Omnisphere 2.5 GUI Not Displaying

Discussion in 'Software' started by Jomar Robles Torres, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. audiofannn

    audiofannn Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    Oh, the exact laptop is a Dell Precision m4600.
  2. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Looks like the specs on that Laptop should be enough, but it is very close.
    Omnisphere minimum cpu is 2.4 GHz or higher processor
    Your cpu is 2.50 GHz
    You should not only update your graphic card but all the important stuff like the bios, chipsets and so on.
    Write in windows 7 64 bit
    First do the bios update (released 02 Nov 2018 it says it's urgent), then:
    click on the Last Updated then install all the updates from 2019 and 2018, that could solve your least it will not hurt to try.
    If that does not work try and take out the graphic card and use the Intel HD internal graphic card which now has the newest drivers
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  3. audiofannn

    audiofannn Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    Thanks! Sadly I don't think I can update my BIOS as it's running as a RAID setup (bought used years ago). I don't know how to disable that but the last time I tried updating the BIOS, it did not work at all. I'll try the other updates but I updated everything in summer 2017 so I'm still baffled as to why this doesn't yet work. I don't know if I can take out the Nvidia but I certainly can disable it so only the Intel HD internal works... maybe that will do the trick... thanks again for your help! This is just so strange.
  4. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I'm pretty sure the Raid could not hinder a bios update but maybe it can break it. But then you can just enabled it again in the bios.
    Here is how you update the bios in on a Dell computer (worth one more try):
  5. Isaac Clarke

    Isaac Clarke Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    hello guys im new here! I have problem with Omnisphere 2 after reinstalling my PC. Im on windows 7 64 bit service pack 1 and Ableton Live 10. First i had problem with STEAM folder not writable when trying to locate STEAM folder. Smh i think i resolved issuse because when i returned in old project i saw that sounds are playing through omnisphere 2 when i press keyboard but i cant see which preset is playing like its on picture. Any help would be great!

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  6. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    The specs on your pc, which brand, name and so on
  7. Isaac Clarke

    Isaac Clarke Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Intel i5 2320,ATI Radeon MSI 270, 8 GIGS OF RAM. My windows is fresh installed on SSD. Everything is working great all plugins. Waves audio , VPS Avenger only Omnisphere have that problem. I keep my drivers always updated i know how to keep PC in good shape. Pls help!
  8. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Name of your motherboard?
  9. Isaac Clarke

    Isaac Clarke Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Motherboard is MSI MS-7728 socket 1155.
  10. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    That motherboard is pretty old, for what I can see the last bios update was like 2012. My guess is that your graphic card and motherboard cannot not handle version 2.5 for some reason. Since your motherboard is too old to have a decent native graphic card maybe you should either try another graphic card or another motherboard. Probably not what you will hear but I think strangely enough that this is a hardware issue. When I say hardware issue that is actually not correct because it is actually a Windows 7 problem and how Windows 7 communicate with the hardware. Something to do with scaling and how the graphic card scale the plugins. No One that I am aware have this problem with Windows 10.

    1) You have the latest update available for Windows 7? Maybe there is a hack with new updates taken from Windows 10...
    2) You have tried different drivers (both new and old) for your graphic card right?
    3) You have also tried to turn off/on dpi settings in your DAW because this can also be a simple scaling issue. Also try and change to different scalings in Windows 7. Experiment with all settings:
    And as a last resort you can always go back to an older version of Omnisphere
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
  11. audiofannn

    audiofannn Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    Hey Daskeladden! Sad to report that I cannot update my BIOS due to this particular BIOS update... some security thing. Common with the Dell Precision M4600, after googling. So I'm stuck at A08 and can't update beyond that. I think Dell screwed it up somehow.

    Still no luck with getting the text to show up... same as the person above. I tried the standard Intel HD internal graphics and no luck. Ableton, Reaper, FL... can't get it happening. So I'm back to 2.4.2 for this computer, at least. 2.5.1 is running great on the desktop system.

    Thank you for your help! When I get hold of another laptop, I'll put Windows 10 on it, fresh install, and try to get it happening that way. It may work... Thanks!
  12. Isaac Clarke

    Isaac Clarke Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Daskeladden , idk if you read my post? Omnisphere 2.5 worked on same PC configuration before i reinstall my PC, second I know sh*t about computers and this is not hardware issue, third i pass quantum break game and DOOM and dont tell me that single R9 270 MSI cant run Omnisphere 2... I dont have HiDPI options in preference or anything similar like you mentioned in post. You copied and paste old post which i already read and didnt helped me that why i posted new question (logical that i still have that problem even if i tried above solutions) . I appreciate you answering but thats not solution to my problem.
  13. NanoBeat

    NanoBeat Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Omnisphere is shit...way overpriced and the user GUI well for that money... As for the personal sense no it pretty crap and uninspiring..JMO
  14. NanoBeat

    NanoBeat Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2018
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    So what is the Problem?
  15. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I never said it was a hardware problem. I said that Windows 7 in combination with some hardware most likely your graphic card. Why do you think no one with Windows 10 updated have the same problem? And why do you think people with the same problem as you get rid of the problem when they install a old version of Omnisphere? When you say reinstall does not mean that you have exactly the same Windows 7 installed. Perhaps you are missing some windows redistributable, and that is why you and some others have gotten 2.5 to work on Windows 7. Or maybe you even installed Omnisphere wrong. Where do you have your plugins did you reinstall all of them when you reinstalled Windows? Did you try Omnisphere in another DAW and in standalone? Does your Steam shortcut look like this? (Also check security and give permission to all users, does not hurt.)


    It's all about using the elimination method.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
  16. Isaac Clarke

    Isaac Clarke Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Like I said i know how to install Omnisphere 2.5. I have Visual c++ all latest same as microsoft net framework. Thats why i really dont know what could be problem. Admin rights are same as in STEAM shortcut AND in STEAM folder ,and I didnt move STEAM folder after windows reinstallation it remains on same drive as before. I even deleted zmap.index , cut multi fodler then return it and same problem. I know about shortcuts because people been pointing to me to do that on other forums, but problem remains the same. People had Windows 7 problems because they say they didnt have installed windows service pack 1, and i have it. I grant persmissions and sounds are playing through omnisphere so he detects library and STEAM folder , but I cant see GUI and cant see which preset are playing through omnisphere. As you can see i have everything installed. Demanding games working but omni dont show GUI. He shows factory contents and playing sounds but no presets are showing.

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  17. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    do you have microsoft mvc 4 runtime? Try to install that if you don't have it, it has something to do with scaling.
    I have a lot more redistributable than you and I have something called: microsoft xna framework redistributable 4.0 refresh
    By the way you did not answer if you have tried Omnisphere in another DAW
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
  18. audiofannn

    audiofannn Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    Thanks for the link, Daskeladden! I'll try this out on my Windows 7 system as a "last ditch effort", ha. Windows 10 laptop in the works. I tested it on a friend's Windows 10 system without hardly any updates and the GUI opened perfectly, with no missing text/presets/graphics. So it has to be a Windows 10 vs. CERTAIN Windows 7 version thing.

    For anyone curious: it's definitely graphic/scaling related. I tried updating my Nvidia Quadro 1000m driver to the absolute newest... no luck. I tried using the Intel HD 3000 driver (newest) and still no luck.

    The Windows 7 system that 2.5 WORKS on is Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1. NO updates other than .NET framework 4.6, the same Visual C++ installs that the other system has, but, this version of Windows 7 has an Intel Graphics HD 4600 driver, which is obviously much more current and powerful than the HD 3000 driver.

    When all else fails.... just update to Windows 10, or put Windows 10 on a cheap, used tower or laptop for a few hundred bucks, and enjoy 2.5!
  19. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Very strange error, but Windows are strange sometimes. This is definitely like you say graphic card combined with Windows 7 related. So the solution is "easy" change graphic card and update your driver. This is of course not easy on a laptop. Do you know if it helps to change to windows 10 with the same old graphic card that does not work on Windows 7?
    (Isaac Clarke said in his comment that he had Omnisphere 2.5 working on Windows 7 and when he reinstalled with the exact same hardware and software he got the GUI error. That is even stranger and almost hard to believe. The big question is why did he reinstall if he are using the exact same hardware and software. Reinstalling your system is something most music creators would avoid at all costs. Why would you reinstall if Omnisphere 2.5 works......maybe a serious Windows crash???? My point is does he really have the same hardware....)
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
  20. Isaac Clarke

    Isaac Clarke Newbie

    Jan 13, 2019
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    I think its related to corrupted STEAM folder, and reason why i did reinstallation is because i bought SSD my hard drive was dying... I have same PC specs. Do i really need to screenshoot that so you can see??? I tried that solution and same error. I think il download again Omnisphere and try again... Maybe STEAM folder got corrupted because he is on hard drive that its dying , but like i said he worked before reinstallation on same drive! Idk. what is solution but cant find and only thing i think its STEAM folder is damaged or Corrupted idk. really what to think. But i can say one think that omnisphere will work on low PC specs you need only open gl 3.0 to work. BTW i had problem with VPS Avenger i couldnt open working window and problem was that graphics card on my friends PC is trash, so it didnt work. Vengeance support told that options could be fresh installation of windows, or if your graphics dont have open gl support and that was correct. BTW Omnisphere 2 worked on that trash card so this problem isnt card related.

    PS: Tried in FL and same , no GUI.
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