification of my psychological experience , in connection to the topic is none of the things you have just described . Lol your simply being unreasonable for the sake of it. ( Rebel without a cause) is not an honorable position for you behaving as you have chosen in this instance and context is you not using your words to describe the truth , instead you are using your words as manipulation. Please take enough responsibility to attempt to speak truthfully as that responsibility is what leads to meaning .
  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I had an appointment with my ontologist. She said, do you want the good news or the bad news first. I asked for the bad news and she said, "Your argument's shit and this thread really doesn't exist", so I then asked what could possibly be the good news, and she replied, "There is none, I was just fucking with you".
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
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