Any good alternative to Cubase Elements 9.5?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Lil Smok, Oct 14, 2018.


What do you recommend me?

  1. Stay with Cubase elements 9.5

    1 vote(s)
  2. Go back to Cubase 5

    3 vote(s)
  3. Try another daw

    15 vote(s)
  1. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

  2. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    studio one 4 is the beeskneez
  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Just forget all the videos you have watched about Cubase 7..8..9...10... forget all that crap...

    Grab that MAGICAL cubase 5.1 + elicenser emulation made by the ONLY gods ever, TEAM AIR/GOUDA

    And enjoy a fabulous cubase 5.1 daw, with many many features that many recent daws still don't have, specially on the midi editing side.

    Just look what millions of producers were able to compose, between 1990 and 2005, with much older daws, like cubase 4..3...sx2...sx1...vst3.5... vst3.... and older... and just imagine how happy those guys would have been, if they could have cubase 5.1, back in 1995...

    Sure, it lacks some features here and there. ..but one good thing is, you will be able to install and run the best synth ever, nexus 2.x :)

    I remember i could use reason in slave mode, inside cubase 5.1
    If it is possible, you could always 'work' on cubase 5.1... and have reason, live, reaper, etc etc, running in slave mode. ..with many other plug-ins, features that would eventually be missing on cubase 5 !

    we always want the latest versions, updates, of everything.

    I am sure most of the people, from audioz, if they have a plug-in, running flawlessly on version 1.3.2, if there is a new 1.3.3 version, with the change log 'changed knob#21 color, from green to yellow' , they will still install the latest version. .. because... well... it's cool.. right...? :)

    Otherwise... if you are 20 or older, man.... there are a ton of women, between 30 and 40, ready to offer you a Cubase pro 10 version... and even a few extra 3rd party plug-ins. .. if you spend 1 hour with them :)

    There was an article, the other day, in norway, i think, it's the country where women are the most 'hot', always ready for sex... the reporter said, it is just under the nymphomaniac mode...

    then there are the 60-70yo category... many will be happy if someone just holds their hand, nothing more, nothing less :)

    Yes, there is a ton of easy cash to be made... and many women noticed it, many many years ago.
    a 21yo girl has zero problems with going with a 75yo guy... but a guy dating a 40-50yo woman, a couple of times, for some cash, it's almost a taboo :)

    Yes, guys are dumb, women are much clever, no doubt about that ;)

    Of course, I'm just kidding. would be crazy, for a guy to sell his body to a woman, just to get a cubase pro 10 box...without an extra ur824 audio card !
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  4. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    you want try studio one since same coder as on cubase worked on it...similar workflow a bit
  5. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    wouala woualouf hilarious comment:thanks::metal:best off like

    isnt it a dompler

    can you hook me up , im 28
  6. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    how long give you youreself time to get along or not along with new test DAW
  7. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    I upgraded to cubase 6 once...
    Then I went back to 5.1
    real life is funny like that.
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  8. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I used to jump from DAW to DAW for decades. Now I commited myself to just using Maschine and limit myself to using bought or free plugins only. Besides that I try some plugins before buy and if the really add any benefit I buy them later on.
    I am quite good and finding out if I like things now.

    I have used these DAWs intensively over about 20 years now:

    AVoID ProFools HD (Buggy overhyped, great mixer, cuntol surface support suxx)

    Live (I had alot of dropouts when using it with push while performing live even at 1024 samples)

    Cubase (I would need more screens or one bigger, I dislike its popup window approach)

    Logic (Apple only makes me nervous, but ok by now due to Hackintosh)

    Studio One (the best fast automation controller assignments, especially with a Presonus Controller, freaking tiny fonts, depressing color schema, yeah it is important if you work with it every day, no love results in depression), Arrogant Support (especially a ri suxx), I posted bugs and tehy say there is no bug thats a feature, and later on tehy fix it. I dont like to give those guys any more money, heck we spend a fortue on them in past , and tahn something like this is a no-go

    Reason (to tiny GUI elements for my taste)

    Roland MV8000 (best Workflow of all together !,freaking slow loading times, limited to 512 MB RAM, but rock solid besides its bad quality faders... even tho it only support 640x480 you never had the feeling that you need more space, amazing !, It changed my whole way of making music, since it was so limited, i literally had to resample anything, but it was so freaking fast that it was just a one press of a hardware button.If Roland would create a upgraded version, and offer long time support, I would buy it immediately!

    Akai MPC Renaissance (at the time I bought it, its software was buggy , unstable and teh support was deaf as well. But that not only me. Have a look at the Akai Support Community..., I recently tried the latest MPC Software. I really like teh Filtres but the whole workflow is not mine, I prefer the simplicity of Maschine. The oly reason I might try it again would be purchasing a standalone hardware MPC and see how it feels and how I get along )

    This only reflects my experience at the time I was using them, so anything is possible and nothing is true.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
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  9. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    thx so much huschiwuszchiii
  10. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    Bandlab Cakewalk is free, windows-only,
    Presonus Studio One 4 is music-creation oriented DAW,
    Reaper is hands down best DAW nowadays, doesn't include any virtual instruments though
  11. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    This one is gold! :hahaha:
  12. je5009

    je5009 Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2017
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    Studio one v4 pro is great. if you can buy cubase pro 10 is better and if is for mixing you need a pro version. Ableton is good option too.
    I work with cubase but i use studio one and Ableton for creating music too and my main mixing and master daw is cubase 10 pro.
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