I guess my ears are unbalanced

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by adsasdasd, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. adsasdasd

    adsasdasd Ultrasonic

    Sep 23, 2017
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    40°41'21.8"N 74°02'40.7"W
    I always thought that so many musicians use right channel more than left channel. Beacuse I am hearing more on right channel i think. So Cellos are there and basses are there, i thought that was normal. But to make a long story short, I did a test (didn't go to doctor yet) with a tone generator and recorded 20-20000 hertz in mono and listened it via headphone. Below 1khz is okey and balanced but above 1khz sound sometimes (around 5 khz and 6khz)15-35 degree on my right. I changed headphones' left side and right side, no luck. It is not about headphones.

    Now I am feeling so depressed, i always thought that the violin in the Schindler's list was slightly on right but probably it was in the middle. How can I mix and master with these ears? Do you have a situation like that? What can you advice?
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  3. beatletown

    beatletown Guest

    Yea, sell your gear and start painting. Not as cool as being a DJ though. Harder to get a bootay.
  4. Raddler777

    Raddler777 Guest

    Charma is coming your way boy.
  5. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Damn.... what an odd and sad situation!!!

    I cant help you out, but Im sure others in here are in the same situation or something simular to what you experience and there are ways to deal with it.

    Just be patient, Im sure someone can help you here :wink::wink:
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  6. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    First, don't panic (it is of no use), BUT - TAKE THIS THINGS SERIOUSLY! Sudden (acute) hearing loss requires immediate action! If something like that happens go to the SPECIALIST (otorhinolaryngologist), in a matter of HOURS. Not your "family" doctor; those know nothing about it. The sooner you get there the better is the possibility to recuperate (after 36-48 hours they can't help you anymore)*
    *personal experience (was lucky I didn't wait..)

    This is not your case as of now, it is just a warning for you and anybody else here if something like a sudden, complete (or almost) loss of hearing occurs (usually on one ear). I was in very similar situation that you are describing. Bought a pair of headphones that were much more precise frequency-wise than the old ones and thought they were broken (heard some frequencies shifted). I went to my friend's house and asked him to test them and he said that they seem OK. I didn't pay much attention to this "first sign".. but later, one day I woke up completely deaf on one ear.

    Will give you more info later (HTH).. Meanwhile I encourage more of you, dear members, to do the same test (a slow, mono sine sweep through frequencies). :guru:

    Edit: it would be useful to know your approximate age.. Of course you loose a lot of your hearing every decade, but that happens really gradually and on both ears.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
  7. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Don't be depressed. We all have deficits. Some are more pronounced than others & change over time.

    Once worked with a live sound guy who was legally deaf in one ear. He learned to compensate & did really well.
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  8. Banz

    Banz Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2016
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    It's weird.(I recommend go to a doctor)
    Headphones are tricky, too much details and it can drives you nut!
    We all have some ear damage and each ear has different problems in different areas.
    I did a test and I'm sure that I'm okay with my ears and I had some problem areas too!
    So if in your daily basis this didn't disturb/confuse you, I think you will naturally compesate that.
    Remember, if Al Schimtt still is a god engineer with golden ears (88 years), you are capable to deal with that!
    Learn how the mix should sound and work on your skills! :)

    Its just my opinion, good luck!
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  9. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    If you mostly listen to music and mix with headphones the solution could be to put a calibrated master-grade eq plugin last in your master channel of your DAW.
    To calibrate the eq (after opening it in your DAW) upload a tone sweep in your DAW and compensate the quiter parts you hear by boosting the relevant frequencies until you get an "as even as possible" hearing.
    Save the eq setting. Whenever you work with DAW remember to place that eq (with your saved preset) last in the master chain prior to mixing but remember to disengage it (bypass) before you do any rendering.

    There are a number of eq plugins which also work in standalone so that you can use them outside the DAW.
    I will not suggest any specific name or model because much depends on your OP and if you use cracked or legit VSTs (money might be an issue).

    Good luck
  10. adsasdasd

    adsasdasd Ultrasonic

    Sep 23, 2017
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    40°41'21.8"N 74°02'40.7"W
    Thank you all for your great support and infos. I talked to my doctor and I got a rendezvous. And later I called a mixing engineer that I know from studio sessions. He had that type of problem with his left ear. He told me so, he was using special headphones that balanced for him.

    And Matt777, Firstly I am so sorry for you. And I am 19.

    He told me, if anybody has unbalanced ears could use special gear for him or her (Or can create it virtually like dear peghead said) . Of course getting special headphones a bit salty on wallet. But at least you can have balanced hearing. I am now feeling better thanks to you and him. If you have some kind of problem with your ear who wants to use that kind of gear, pm me i will tell you the procces.

    This is 30-10000 hertz test tone in mono, (Note; your headphones can have unbalanced sides, so listen it with changing sides LR-RL)

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019

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  11. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    it may sound cliche but this world is FULL of people with so called "disadvantages", one persons in hearing, others in sight, arms, legs
    im sure many create great things without ever knowing they were missing half of their brain! to exaggerate a bit

    art is the most intimate human form of expression, you cant go wrong just by just having an unbalanced hearing, you already have everything else going on and half in the bag, why let that sudden particular hinderance become a mental stop sign for everything else you have done and invested in.

    the absolute WORST and in my opinion tragic "handicap" is bad taste, and being an idiot on purpose.

    that is a true disadvantage, for any human social activity.
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