R2R falling apart?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Caldera, Jan 31, 2019.

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  1. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Stop making children. We are way too many on earth. We need SPACE and QUIET, not these brats who shout all day long and will destroy the little nature we have left.

    I never pretended these cost doesn't exist. Of course they exist, but they will be the same whether you sell one license or a million... which is obviously NOT the case with cars.
    You said 99% of the people who download illegally would never buy. And you're right: I download illegally a LOT of apps/libs which I don't buy afterwards, except an handful of them (1/100) that I find very good and useful for my HOBBY (my DAW, 4 softsynths, 1 EQ, 2 compressors, Kontakt and 5 libraries). If all the other apps I download where not illegally available, I wouldn't even DEMOING them (in fact, I wouldn't even KNOWING them). So what is the financial loss for, let's say Steven Slate, if I download illegally his complete bundle since I would never bought even one of his plugins anyway?
  2. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    You've commented more than anyone else in a thread about "cracked software". The bulk of it is you repeatedly pointing your finger at those you call "thieves".

    Now, let's talk about the worst thief to appear in this thread.. YOU

    There is no such thing as an "honest" thief. However, the best thieves understand the importance of keeping their mouth closed. And the worst thieves fail to realize that when they talk too much they ultimately reveal themselves within their own words.

    You told on yourself in the first comment you made in this thread..
    You can be sure everyone is aware that a person has to take quite some interest in cracked audio software, as well as follow the history of it long enough in order for them to know what you know. You have to be aware of all the cracked software that exists, what's possible to do, what's not possible, and the dates and times of it for you to have the ability to weed out specific products a crack team hasn't been tending to.

    You're not just a closet fan of cracked audio software.. you're a closet JUNKIE.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
  3. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Or maybe I’m an honest developer whose food is being stolen by thieves like R2R and you. Or perhaps I’m just a musician fully aware of what 90% of musicians are doing...or perhaps you’re 100% right and I’m just another thief like you, pretending to be honest!!!!

    Who knows?

    None of that, however, changes anything: stealing is stealing. People who steal software are just thieves. They feel shame and anger when called out, but the only solution for them is to stop hurting other people. Until then, they have to be called thieves because that’s what they are.
  4. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    ^^ ... and the beat goes on...

  5. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    It doesn't matter what you claim your occupation is.. developer, burger flipper, whatever. A thief can't steal what's already theirs. They grab other shit they don't have (which is what you do). According to "your" principles, you should be standing in the mirror calling yourself a thief for the remainder of the day. Because you damn sure aren't making no music if you've got all this time on your hands to be the #1 participant in this bullshit of a thread that should have been dead on arrival.

    Read the one and only comment I gave here on page 4.. (before you went haywire)
    You're the champion who took "a whole lot of nothing" all the way to page 12 with your repetitious role as a self-serving hypocrite. A closet thief with a fetish for pointing his finger in other directions. And even after you're exposed you just "keep-on keepin'-on"..
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
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  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    jeez not this again ... how many times did we have such a thread here? i ran out of numbers to count, probably have to use alephs () now!
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  7. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Dbmuzik - another angry thief.

    Please, understand it’s not me, but your own shame that makes you angry. I’m just the messenger.
  8. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Personally, I'm not ashamed nor angry at all. On the contrary, I'm proud to download audio warez. By doing this, I can try as many softs as long as I want without worried to look like a sucker fooled by the marketing bullshit which praise something buggy, rarely updated, "déjà vu", overpriced and, finally, useless.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2019
  9. NanoBeat

    NanoBeat Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2018
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    No comment! you asked for a comment...its the same comment!
  10. NanoBeat

    NanoBeat Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Hahha what can that possibly mean??
  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Well, I am not exactly a music people. I can make some sounds from a guitar, clarinet, trombone and even make the piano work some. Yes i can make some sounds, but not a music people, only a sounds person.
    I don't think you get my point. The government is individuals taking bad moral decisions, too.
    I only ask why they do it?
    Psychology ... physiology ... biology..that is why & at the bottom of it all. That's all I mean.
  12. Knucklehead

    Knucklehead Ultrasonic

    Aug 30, 2015
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    Or you are just a bored person who has nothing better to do than talking bullshit and telling the same stuff over and over again...If you are fully legit...Good for you...But pls just stop acting like "ya'll will burn in hell for using warez"...It is what it is and have always been part of every business...No matter if it's audio related stuff or let's say graphics...Or you wanna tell us you never downloaded a movie or a song? Seems like you are just another hater especially when it comes to these guys from R2R....At least 99% of your activity here is just bashing these guys with the same bs...Just a question...As you typed like a 100 times already, that they got paid by big developers , do you have any proof for that? Guess not...Have a nice day
  13. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    :hahaha: :rofl: :hahaha:

    If you think you know how everyone here feels, you should list what color pants we plan to wear tomorrow based on our feelings. Are you arrogant, a bubble gum psychologist, or a wannabe crime scene TV profiler?

    :hahaha: :rofl: :hahaha:
  14. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I feel zero shame or anger at all

    Been purposely wording my comments in ways I know it would make you comment more and more and show what you're actually about. It's actually you getting angry and likely feeling shameful.

    Nothing you have said has affected me at all. I actually feel bad for you. You must have very little life at all if you're willing to spend a lot of free time on a site you apparently despise just to call others thieves. Nothing anyone here does affects your life at all. If it actually is then you're a dev that put something out that got cracked or you're just a ego-maniac that needs to push everyone to his ways.

    Get down from that high chair, drink a bottle of milk, take a nap and STFU
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  15. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    You make assumptions... I will do the same:

    You're an audio software developer;
    And an unsuccessful one;
    You see your "babies" cracked by R2R spreading all over the net;
    You're very angry because all the money, time and effort you've put into your wonderful misleading marketing (instead of product quality) are now wasted;
    Because now everybody can try your "babies" longer than with your stupid demo period;
    So everyone who tries them may realize the real value of your work: ZERO;
    You're ashamed because of that;
    As you said: "99% of the people who download would not buy";
    And you've counted on the 1% left to feed you, but they don't buy either because, thanks to R2R, they know your products are worthless;

    Please, understand, it’s not me but your own shame that makes you angry;
    I’m just the messenger...
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2019
  16. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    so you're just blowing hot air
  17. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I didn't read this thread cause I don't care about such childish topics but since a week
    it appears every day on top of the audiosex feed and bothers + hurts my eyes so
    please, please someone who's able to, shut it down or even better: Delete it.
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  18. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Why is it such a big deal that you guys are called thieves because you regularly steal other people’s work?

    I mean, you *are* stealing. Therefore you’re a thief.

    Why are you so angry at me? Have I stated anything that is not true?

    Once again, your shame makes you angry, not me. Solution? Do the right thing. It’s a totally different feeling. Until then, your music will suffer from your self-imposed laziness and lack of character. Making music with the resources you have can be a very positive experience. You don’t need to steal.

    Don’t let people like R2R corrupt your soul for their financial benefit. Don’t let them use you to make money. You deserve better than that. You deserve better than being a soulless thief.
  19. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    It's really unfortunate that the actual statistics seem hard to define of revenue generated from a wider audience getting exposure to some software. To me sites like kvr are daunting to look at, a new plugin could easily just get swallowed amongst the waterfall of new releases listed... I've discovered devs I would've never noticed here and made purchases that worked for the dev who I (again) otherwise wouldnt have discovered, and myself.
  20. pauliewog

    pauliewog Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Who the fuck cares about who steals or makes money. I bet almost everyone downloads stuff from R2R or VR and yet people want to cast the first stone. SMFH If you think about it they are saving you money that you don't have to spend on stuff. So quit pointing fingers and someone close this pointless thread already. :rofl:
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