Tooloud is leaving for good

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tooloud, Jan 26, 2019.

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  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'll be a devil's advocate... which I hate usually... do you like KVR and Gearslutz better? :wink:

    [I hate them, and have been a member for 20 years in both]

    This has been a refreshment right from the start for me, and it still is. Best music forum of all. :shrug: The friendly and open attitude of people. When I go to aforementioned forums I get sick in comparison.
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  2. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Totally agree


    I've got 52 yrs in the industry and we are both too old to give a damn. Collect your inner curmudgeon and run them off your lawn. Long goodbyes are never good. Hate to see you leave, but, if you have to go, shut it down and be done with it. Get on with life and let no one steal your joy.
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  3. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    30 Years in this Industry and that doesn't hold water if it's a humane thing.

    How you talk to folks and having respect for your fellow forum members matters. Truly it's a common sense thing.

    Learn to always be good to one another and this place and the rest of the world will be a better one.

    In essence, be you...but be cool.

  4. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    was he against warez or he got upset because of cracked VSTz he could not get for MAC or its just because he cannot afford UADerz ?:dunno:
  5. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Ohh don't leave @tooloud ,your experience is usefull here.
    You're one of the most respectable members here.
    Everyone do mistakes sometimes,you,I,moderators...Me too I've ever been warned.

    Stay here,we need some old folks on AS !

    (PS : I agree 100% with you on the thread about UAD and Acustica)
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  6. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    He was against a newbie who wants cracked UAD,cracked AA,and cracked everything.
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  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    This is the warning you received which is automatically generated when insulting a member:

    Dear tooloud,
    we have noticed that you insulted another user of AudioSEX in this message:
    (Why is UAD-2 “unbridgeable”? (No, seriously))
    Insulting another member is not allowed per forum rules, as such you are granted a 2-point warning. Please observe 5-point limit, which is a threshold for ban.

    This is what you answered:
    I am sorry my ten years of contributions here are so easily outweighed by a newcomer whose only purpose thus far has been to gripe about why Acustica and UAD plugins haven't been cracked. If that is the sort of person you prefer in the community then it is clear that I am not needed. I am disappointed that my record of guiding and advising others is of no value and that you support somebody who, having arrived a month ago as opposed to my ten years, tells me they "sincerely doubt I have anything to contribute" Do you not think I find that insulting? You have a warped vision of who is and who isn't an asset to this group and you have just lost a member who was committed to helping people make better music in favour of a newbie whose only input has consisted of complaints that they can't get expensive plugins for free.
    And you didn't wait for my answer to post this thread, so I guess you made your decision already

    This is the answer I sent you about this matter :
    Hi Tooloud,
    Of course, we greatly appreciate your contribution, and being an long time member may have shown you how important is respect in this place for it to work.
    So the rules clearly stipulates that you cant insult a member, and the reason is quiet obvious. Imagine that we would look at the registration date before warning a member who insult another one...
    And member Hoppe have been warned too.

    Beside, this new comer, is only asking a question, I cant see what's the problem.
    So this guy told you "sincerely doubt I have anything to contribute" because you said " Following your lengthy conversations regarding AA cracking, I'd be inclined to steer you away from this and onto more productive discussions." which question the utility of the thread itself and he was saying this about this particular thread, not about all your capacity to contribute.

    We all have been beginners, we all have asked "stupid questions" and for each of us, depending of our knowledge, there may be questions that sounds stupid, but are essential to someone else.

    Think about Audiosex as a big place with rooms, the thread title is like a door where the activity is written. When you see a room in which you're not interested, you can go to another one.

    I sincerely wish that you're are not leaving Audiosex.

    Have a nice day

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  8. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    Olymoon rules are changeable like other things. Democracy is not working everywhere. Some members deserve to be offered or granted exclusive concessions. I don't know whether this can be applicable to forums or not but if rules don't change, professional people won't participate and leave here. :mates:

    What about dedicating special places to highly accomplished persons? These places exist in the society like universities or other places. You can't mix all people in threads.:bleh:
  9. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Dont leave... I also have a warning under my belt... Its alright... Just stay ... Your advice is appreciated...
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  10. Peter Krav

    Peter Krav Producer

    Jun 23, 2017
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    Завод Юпітер
    @tooloud Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance, they make the latitudes and longitudes.
    Don't Stress - Do your Best - Forget the Rest - All the Best!!!
  11. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    I think I have 3 of them and on the edge of getting banned forever.:rofl:
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  12. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    What you???? No way!!! You are the epitome of theoretical knowledge and saintly behaviour... :bleh:
  13. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    @tooloud fuck, dude no! :(

    the old saying : "the grass is always looking greenier on the other side"
    dont apply here im pretty sure of that.

    whats the alternative? as far as i can see, its only dry weeds left on the otherside. and darkness.
  14. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Whining little shits from Generation Useless crying "offence" at every little thing get on my nerves as well but you're just as bad for flouncing about like a tart.
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  15. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    the classical (internet) circle of life.

    victim<---->drama<---->victim<---->drama<---->victim<---->drama<---->victim<---->drama<---->victim<---->drama<---->victim infinitum.

    the existential food chain of the internet.

    i propose a simpler, more efficient alternative.


    please people, as artists of the interwebs we must show leadership in streamlining this process. redouble your efforts. make it so.
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  16. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    sorry i posted the previous post in the wrong thread. i meant to post it in the "2019: new years strategies for a safer, simpler musical interwebs" thread.

    apologies, carry on.

    [the powerpoint files of my presentation will be available on request]
  17. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    to avoid many problems, in general my humble but firm recommendation is, dont use "we" when you mean "i", dont use "us" when you mean "I" and dont have really the plausible entitlement to.

    a warning flag rises directly when I see individuals who use "we"or "us" extensibly in their comments instead of "i" or "in my opinion"

    to me that its the clear sign of some kind of "disorder", when used systematically its often the language from an childish fool or a pompous ass with low self-esteem who somehow believes they achieve authority claiming to represent more than themselves. at least in my experience it has shown to be exactly so 9 out of 10 times

    also, i feel its a bad idea to think one "deserves" some special treatment, if i believed that in a forum without being the owner i would need to really check myself

  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    Dear @tooloud I really feel sorry for you.
    I think it would be best not only quit AS but quit music business as a whole. Sell your studio equipment ASAP and save the money. You will definitely need it later.
    Why? Because you're a nice guy and nice guys tend to get betrayed. Music business is full of gangsters and they will get you over and over and over again. The business is too hard for you.

    Quit music, find a nice woman and a normal job and never look back. Live long and happier than ever before.

    Wish you all the best.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
  19. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Hello @tooloud (and maybe goodbye),

    We were never introduced but I just wanted to say that it's unfortunate that things turned out this way for you.

    On a 2nd thought I don't think it really matters how old you are in this forum (your profile lists December 2017 for your join date) if you are unable to respect someone else, be it a newbie or not.

    More than that, if you decided to be offended after a warning to the point of leaving then I'm curious to see how you are managing things in the "real" life.

    Wishing you the best in your endeavors,
    Mr P
  20. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    We like the way you think, EddieXx. We are Borg. Resistance is futile. :wink: :)
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