Pro Tools Users Abandoning Apple Mac For Microsoft Windows. New Poll Shows Alarming Results

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by floond, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    My intention was not to bash Apple, I just sayed that the current situation is quite disturbing. The only solution for me an others is to built Hackintoshes since Apple do not offer the Hardware we are looking for. peace
  2. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Ya know I feel ya to a certain extent...But as a Mac user I don't find anything "disturbing. I have extremely low issues with my Macs over 30 years and I am a power user. It has always done exactly what I wanted it to do with any software I chose and has never failed me.

    Now I, never ever ever liked or "felt" good about the actual MS-DOS format way before Microsoft realized that the Mac OS was superior and switched it's OS to mimic the Mac's with "Windows" desktop OS. I even remember when a lot of "PC" users were complaining so hard to Microsoft about them not having a desktop OS like my Mac did! How quickly most forget. Or most young folk here wouldn't even know. The system OS that powers the PC users world of today wouldn't even exist without Apple! Apple has always been ahead of Microsoft in the OS department. Microsoft didn't even make computers until 2008!

    So isn't it interesting that people forget how much of a true genius Steve Jobs was. Now, I never cared who he was or what he did. All I needed to know was that the Mac existed. And many moons later it has been the sharp edge of my sword for cutting edge Music Production.

    To have simplicity and amazing depth is what attracted me at 1st to Apple computers. I remember being in the Sam Ash music store, Paramus NJ in 1989 getting ready to buy $30K worth of music/studio equipment and wondering whether to get the Roland MC 500 or the Macintosh SE. I chose wisely and purchased the Mac SE and never looked back. Hm...How many here used or knew what a Roland MC 500 is or a Mac SE? lol.

    Now I have owned and had to use a a PC at my in between jobs over the years, but I always ended up getting rid of them right after or some still sit in storage collecting dust. But that is just me. As that is what I think of Windows based PC's.

    Always wanted to dab in trying a Hackintosh, I'm a curious fellow sometimes...but I know folk that say stay away! Mostly because it is not a stabile format that if it breaks you may never know what the problem is until days later and my work is too critical for that kinda down time. As well as the horror stories I have read about online. Can't chance it.

    The bottom line is do what ever is best for you. Comparing Mac vs Pc is really like comparing Apples vs Beets to But all the Apple hating does nothing constructive and there will never be a winner. Just what people believe is a winner in their own minds.

    Lastly I end with this...If you are honest with yourself at AS...How many Apple users run around here bashing PC's... vs PC users Bashing Apple/Mac etc...every chance they get? Just check the threads..I bet you won't be surprised at that!! :bleh:

    Have a great week AS! :wink:

    P.S. I know AS is worldwide but something tells me most people here that don't like Apple are not Americans...Just wondering if my thought is correct? :bow:
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
  3. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    amazing how apple still makes ++... nwo at its best....and pls no criticism against apple in front of a applestore...otherwise facebook inquisition of apple iphone udegeneratedsers will wipe ya , and youre children get mobbed in school...
  4. Charlomagne

    Charlomagne Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Buenos Aires
    I used to be a big Apple fan in 80's & 90's, when Mackintosh builted greatest computers.
    Suddenly, all my hardware went out date. I should bought another Mac, my G4 went to the garbage room. (2004)
    In AVID duc forum I get help and built my New Asus Sabertooth. No Hackintosh or other shit. Just Win 7 64 bits. No cheap but every day I remembering crossing as my happiest decision, and it works really great!
    0 issues, good warez...
    No way back.
  5. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Microsoft isn't American ?
  6. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Yes, but you're not American, lol! And see...I've noticed most of the unfavorable or negative comments seem to come from non-americans.

    In that comment I was referring to the people that are making those comments. Like Blue, wasgedn, Fudsey Plange, tzzsmk, Aileron...but I wonder about where the rest are from as well. Just check the 1st page for others. Just wondering.
  7. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    What?! :deep_facepalm: :rofl:
  8. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    ELK is the first ultra-low latency Music Operating System in the world. It’s developed specifically for audio applications, eliminating latency, allowing you to leverage the power of software technology in real time via strings, keys, buttons and knobs instead of a mouse.
    Ultra-low latency (below 1ms round-trip)
    Linux-based, using single Intel & ARM CPUs
    Official Support for VST plugins (also written in JUCE) & Rack Extension
    Natively connected (USB, WiFi, BT, 4G)
    Full MIDI support

    ELK is a Music Operating System (MOS) for use in embedded environments which provides unmatched ultra low latency performance using general purpose CPUs or ARMs. This, combined with ELK’s SDK, which makes it easy for developers of VST and RE plugins to support ELK, will usher in a new era where the power, flexibility and selection of audio and music software can be run in real time on embedded hardware.
    Key features
    ELK allows musicians and audio producers to:
    UPGRADE their instruments and audio processors with new plugins, sounds or features
    CONNECT their instruments and processors to external controllers, like mobile devices, as well as the internet
    SHARE instantly, performances, sounds and settings online
    By allowing hardware manufacturers to tap into the vast ecosystem of high quality software instruments and processors, ELK empowers musicians and producers by both enhancing their existing computer based systems and allowing them to leave their computers at home when they go to the gig. Bringing all their favorite plugins and presets from their DAW with them in their ELK-enabled devices.
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  9. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    i think it is:dunno:
  10. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    I remember when Apple workers were complaining so hard to Steve Jobs about not having a graphical UI like Xerox does, that Jobs had to offer Xerox lots of Apple shares in the end, just to grant the Apple staff a look at what Xerox created.

    Jobs saw why his workers liked the Xerox idea and followed the path for the Apple Lisa. Which failed to sell, because the hardware was crap (sounds familiar?). But the Xerox idea was out there and picked up by Apple Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, Digital Research and IBM of course. Btw. not just the Xerox idea of a GUI but also the Xerox idea of object oriented programming.

    Actually, my Mac failed me some times. Especially when Apple rewrote the USB drivers for Sierra. Some of my USB devices not only stopped working, but some even caused a ton of issues for the Mac. My mac also has lots of issues with connecting my second monitor, I never found out why. My hackintosh on the other hand never failed me. For some reason the drivers of the hackintosh community didn't have the issues of the original Mac and the graphics card works perfectly with my monitors.

    But even I still have a Mac and just in case of emergency I would have to plug the external Timemachine backup into the original Mac and be all set to continue working in 20 minutes. Never happened - but it's good to know I could do it.

    And I actually would buy another original Mac if there was anything I could live with. But there isn't.

    I'm not a fanboy. I couldn't care less about Apple or Microsoft. I want to get work done, that's all. And as I spend 8 hours a day with it, I like it to be as comfortable as possible. Apple hardware just sucks. But Windows is beyond garbage. I cant even read the tiny, thin, ugly fonts on Windows. I can't find a screen resolution which would even come anywhere near the readability and screen real estate of a mac. Going from MacOS to Windows is like going from a PC to a smartphone. Why would I ever want to work 8 hours a day on a smartphone? I won't. I leave that to the snapchat kids. So Windows is just a no go. Doesn't make Apple good though. Windows is just that bad and ugly, it doesn't even play in the same league as MacOS.

    So why do *I* complain about Apple? Because they are on a path to hell. And I would absolutely HATE to be forced to go to Windows if Apple doesn't get their shit together.

    Apple users, PC users... sometimes I get the impression we are talking about religion. From BOTH sides. I don't give a shit on Apple or Windows, just give me something I can work with and I happily switch to Linux, Android or China OS, if that's the best to get my stuff done. So far, MacOS is still the best - by far. But it's losing ground quickly. Not because others are catching up - I really wished, but they are not - but because Apple is ruining it with their crappy hardware.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
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  11. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America some it just might be a form of religion. But, I don't see any other format catching up or one that would even come close to enticing me to switch. And I won't do it just for more "Tryable" 1st plugins...It's not worth it.

    Speaking of PC and Windows...Do you see that new thread and the crazy problems that PC user is having with his $3000.00 new computer that
    he just got? Again, I just saw that and it's reinforces my earlier point. Never that with Mac.

    3k Computer and still dropouts and cpu Spikes - what am I Missing?
    Discussion in 'PC' started by ThugLife, Today at 4:49 PM.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  12. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    mm? what is that in sky? do you want a glass of water?
  13. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    Those where the days. Xerox PARC is quite famous for inventing the graphical user interfaces like we all use today. But many people think it was Apple. It wasn't. Jobs wouldn't even have thought of it, if he wasn't forced by his workers to visit Xerox.

    The one who was complaining the loudest about not going the Xerox way was a guy called Jef Raskin, who is known today as the father of the Macintosh. Took him quite a long time and lots of efforts to actually convince Steve Jobs to visit Xerox. Jobs didn't want to. Jobs wanted to go on with what the Apple II had been. No graphical user interface, no mouse. Until he finally saw what Xerox did.

    There were a lot of issues when Apple changed their USB implementation. Lots and lots of older (and even newer) hardware wasn't working anymore. Like printers and especially scanners. But even some things as simple as an USB Hub stopped working completely.

    That's actually one thing I don't like about Apple. Upgrading is always dangerous. You never know what it will break in hardware and software. (And I don't mean for hackintosh, but for genuine Macs)

    I solved the issues I had back then by using a hackintosh instead of Apple hardware. Living a happy life ever since. :)

    I did. Tried to help him already. Well, Windows has by far more issues than macOS, without a doubt. But I personally could live with that. I had to fix quite some things about the Mac as well in past - e.g. my Mac didn't work with my network storage, I had to code some scripts by myself to make it work. Macs also have lots of issue with getting HDs to actually sleep and not waking them up every 30 minutes (but Windows has the same problems), I had to, again, write some scripts to fix this. However, still more issues with Windows. But as I said above, I just can't work with Windows, it's just too damn ugly and unreadable - and the usability is just a huge pile of crap. I could live with many other issues and fix them, but that's broken beyond fixing and I can't live with that.
  14. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Well, I'm sorry you have had some issues. I guess Apple could never be perfect. But I just can't understand why I haven't had any that lasted more than a few minutes or that were easily resolved. Maybe I'm lucky. Now 3rd party software...thats a whole other story.

    Glad you tried to help the guy. I got dizzy by all the things that were suggested just to try and fix his issues. Now if he were on a mac...
    5 minutes and he would up and running. At least I could. I have proven to be great at resolving any mac issues. But they are few and in between. As a matter of fact all the folks in my circle use macs and won't come near a windows based PC. About 25 people.
    But a few do have Android phones, lol.
  15. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    If you don't want see bad points simply because it's American....If something French sucks I won't say it's good.
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  16. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I love it ! but unfortunately wont that help If you liek some Software which is Windows or macOS only :/
  17. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    We can't compare Mac OS and Windows. Windows (Vista) 7 was the last MSoft attempt to compete with Apple in nice and productive GUIs. Since Windows 7 the basic requirements have barely augmented.

    I had since last year a very old MacBook Air with 2GB RAM and Core2 Duo 1,86Ghz CPU (late 2010). Just to launch Safari in the mandatory minimal version of Mac OS brought the old bastard to its knees. So I installed Windows 7, tweaked it like I have now Windows 10 (more work with Win10 but still possible) and at least I could surf the web.

    Then there's the hardware fragmentation, backwards-hell compatibility (only God knows how Windows 95 could run with that cluster-shit mix of 16 and 32 bit components), and so on...

    BTW, my first PC in 1992 came with this DR-DOS (digital research) instead of the MS-DOS. It worked better, it had already a "move" files command, for instance. Something Ms-DOS didn't have until like 3 years later lol
    And I think in that mythic Xerox research lab they also invented the first usable mouse.
  18. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    The mouse was actually developed by Douglas Englebart at Stanford Research. Depends on your definition of "usable", as of course there wasn't any graphical user interface back then. :winker:
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  19. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Hey Blue...It wasn't about not commenting on Apple being an American company...It was that I noticed most negative comments about Apple not coming from Americans. That was my curiousity. And I think Apple is great. But that is just my opinion. Also, If I thought that anything
    sucked it wouldn't matter what country it was from, lol. :cool:

    @Xupito...Why would you try a New OS by Mac on an"Old Mac"? All of the Mac OS's have timelines. And FYI, that never has bothered
    me one bit. I never install New Mac Os'es on Old Mac Computers. :mad: Especially with just 2 gigs of Ram! Macbook Air...Never even
    thought about trying that one.

  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I know what you're thinking: I could have installed Snow Leopard or whatever Mac OS fitted in the MacBook, and I tried.
    But Apple drops support for important features very fast. Calendar, iTunes, Cloud, some of them were actually useful for me. Like family calendar, my sister and brother in law are mac-iphone guys (lol they know it and they admit it, first stage...).
    I think there was problems even for updating your Chrome/Safari... deal breaker.

    So what I meant was: I installed Windows 7 and it ran slow but fine, and within the possibilities of the ancient laptop I could use the latest features. Not that MSoft doesn't do it, but in very very slower pace.
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