Maschine MK1 pads issue

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by Noprays, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. Noprays

    Noprays Ultrasonic

    Jun 12, 2018
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    Hello guys..
    Ok, so after looking for a new workflow I bought a second hand Maschine MK 1, quite old I know..but it's a solid piece of hardware..or at least is what I used to think..:)
    fact is that I received it really anxious, connected to the PC, loaded a drum kit and when I hitted PAD 1, sounded and blinked PAD 2. Ok I said..maybe is sensitivity so I entered into Preferences and checked and sens was I made a few changes, but nothing..So I tried the sampler, and deffo that was really worst, becase doing the slicing, PAD 1 doesnt sound unless you press it in an angle and super softly.
    My question this just dirt or maybe the contact could be dead ?( or in the way to)
    Anyone that can help? I still can return it and save my money but maybe I still can open it and clean it up ( if this is really useful )
    Thanks in advance!
  3. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    I do not know how much money has cost you, even if it's not enough, if it does not work well, it does not work.
    If you can, return it.
    I had an MK2, and the same happened to me, I cleaned it several times and I always had a problem with one pad. I sold it for € 50 ....
    If you bought something, even if it's second-hand, it should work.
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  4. Noprays

    Noprays Ultrasonic

    Jun 12, 2018
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    Thanks ZUK, I think the same, I bought it at a good proce in a kind of EBAY in my country so I bought it under the benefit of " can return it if you are not satisfied" so I think even I received it today I'll return it tomorrow with no delay at all
    bad luck this time..

  5. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Hi , i don't know if my experience can help you, but years ago i had a problem with my previous Maschine Mikro Mk2.....
    The problem was different from yours, but i had to open it, and i found some dirt inside, that i solved by removing the pads , and cleaning the PCB contacts and the black rubbers (on the pads backside) with isopropyl alcohol (leaves no trace, is the best for cleaning PCB's).

    That really was not my problem, since the "Shift" button needed to be pressed very hard to work, then i had fixed it by repainting the black rubbers (on the pads backside) that makes contact with the PCB, with conductive paint, (Caikote 44 of Caig Laboratories, is that i have used, and is reputed to be very durable)

    I know that this not correspond to your problem, but it is very possible that if you open your Maschine, you will find that the solution is just an internal cleaning, or relocating the pads, because they can be moved with the use .... the disassembly is very simple, and you will not find much difficulty to find your problem, since it is very basic.
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  6. Noprays

    Noprays Ultrasonic

    Jun 12, 2018
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    Thanks! yes I know it can't be too hard to do it but as I can return it I think is better to find another one in better shape. Maybe I'll also find for a small difference a MK2...who knows..Fact is that the seller accepted the return with no much complains so I guess he already knew about it.
    Maybe he played his cards trying to cheat me, or maybe the problem isn´t so noticeable in his hands..I don't know. I'll post a small video to show it

  7. Noprays

    Noprays Ultrasonic

    Jun 12, 2018
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    Lets see if you can watch it
  8. Watskinz

    Watskinz Newbie

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The MK1’s are super easy to work on.
    Open it up clean the pad sensors and put back together. If that didn’t do the trick, order some new pad sensors off and install...
    Return it and get an MPC. Because Maschine is garbage. Thank me later
  9. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    I don't have an MPC, but i agree with you that the experience of having a standalone machine as the MPC can not be surpassed by a controller with dedicated software such as Maschine.
    Another thing is to say that Maschine is garbage, that in my opinion, is to underestimate in excess a tool that surpasses in possibilities many controllers in the market, and even many hardware drum machines for sure.
  10. Noprays

    Noprays Ultrasonic

    Jun 12, 2018
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    Thanks a lot for all the answers, I simply returned it..and I've got my money back. I'll think better this thing of buy 2nd hand old Maschines. If I buy a new one I'll go for a MK2 at least. best!
  11. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Yes, you're right, right now are so cheap, that is better to buy a second-hand Mk2
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