R2R falling apart?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Caldera, Jan 31, 2019.

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  1. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    since teams up their own shit they surely stands for clickbait in titles...lmao

    and generally were was a clickbait title ...? show me !

    this guys are so funny they not able to see all the parts involved in this world heh heh...
    how bout to go to i am cameran aka aka aka and his mokezzy site..there you would be right..
    or the scamming money sites...
    even tracer is gone...chaos was spitting hard back in day...now i kno exactly why...hours and hours of time spend and giving it to share only to hear such cucko iq less stuff
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2019
  2. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    r2r vs rule breaking vr ...watch it....pure perfection

    fill in r2r for buakaw and vr for the other,the japanese is vr in this case...
    the dude makes great vids with great music ...worth watching

    piece out did get much more beat up in nfo from h2o...and now they topdogs...
    vr has another propulsion then r2r...we will see
    r2r does it for bathing in code...vr just want the fast win..and in the end i am right with my conclusions i posted earlier
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2019
  3. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    damn.... I tried to crack Pluglin Alliance complete bundle. I falied.
    As revenge, I pulled Orchestral Tools Inspire 2 Delicate Piano Tm patch and sight read the theme from movie "IT".

    I felt 10000000 times better than download the PA bundle.
    I dare anyone to do the same.
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  4. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    r2r fallen apart part rls again..
    over 10 RELEASES:hahaha:how could this be...they must have ignore mode on all the time..
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2019
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  5. DrumHead

    DrumHead Producer

    Dec 2, 2018
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    The only thing falling apart is the OP and this thread -----the second it was conceived.........:snuffy:
  6. MaXe

    MaXe Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Believe it or not R2R has become weak and Audio scene teams are not like old days. We will never have legends like Team AiR.
    Believe it or not, Team AiR was the team which released Cubase 5 and after going down, no other team has ever been able to make proper release compared to the one AiR released. Believe it or not, that's the truth. I don't hate nobody. But the fact is, some things will never repeat.
  7. Knucklehead

    Knucklehead Ultrasonic

    Aug 30, 2015
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    @MaXe so reversing ilok protection like AU & R2R did (just as an example) is just a thing you do between drinkin coffee and reading some newspaper right? And any other protection is just easy to break on the fly? The only weak thing nowadays is the community...Crying for more day n night...If there aren't 10 releases per day, threads like this just pop up...
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  8. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    and we end on that, very true
  9. ontschoeit

    ontschoeit Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2017
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    Haha, r2r releases a shit ton of stuff and
    @OP is falling apart
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  10. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Well, maybe your position is not the moral high ground. You'd claimed it was, and I allowed for that possibility.

    "If you are not a thief, my message should not offend you. If you are one, my message is worth thinking about...that’s all.."

    But what is this thinking? You acknowledge that I acknowledge that there is [for some] defensiveness and/or denial.
    So, what will be the thinking? As I said, and you imply with the mention of shame, mostly increased defensiveness and/or denial.
    You claim your message is the helping hand when I just pointed out that in most cases, due to your tone and attitude, it is not.
    As I said:
    Those who claim the moral high-ground, rightly or not, might reach down to lend a hand so that others might be lifted, not step on them.
    I see no bend in your posture. No reaching down. Only attempts to shame and ridicule.
    I suspect you haven't a clue how to really help anyone strengthen their moral character.
    If you had power over someone you might by force prevent immoral actions on their part, but that would not increase their moral strength.
    It is by being able to confess sins that we can face them and by forgiving ourselves that we can strive for redemption, and it is the striving that builds strength. (I happen to be an atheist, but the religious model is correct.)
    Anyway, attempting to somehow force moral action via shame or ridicule won't work well in an anonymous group.
    In this scenario you need to inspire some motivation for change in most people because it really is all up to them.
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  11. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    1.I don't believe for a second that someone would invest hours after hours, years after years of work, risking getting caught and put to jail, just for a penniless fame within underground community. No one is that dumb cause it doesn't make sense. Would you do it? I mean, really do it?
    2. Although I'm a user of R2R services, I couldn't find an ethical or moral justification for doing that and I'm all open to hear one. There is no excuse for stealing someones work and give it for free unless someones life depends on it.

    I'm not bashing on R2R cause, as I mentioned, I'm using their releases and I don't want them gone. However, some people seem very passionate in R2R defence as if they know that they are fighting for a good cause. I wonder what is their justification (other than financial) for using pirated software!?
  12. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Tell that to all the young geeks who had broken security doors from federal, governmental and intelligence agencies as well as many more private companies, including banks, all over the world. Most of them done it only for fame, were in jail, get no money out of their "exploits" and are totally ignored by History.
    On an other level, more glorious and popular, we can name: Edward Snowden, Bradley Birkenfeld, Bradley Manning, Alexander Nikitin, Julian Assange...
    And at the top level, rest in peace all our heroes who gave their live to protect us (and more probably big companies' interests) in foreign wars; they've made the ultimate sacrifice to gain... what? A posthumous medal. Can you remember the name of only one of them? Me neither.
    - To be able to try without limitations, when and as long as I need;
    - To avoid losing money in overrated products (mainly Kontakt banks) who catch your attention by a great but misleading marketing and do not offer any trial period.
    - To quickly "play" with 99% of them before... throwing them in my recycle bin.
  13. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    I have never liked these messages, I do not like to talk about them either. but I find it disrespectful to speak badly about R2R.
    I am the first one that I would like to see Plugin Alliance 2019 R2R, but if it is not, nothing happens.
    Does not anyone have enough with all the amount of release they have released? updates? you are not enjoying Eventide? among others....

    If someone can do better than them, prove it.
    You, the one you criticize so much, why do not you show what you know how to do?

    If not, better shut up.
  14. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    A lot of material to discuss here that you seem to not understand the difference.

    Hacking a bigass worldwide known institution and causing the worldwide mainstream media talking about something you did is a huge gratification to your ego.

    Snowden and alikes are the Whistleblowers. No point of comparing them with piracy.

    -Reaper gives you 60 day fully functional evaluation.
    -FL Studio gives you basically a fully functional evaluation. The only restriction is not being able to load saved projects.
    -Ableton Suite is no limits for 30 days.

    What else do you want from trial software?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
  15. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    I said "ON ANOTHER LEVEL", it means what it means. The psychological engine that drives individuals such as a young geek, Snowden or R2R to act altruistically is the same - glory, gratification, recognition, personal satisfaction... name it as you want - but not at the same level: little exploit gives little glory; big exploit gives big glory.

    Aly James Lab gave me his Linn LM-1 for free to try it as long as I wanted and with no limitation (except that it was the v1.0 x86).
    I've bought it 2 years later.

    @ Cafenegro and all other R2R haters, please read this and the complete related thread it comes from:

    "We actually share our copy protection method with every company who asks, for free. More than 80 companies have deployed our timebomb strategy and the idea that "inviting" warez users might actually create a sale. It turns piracy into a marketing instrument. That's the modern way of protectionism.
    Cheers, - Urs (Hekmann, from uh-e)"

    Did mister Hekmann was mentioning something about blackmail, racket or any other money extortion from R2R?
    Have you ever personally known or heard of a single developer who was victim of extortion from R2R?
    If so, please name it and show here a proof as an e-mail or something.
    Otherwise, go to sleep under your good conscience and your cheap morality lessons.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
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  16. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Can you spot the many contradictions in your post? One moment, I should inspire change in people. Next moment, it's really up to them. Btw, I have no illusions I can come here and change every single thief - far from that.

    Truth is a thief is a thief - and only the thief can stop stealing.

    I'm just telling it like it is: there is no moral or formal justification for stealing. Steal if that's your thing, because you're a thief. Just don't expect others to look at you like you're an equal. Expect society to look down on you. Expect to feel shame and anger when the rejection inevitably comes.

    Steal because that's what a thief does. But understand stealing is not free - it comes with a price.
  17. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    ok, i think you got your point across. so anymore to add to your misery and hardship?

    someone could easily think your daddy just got caught steeling, got sent to jail and left you in diapers in the cold, living on the streets or something..
  18. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    They want it for free - because they are used to not paying for things. They are not making their contribution to society, thus hurting other people and, most importantly, hurting themselves.

    The thieves are grateful for the R2R 'goods', the same way an addict is grateful for any free fix he gets - but he does not realize the giver is just helping in his destruction. Sad.
  19. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Man, you should see your doctor. ASAP.
  20. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Actually, I'm doing pretty well and having a great deal of fun seeing the thieves go through verbal and moral contortions trying to convince themselves and others that the shame and anger they feel is not real.

    I never stole and do not steal - it's a good life. As a human being, you deserve to experience it someday. You deserve better than being a thief, toiling in darkness and shame.

    I can show this thread, with pride, to my kids, neighbors and friends.
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