Cubase 7 30 days trial

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Moleman, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Cubase 7 30 days Trial
  3. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    ya Cubase is far more superior then Protools been using cubase since cubase sx will never change DAW's the only bad thing i can say is there customer service sucks since you cant call them directly any more and they need a HD audio interface like protools i have the MR 816 witch sounds ok but i think i'm going to update to a UA Apollo :wink:

    and i was mad when i found out that i cant update to cubase 7 because my 2006 Mac Pro dose not support lion so i have to get at-lest a refurbished 2011 or 2012 mac pro
  4. killa

    killa Member

    Sep 7, 2011
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    "and i was mad when i found out that i cant update to cubase 7 because my 2006 Mac Pro dose not support lion"

    That's Macs for you bro, all over.

    At work, if we update the Macs, we have to upgrade Adobe, or upgrade Adobe, have to upgrade the OS, then another bit of software breaks when Apple removes something like Rosetta, or they suddenly restrict you from printing pdfs. WTF! The whole print industry relied on printing to pdf!

    Too many compatibility issues...
  5. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    ya i'm thinking of Going hackintosh shit i luv the OSX suability but the Mac Pro's are not keeping up with the times for the same price of a 12 core base line Mac Pro i can have a 16 core intel hackintosh beast for Music and Video i'm just waiting for hackintosh's to be more fine tuned i dont think there quite there yet there is suppose to be a New Mac Pro coming out soon but rumors are saying that it mite not have that much more to offer will see and it will probably be a outrages Price the top of the line Mac Pro now is about $8000 dollars that is a lot to spend to have them change some shit next year i would have changed to a PC beast if i was not so afraid of losing Music and Video Data from a virus
  6. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    i have a legit cubase v5.5, but when i saw the price of the upgrade to v7 ... (250eur) ... i was like 'meh'.. S1 v2.5.1 [K'ed] works just fine for what i need here

    i wonder if i can try out that v7 TRIAL with my *EXISTING* dongle, not with an additional one
  7. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    ya that's another thing if a loyal customer that has paid for at-lest 2 versions of Cubase should only have to pay around $ 100 buck's to update i have paid for 5 updates
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    opens steinberg page - sees dongle required.


    and im sure steinberg would all tell us this dongle rechecking wont use any resources on the comp.

    anyway im fine with ableton v9/FL and reaper.
  9. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    All older DAWsystems can go home. No need 4 Protools ,or Cubase or anything else. You will see in the next future everything will be Ableton Live like.

    Don't say, I did not told you.

  10. xsze

    xsze Guest

    There will be new better DAW's, further developed present ones, old dogs using old tricks and young ones chasing tails all day long, same as now :wink:
  11. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Moleman - I'm running Cubase 6.5 and also the Cubase 7 trial on the same dongle with no issues so you should be fine. I'm loving the new Mix console, far more intuitive
  12. S.LEE

    S.LEE Newbie

    Aug 13, 2011
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    the new cubase 7 are amazing i test a lot of daws to choose the best one for me (Fl/Samplitude/Pro Tools/Logic Pro/Cubase 7.....) so for me 3 best daw is Pro Tools 10 / Cubase 7 / Logic Pro 9 but the best for me is cubase 7 it work 32 & 64 boot and can be switch directly and no 2 different set up and very stable the chanelle strip are great and the mixer are amazing and a lot of tools like harmonizer,variaudio,arp..... Logic pro9 is very good but no very stable in 64 x mode and pro tools are very pro i like the work flow on it but we have to wait cause to day pro tools 10 work only in 32 x :( so cubase 7 are in the top .

    it's my opinion every one choose the best for him .
  13. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    "and i was mad when i found out that i cant update to cubase 7 because my 2006 Mac Pro dose not support lion so i have to get at-lest a refurbished 2011 or 2012 mac pro"

    Do a search at steiny forum, seems people are running it on osx 10.6.8 without showstoppers, still not flawless, but hey, fine for a trial to see if its worth it. :grooves:
    What do you mean by cubase not having a hd interface? (i am not familiar with protools , so i am genuinely asking what is special about protools hd interface that you can't get on an interface for cubase)

    "and im sure steinberg would all tell us this dongle rechecking wont use any resources on the comp"

    I've been digging on c7 since launch, upgraded from 6.5, and i am in heaven.
    Could not recommend it enough.
    Dongle is not an issue for me as it has not interfered with anything, it has been plugged in since launch day and i have had 0 issues with it.
    On a pimp i7 system, i am not noticing any resource usage above what i expect for my project running.
    I really think it no longer matters on a pimp system, 70 audio tracks with fx and 30 odd vsti's at once, and i am still not pegging the cpu, if it is using any resources, i really don't care cause i can't notice it.

    "All older DAWsystems can go home. No need 4 Protools ,or Cubase or anything else. You will see in the next future everything will be Ableton Live like."

    I call bullshit.
    Some of us hate the way live works, everyone has their own opinion on which gives them the best workflow.
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