k'd .nki and legit Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Pastosss, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. Pastosss

    Pastosss Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Hi guys.

    I followed the instructions in the forum's thread Kontakt Cracked vs Legitmate Explanation and tried firstly to install a parallel R2R's older version of Kontakt, in order to install k'd libraries and make them work in my updated legit Kontakt too.
    Then, partly because the libraries I installed were not compatible with a such previous version of k'd Kontakt, and partly because the library I tried to add already appeared in DEMO MODE in the k'd Kontakt.

    So I opted for loading thru Quickload in the legit Kontakt, but some of the libraries I downloaded (all libraries from Orange Tree Studios Evolution series) still don't work: the ones that don't work are marked as "Library: ??? (not registered)", while the ones that work (loaded thru Quickload) are marked as "Library: none". I noticed that in a working library - which doesn't have a single .nki with snapshots, instead it has some .nki files in the "Presets" folder - the .nicnt file doesn't even exist.

    In addition, when I try to add them in thru Quickload, it tells me "This instrument belongs to a library which is currently not installed".

    I tried to manually txt modify the .nicnt of the .nki not working, choosing <SNPID> values that aren't conflicting with the ones in the .nicnt files associated with the .nki files I'm using, also following the suggestion that celtic3342 gave me in the thread Kontakt Wallpapers Request & Comments: to input 525 as <SNPID> value for one of the .nki files not working. I then installed the ones he prepared for me, but the library is still listed as "??? (not registered)" and they still don't work.

    Caaaan somebody please help me?
    Thank you very much

    Moderator note: no link to warez here. I edited your post but next time I'll have to clear it.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019

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  3. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    you can simply forget about , warezed Kontakt Player Librarys does not work in an legit version of Kontakt . there are an difference between Kontakt Player and Kontakt Librarys . Kontakt Player Librarys are the ones which needs to add within the Kontakt Player Window and registered without owning the full version of Kontakt . Kontakt Librarys are the ones which can load freely within Kontakt Full Version .

    and one suggestion , stop messing arround with nicnt files if you do not know what you are make there . the only thing you can do to work with those librays within an legit version of Kontakt are to buy them .
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  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You can't post links to warez here, so I've taken out every links from your text. You may want to re-write it as it's not so clear now.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019
  5. Pastosss

    Pastosss Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Sorry @Olymoon I was sure I posted threads from audiosex.pro, not links to warez.

    @TinTin OK, gotti! I understood, but the problem of some libraries showing as "none" (the ones working) and other ones showing as "??? (not registered)" still remains. And they are ALL Kontakt Player Libraries (verified thru official site of the developer), but just three of them can be imported because in the Info Pane it is shown "Library: none".
    Thank you
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019
  6. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Even the topic title is wrong here,lol.

    When you guys will understand that cracked K libraries DO NOT exist ?

    It is Kontakt cracked in order to load all libraries...
  7. Pastosss

    Pastosss Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Thank you for being precise: yes, the main issue is the validation process.
    Rather than reminding us this, and that won't help, would you rather be able to think more about what I posted?
  8. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Hm… until theres not a clear idea about how Kontakt works, theres no way to get the libraries up and running.
    Proof/evidence is this forum is litterally spammed about Kontakt, with ALWAYS the same questions !

    If you are on Mac, I could help more...

    Side question + note: why run legit and cracked versions ? It is an overcomplicate gymnic not recommended. at all ;-)
  9. Pastosss

    Pastosss Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Thank you @belalugosi

    I am on Mac, yes, macOS Sierra 10.12.6. Kontakt is 5.8.1 version.

    Well, I've noticed that this question pervades the entire forum, it's just that every time people set a different scenario.

    The reason why I decided to run legit and cracked versions of Kontakt is that - at the beginning, not knowing about the more precise point about Kontakt Player Libraries vs. Kontakt Libraries that @TinTin provided - as said in the tutorial in this forum, installing a k'd Kontakt side to side and under 5.6.8 version could solve my issue of importing warezed libraries (or better, not purchased ones) and make them work in legit Kontakt. The first attempts I was convinced I wanted these unpurchased libraries to appears on the Library tab, but then DEMO MODE always happened, though I managed to import them. After I noticed the DEMO MODE, I decided to load them thru Quickload.

    When I load them thru Quickload, only the libraries which appear as "Library: none" in the Info pane work successfully.
    The ones which appear as "Library: ??? (not registered)" can't load and a dialog window appears telling me:
    "This instruments belongs to a library which is not installed"

    So I was thinking it was corrupt .nicnt, but I noticed some libraries don't even have a .nicnt (and one of these libraries without .nicnt works properly!)
  10. ELpH

    ELpH Kapellmeister

    May 9, 2012
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    The question is this: why do you need to load these in a legit Kontakt instead of just loading them in a cracked Kontakt?

    The libraries that work are normal unprotected Kontakt Libraries. These don't normally add to the library pane, and will open in any Kontakt, because they are unprotected.

    The ones that don't work are protected (licensed) Kontakt Player libraries. Don't expect those protected libraries to work in a legit Kontakt, as they are not actually cracked, a legit Kontakt wont open the .nki files when you try to load them.
  11. Pastosss

    Pastosss Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Thank you @ELpH

    Now everything's clear, it does not depend on whether you load the library thru Quickload or whether you add the libraries.

    Now the main issue is that I have to install a k'd Kontakt, and I already tried to do that before but it's not working: even if I tried to load them thru Quickload, the same issue happened.
    Is it maybe because of some .plist of Preference files?
  12. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Delete all the .xml files related to not working libraries here:
    /Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Center folder

    Eventually delete also the related .plists in /Library/Preferences/
    (Note that, when I need to re-add a lib, usually Im trashing just the xml file…)