Acoustic Foam Placement

Discussion in 'Studio' started by mfx, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. mfx

    mfx Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Hi Guys

    I've finally splashed on some acoustic foam and have a couple of problems my research couldn't solve:

    >I have KRK Rokit 5s G2...they have front firing bass ports...what's the significance of foam behind the speakers?

    >I've located the first reflections and have covered them. My question is about the ceiling? do i put foam above the speakers or above me, what about behind me near the back wall?

    >must foam go from bottom to the top?

    >I haven't got bass traps yet and i know they are a must but my room is an open plan which makes sound travel even to the kitchen area that has many objects which diffuse the sound. i've got two corners near the setup and wonder where the bass trap should be at the bottom or top

    >do i leave spaces in-between foam?

  3. fataltone

    fataltone Newbie

    Feb 22, 2013
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    bass trap from the bottom to the top of the front left and right corners
    google soundcloud this will take care of your ceiling acoustic in your mix area
    if you're handy I wouldn't even brought the foam and if you're handy and you can return the foam right away
    check out these videos

    -Two Tone
  4. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    A real economical way to make bass trapz.....

    Go to your nearest 'home depot' , and buy some 1/4" thick cement hard board tubing.
    (These are used to pour/form cement pillars); but .... if you buy the proper diameter
    (being that of around 11 to 14 inches) ; you can line the inside of them with a cotton
    base insulation , cap off the ends with a round 1/2" piece of plywood , 'Ensure you cut
    out a hole in the plywood of aleast 6 inches at each end !!

    Then, get some egg shell 2 inch foam and brush the tubes with an adhesive , then
    wrap the foam around them. You can either hang these from your studio ceilings or place
    them in problem area's ; (ie: like the corners of your wall area's , vertically.)

    This is an old trik , but it werx like a charm !!! Plus , you'll cut your $$ cost $$ , of
    buying that STUPID high priced 'sonic's SH*T !!

    For the egg shell foam , check online at 'Amazon' ..... I couldnt believe how cheap 2.5 inch,
    even 4 inch ( 72" x 80" ) sheets were ! ! ! ! !

    NJ0y !!

    0on3 .... :drummer:
  5. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    google soundcloud is a website...I'm not sure that this will you mean sticking a monitor to the celing running google soundcloud...i can see how this may work?
    if you go to your DIY shop and mix up glycerine ice with nitric acid crystals..keep this in a paste and seal your room with it...making sure that you keep the room quite dry and hot..
    another must have these days is some sort of poopoo basis..a stratifier that locks out some of the sound molecules.
    hope this helps.
  6. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    mfx, if you need practical advice, then we need to see some photos
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