3k Computer and still dropouts and cpu Spikes - what am I Missing?

Discussion in 'PC' started by ThugLife, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Have you unparked your CPU Cores? Use this http://coderbag.com/Programming-C/CPU-core-parking-manager-v3

    Or do the following:
    1. Open Regedit
    2. Select Edit > Find... and find this key: 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583
    Within this key, there is a value called: " ValueMax " This value represents the % number of cores the system will park
    4. Change the value of " ValueMax" to 0 so that, it matches " ValueMin "
    5. You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found. To do this go back up to Edit > Find Next.
    6. Reboot

    Note: I dont know whether there would be an improvement in W10 as it is in W7
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  2. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Thank you mono,

    Alex moukala i think was his Name. He's the guy i was referring to when I Said there are people having a worse Setup than mine, he said for Himself he only has 16GB of ram and im sure no better cpu and he is the one loading loads of instances of Kontakt into fl and he's also the one who bought me to the idea of increasing the timebase. And his PC is also having Hard time at some point of course but I dont see him playing percussion, a brass, Hi string, lo string Patch and a piano, all purged timebase, buffer increased and so on having big problems. His problems happen on points where I think I would not get to because my machine wont let me even though its a better machine. I spent so much on it because I thought having ssd only would be the Solution as you can stream data so much faster, and it really is a blessing but in that case it seems to make not that of a big difference.
    What i'd like to point out with that is, why does fl and Kontakt work for Alex moukala but not for you and not for me. You should Not have had to switch to s1.
    To be fair i think I could even push it as far as him, and maybe I just want to much.
    To take him as reference one more time, I dont think my Performance is really that much worse than his, but to be honest, I thought by investing all that and buying all this, I could make a Hans Zimmer Arrangement without a hiccup (theoretically).
    Maybe I was too positive on that haha

    And yes youre right many helpful people.

    I really appreciate all of you
  3. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Adjusting the processor scheduling option has great impact on sound quality.

    Setting the Win32PrioritySeparation parameter to 0×14 (hexadecimal) gives optimal results. You can change the value in registry by doing the following:

    1. Open Regedit.
    2. Go to:


    3. Double click "Win32PrioritySeparation"
    4. Change the 2 to 14 and hit "OK"
    5. Reboot
  4. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Increase the priority of the IRQ of your DAC and System CMOS/real time clock and decrease the priority System Tinker, Keyboard, Mouse and Mumeric Data Processor

    Many of the processes on the Windows machines have different "priorities" for interrupt requests. Microsoft determined which processes should have higher priorities than others. We can increase or decrease the priority of certain process by adding code to the registry.
    The standard IRQs are (From Wikipedia):
    IRQ 0 — system timer
    IRQ 1 — keyboard controller
    IRQ 2 — cascaded signals from IRQs 8–15
    IRQ 3 — serial port controller
    IRQ 4 — serial port controller
    IRQ 5 — LPT port 2 or sound card;
    IRQ 6 — floppy disk controller;
    IRQ 7 — LPT port 1 or It is used for printers
    IRQ 8 — CMOS/Real Time Clock
    IRQ 9 — The Interrupt is left open for the use of peripherals
    IRQ 10 — The Interrupt is left open for the use of peripherals
    IRQ 11 — The Interrupt is left open for the use of peripherals
    IRQ 12 — mouse on PS/2 connector
    IRQ 13 — CPU co-processor or integrated floating point unit or inter-processor interrupt
    IRQ 14 — primary ATA channel
    IRQ 15 — secondary ATA channel

    Find out what the IRQ of your USB DAC, mouse, etc. is by doing the following:

    Go to Start Menu > Accessories > System Tools > System Information >Hardware Resources > IRQs

    To increase or decrease the priorities of IRQs do the following:

    1. Open Regedit.

    2. Go to:


    3. Add the IRQs to the registry. To do that click on: Edit >New >DWORD(32-bit) Value >then type in the following: IRQ#####Priority (Note that ##### is the IRQ number you are working on)

    4. Double click and change the Priority level just as you change the level in "Win32Priority Separation parameter".(You are not suppose to use the same Priority level twice. 1 being the highest and 99 being the lowest)

    5. Do the same for each device you want to which you want to chage its priority.

    6. Reboot.
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  5. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I would say yes but it's not that easy to Say since I use them for different Tasks. But yes in fl by producing a beat with my vsts and on pro tools by Mixing my recorded vocals in a Session where a few busses and the plugins on them already messed it up. I have other DAWs on my System but dont Really use them so I dont really have experience with that.

    Sorry haha what is unparking the cpu cores? Is it like overclocking? The k of the 8700k? :D
    No to be honest not really, im Not really a Computer nerd, I just find myself Turning into one by all the problems i solved and solve haha
  6. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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  7. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Samsung download link to their Samsung windows 7 NVMe driver

    Seriously dude, if i were you i'd switch to win7 - i'm 99.9% certain that once you've tweaked it, you'll enjoy considerably more stability and better performing DAW experience overall.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
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  8. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Thank you @The Pirate thats s really good idea and i will definetely give this one s try. But i will have to delay that til tomorrow. Seems a Bit overwhelming for me but you really have a detailed instruction. I will look into that tomorrow. May i just in case abuse your inbox If I find myself trapped up?
  9. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Thank you all for your Suggestions and Effort so far. Unfortunately i'll have to sleep now but I will look into all of your ideas tomorrow and of course let you know if any of these lead me to the Solution.
    It's really nice to have so many people taking care of that.

    And @Paul Pi im 100% with you, I would have never switched If it Wasnt for the nvme Support and you are the First One i know besides me that ran into the exact Same Problem and i wish i would have Figured this out earlier but really this Took me so much time blood and sweat to Set up, I ran into so many problems and solved em all except for this one here, I really would only go through this if I really have to. To be honest I didnt face that many problems by switch Ing to win 10 as I thought I would. There are so many reasons i dont wanna bore you with But before I didnt try everything else, I can not do this.
    Who knows, Lucky as I am the PA aax bundle protection would be changed tomorrow and i would end up losing them. This would be a Moment of suicidal thoughts :P
  10. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    First, which motherboard are you using?

    Did you check that all PC temperatures are good?

    Did you check the Windows 10 Event Viewer if any issues show up?

    Does it make any difference if you use onboard audio with ASIO4ALL instead?

    Did you try to unplug EVERY USB device? And I mean ALL, including USB Hubs, audio, mouse and keyboard. Boot up with nothing but mouse and keyboard, start your DAW, let it run (use onboard audio for this test) and then unplug even mouse and keyboard (I once indeed had a keyboard causing similar issues!) - compare this to onboard audio with all USB devices plugged in (except for audio), any difference?

    You could use a Windows Profiler to tell you where the bottlenecks are, but this is quite an advanced topic.

    You may of course try running Windows 7 or a Hackintosh - you may test it by running it from a USB stick.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
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  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Disable the (N)etwork (I)nterface (C)ard too, you can find it in Device Manager > Network adapters. In fact, disable everything that you don't use :)

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  12. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Sorry maybe a dumb question but you mean install a program called bitlocker and checking for encryption or how do i do this? Sorry never heard of that.

    Sorry Same dumb question. May I ask what NIC is and where to disable it?

    Thank you :)

    Can i do this without Messing my System up and just for testing purposes? And if win 7 would really be the Solution, wouldnt it be a better idea to make it a dual Boot System without Messing my System up and how much space would that additionally take. Sorry for those 1000 questions.
    And last... If it was possible, would i be able to use my plugin licenses on both win 10 and 7, so that I dont mess them up or have to install them twice on Once on each System?
  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @ThugLife Another thing to keep in mind is that Focusrite hates USB hubs. Your Focusrite should be connected directly to the USB2 port.
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  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @ThugLife If you are going to install W7 you should try the W7 lite. Visit the W7 thread and read about it or send me a PM.
  15. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    If I had one thing connected to a USB port it would be the audio interface :wink:
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  16. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    win7 is the most optimized for audio production. i'm at 128samples on an i5 with only 8gb ram/ssd/hdd combo , rock solid, inaudible latency, can run plenty omnisphere/drum machine/32 audio/100 plugin no prob, smooth sailing. something is seriously wrong with your system.
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  17. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    I hope they can help you resolve your issue. :bow:

    Had to edit @Paul Pi b4 you know what happened. lol.
  18. Grandy

    Grandy Member

    Jun 1, 2015
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    if you can try win7, also try different usb ports. i'm on hackintosh and i had dropouts on my midi keyboard and figured that it cant be connected on the same usb bus as my focusrite 2i4. anyway, run latencymon and advance from there
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  19. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    You certainly can dual boot win7 and win10. It's a bit involved but luckily there a many online resources to guide you through the process. If you do wanna go that route the windows installations will need to be on seperate drive partitions/drives. Frankly, i can't see the attraction myself - i mean if you wanted to dual-boot win and hackintosh or linux it'd make much more sense...

    1. Back up win10 (using true image or some such software).
    2. Install win7, latest drivers (using the excellent, open-source Snappy Driver Installer) & optimise...
    3. Install FL, kontakt and some core VSTs.
    4. Stress test the f*!k out of it.
    5. Bathe in waves of consumer joy & tech satisfaction.

    In the unlikely scenario whereby you don't see a significant performance improvement, simply restore your current win10 and no harm done. :wink:
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  20. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    Just to throw this in, I have a very old PC (intel i7-2600) and I have a hackintosh and Windows 10 dual boot (I use Windows only very rarely though, macOS is just so much better) - however, I have NO ISSUES with Windows 10 and Cubase 10 whatsoever. And I did NOTHING to optimize ANYTHING AT ALL for audio. I even have just a cheap $30 Behringer USB Sound device. And everything runs smooth and I don't hit any limits even with low latency and lots of Kontakt libraries loaded.

    So it CAN be done with Windows 10. Obviously.

    More often than not there are small things which hurt the whole system. USB devices come to mind first. But Windows is also incompatible with Crucial MX SSDs, they cause spikes in the system load. Most users won't notice this, but you will, if you run music software at its limits.
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