Error importing AAF files into Protools

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by j.cnnr, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Hello, I'm trying to export a session from Studio One 4.3 in AAF format, but when i try to open it in Protools 12.5, an error always appears, and PT closes. I have tried all kinds of combinations when exporting but nothing changes.
    I would appreciate any help.
    Thank you.
  3. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    You need to be more specific. First, are you on Mac or Windows? Second, what does the error is telling you? If you dont tell us how can we help you?

    "Could not complete the Import Tracks command because an unexpected error happened while trying to find a media file's location"?

    "Pro Tools can't find xxx audio files"?

    "Could not create new document because an unexpected error happened while trying to determine the file's timecode format?"

    And there are dozens more error messages. Get the drift? BTW, I have 12.5 and can import, drag and drop any AAF without issues. Win 7 Lite.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2019
  4. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Sorry for my mistake, i work with Windows 10 April 2018 Update, the error says "Error reading AAF WAVE Data"
    I tried exporting with a video track and without it, but although i have read that could be that, it does not work in my case.
  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Can you send me one of the files by PM? I can open it on my end and send it back to you to see if it opens. Then we can take it from there, instead of me telling you to do 100 things
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2019
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  6. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Hello, thanks for your help

    I'm about to start the audio postproduction of a short film, and i will need to use midi instruments besides samples, and for that reason i feel more comfortable doing all the editing in Studio One, taking advantage of its ability to synchronize audio/video and its friendly way to work with audio and midi .... Then i will export it to an AAF session, to give the final synchronization and mixing in Protools.

    This is the first time i try it, so i have started to test, creating a song project in Studio One, with some tracks that i have exported previously from Ableton (the DAW with i work normally) then i have save it as an AAF file, but every time i try to open it in Protools, the same error appears: "Error reading AAF WAVE Data"

    However, if i try to create other Studio One session, but this time ony importing random samples from my post-production libraries, and save it as AAF, then Protools opens it up without problems, so i come to the conclusion that it has something to do with how those tracks that i have use are exported from Ableton, as they are named, or something similar, since the samples of my post production libraries are named with numeric characters and symbols, but the same error is not reproduced as if the AAF contains tracks exported from Ableton.

    I hope have explained me well
    Thanks again.
  7. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    The problem you described has been occurring for years. Avid has not and is not going to fix it. The solutions vary from user to user. If you visit Avid's site you are going to read dozens of different solutions. Change file name, do this , do this, do that. That is why I asked you to send me one of the files you were having a problem with.
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  8. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    ""while trying to find a media file's location""

    looks like an error in the adress. If you're on windows, maybe the folder has some mac character in his naming (a dash for instance).
    Try and take all the files out of the folder and create a new one anywhere else and put them in. (or just fully rename the folder) Try again.

    Its just an idea
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
  9. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Ok, frankly, this is the first time that i consider doing this operation, and i thought it was something i did wrong, but now i see that isn't,

    I would have sent the file, but neither is it a project that needs to be opened urgently, and with the tests that i have done, now i already understand more or less that is not cause of a mistake when export, and i will try to find some alternative solution, anyway i thank you infinitely for your interest and your help :thumbsup:

    It seems like a joke, if i try to record some notes in several tracks in Studio One, then i do an audio bounce of them, eliminate the remaining midi tracks, the audio tracks are named with such basic names as "Mai tai 1" "Mai Tai 2" etc., Finally save the project,save the session in AAF, Try to open in PT, and the same error is repeated..... But instead, if i make the same, loading a project in Studio One, with 20 tracks of random samples from my libraries, and the tracks are named with complex extensions, like : "SF-CK Air Release Small 08" or "Bluezone-BC0197-falling-metal-debris-010" Protools imports the AAF session without any problem. :woot:
  10. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Yes, I have tried all kinds of solutions that have to do with renaming tracks and folders with more basic names, but it has not solved the problem.

    Actually, it's like my PT do not want to open AAF, that contain tracks that have been exported from other DAW
  11. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Yes, welcome to PT’s wonderful world of AAF Imports..
    That error somehow seems solvable, I’ve seen far worse.

    Do you wanna continue try solving this issue, or will you try another workflow?
    If the former, I would look at the metadata of files coming from Ableton.. does it maybe add something PT doesn’t like?

    -You do work with the same samplerate?
    -Try the AAF export/import with monofiles..
    -AAF imports can go wrong when files are linked-to their original destination, instead of being true copies. I don’t know how Studio One handles these..
    - Ableton & S-One are closed when importing the AAFs?
  12. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    In fact i think i have found the solution for my problem, at least for the AAF files created with Studio One 4.1.3

    All the times I've tried to export my AAF Tests, the configuration has always been "32bit float" "48khz" because i always work with that audio quality....
    I have discovered that if in the AAF configuration window in S1, Change "32 bit float" by "24 bit", then Protools opens without problem any kind of AAF that i have exported from S1, No matter how the tracks are named, or the DAW from where i have bounced them.....

    The funny thing is when opening the AAF in Protools,it gives me the option to load the session in "32bit float"

    (I leave captures in case someone needs )

    Could it be simply that as AAF Export is a new feature in S1, and what i have discovered is just a bug that will be solved in the future?

    Anyway thank you very much to all of you who have helped, if someone is with the same problem as me and needs help, can write me a PM. :thumbsup:

    captura aaf studio one.PNG Captura aaf protools.PNG
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
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