Audio interfaces, sound cards and sound quality

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by waverider, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    nvm, bad suggestion. didn't read properly.
  2. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    Thank you again for the replies. I'll take a look at Edirol, have heard some nice things about their stuff. Also the RME Babyface Pro gets recommended a lot. I'll look into these. Cheers guys.
  3. beatletown

    beatletown Guest

    Because its true. Focusrite is crap. At least their cheaper options.
  4. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Oh so my pro 40 doesn't apply.
  5. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Focusrite is garbage. Their preamps suck and their drivers are crap. As to those of you naysaying Presonus,
    I call BS. I have been a Presonus user for years and have compared their interfaces with nearly all other
    companies. Their XMAX preamps are stellar and some of their interface offer a plethora of I/O options.
    While it's true some of their drivers don't get along with some pc's (as can also be said of many other
    manufacturers), with the right machine, and Studio One as your Daw performance is rock solid. IMHO there are better
    interfaces out there....RMI, MOTU, Antelope etc.....but that's an entirely different tier and MUCH more expensive.
  6. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    ah so far there's very little useful info in the thread I see,
    let's sum up crucial features of Sound Blaster ZxR you have:
    1) PCIexpress (X1) interface
    2) up to 24bit 96kHz I/O
    3) 123dB ADDA converters
    4) onboard sound processor with fancy Sound Core3D, CrystalVoice, SBX Pro Studio technology
    5) decent quality headphone amp
    6) daughterboard with optical I/O (no idea if ADAT though)
    7) audio control module (hardware knob)
    8) ASIO 2.0

    let's agree on fact PCIexpress still is the very best implementation of audio interface in computer, closest second best is thunderbolt which is basically external PCIe,
    any other option heavily relies on manufacturer's ability to code and provide proper drivers (and keep providing good drivers for every major operating system version, be it yearly MacOS, or half-year Windows major update) and often custom hardware interface controllers (usb, firewire etc..), and is limited by design of those controllers (usb is always streaming data in packs, so not truly continuously, and requires operating system and cpu to actively handle its driver etc..),

    if you don't need mic preamps, and need only unbalanced stereo out (headphone) and two balanced XLR line outputs (for monitors) then RME HDSPe AIO is hands down the ultimate choice, it's capable of internal zero latency loopback, ability to run multiple audio applications/processes at various sample rates (so you can for ex. record custom submix of what you hear), and the superior drivers will offer very low latency for virtual instrument playing or enough buffer headroom for serious mixing/mastering plugins without suffering dropouts and audio crackling

    if you want something portable, then RME Babyface (even the old one, not new Pro model) is probably best bang for the buck even nowadays,
    of bigger interfaces, RME Fireface UFX (now succeeded by UFX II model) offers 4 mic pres, digital gain control, standalone operation without a computer (yea you can literally unplug and replug usb during runtime, and still use it as a mixer), standalone onboard recording via usb, and possibility to expand via two ADAT pairs up to 16in/16out, making in total 30in/30out totally reliable over humble usb 2.0 (!)

    to simplify, there's toy stuff, consumer stuff, home studio stuff, RME, and ultra-pro stuff nobody really wants anymore (AVID HDX for ex.)
  7. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    i agree with E.T.F.
    imo when starting out there is no point spending thousands on a setup, just start cheap and simple and play around with music. you will soon learn what you need to buy next.
  8. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    im not sure edirol is even a company any more tbh, i dont think anything has been released under that name for a while, could be wrong though, but it was a division of roland, who do still release new gear. i dont know enough to recommend them though. the right choice depends on your needs and budget.
  9. johndoehizzle

    johndoehizzle Kapellmeister

    Jan 22, 2017
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    i actually use behringer umc404hd . retails for $150, got mine for under 100 new.

    Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD USB 2.0 Audio Interface Features:
    • MIDAS-designed mic preamps deliver high-quality audio reproduction
    • 24-Bit/192kHz resolution for professional audio quality
    • Direct monitoring for zero-latency cue mixes
    • Headphone output with level control and monitor A/B source select for DJ-style cueing
    • High-quality components and rugged construction ensure long life

    4 inputs. been using it lately to record my behringer neutron synth lately. no complaints at all and most definitely bang for your buck.
  10. Avidkayaker

    Avidkayaker Guest

    Love My RME BabyFace Pro ! Quality
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