
Discussion in 'Software' started by Hoppe, Jan 4, 2019.

  1. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    the ones who want it are allready on it from this thread i blv...dont spread it is saver for youre method..this a reason why ppl keeps things internal sometimes..
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  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Not just lurk. Giancarlo actually has an account here and he used to come and say hi in the past.
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  3. Hoppe

    Hoppe Kapellmeister

    Oct 11, 2018
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    I love Giancarlo's humor :rofl:
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    He gave a lot of explanations of what his tech is about...Didn't really cover the protection side of things. :rofl:. He stopped coming as his plugs started to get a lot of buzz, started to be uncool to hang with the peniless crew...It's all GS now...
    You used to be able to delete posts, but they removed the functions. You can however just erase a comment you wrote.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
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  5. Nightmix

    Nightmix Producer

    Jun 16, 2017
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    Personally I only would ever use the plugins on one computer at a time, I don't like being locked to five installs then I have to re-pay or contact them, or worry about depending on their server or if their support will be willing to help me or having to re-purchase plugins due to me swapping computers and such. I have no problem paying and supporting the company but I am completely against DRM that is always actively monitoring or allowing me to install software. I know I don't own the rights to the code but it *is* *MY COPY* of the software, I paid for it, and I, and only I, should be in control of installing it and removing it, without fear of the DRM breaking, without fear that I will be left without support, without fear that I will have to repurchase, etc...

    It is for those reasons I really hope AA plugins will get cracked at some point.
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  6. Hoppe

    Hoppe Kapellmeister

    Oct 11, 2018
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    Couldn't agree more. I echo your words
  7. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    We are working to a solution for recycling licenses. Apart it our approach is very light: software never calls home, license is just a text file. It is tied with your computer id in the most simple way - on Windows it is just the harddrive id
    For our trial versions just move the datetime of your computer, but as you can see it is not a very good solution for many ones. On mac you could find a workaround but hosts have problems, someone reported them.
    I think our software needs updates, upgrades, tech improvements, so I'm not sure a crack would solve your situation. Each time we update, upgrade, improve we upload a lot of data, and luckily aquarius is managing things incrementally (it is unique!). I don't think a cracking team (all software could be cracked, it is a matter of time) could keep all our plugins updated, and at our update rate. They could crack all products once, maybe two times... all our customers know that especially in our case the tech is continuously moving, it is a never-ending fight, and it is really important we keep things updated and working. Also we have very generous upgrades, and basically things are for free.
    So a crack would just increase our sales in the long term, the conspiracy theories are just theories. The truth is that cracking teams can't be paid, and they are really good, really good.
    My 2 cents
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2019
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  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Glad you checked in to burst this drm nonsense, I've always said that there were no need to be always online with acquarius and it doesn't call home, also that there is an offline (no acquarius) procedure.

    The pain is the lack of unauthorization process, which well, I've said already. And asked about on AA forum.

    I'm freaking glad you're working on something, for me it's the main issue with the authorization process, other than that acquarius simplified what used to be a bit convulated.

    Thanks for checking in. Hope your health is improving. :)
  9. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Aquarius needs to be online, because it is a service. But you need to be online just for installing a product, or to update. This is the main difference between our actual system and cloud systems: you don't need to be online when you work. But you need an internet connection sooner or later. If you want a service, you need to be continuously connected. This is a new trend, specific of this age: you have everything perfectly updated: apps, os, computer, phone and so on. I would never go back to the old medieval installers, especially now. Especially today. I understand someone is nostalgic and wants to keep the control: offline computers, manual installations, manual authorization, manual upgrades and problem solving, but this is 2019, what the hell. I expect everything is updated with a single click - or no click at all, because my time is precious. I don't have time to mess with offline methods. I would run the risk to run old software and PAY this when I'm forced to update the system anyway - ie I need a new computer. At this point the update would be a nightmare. Even a Linux system today updates itself with a single command, and the first thing it installs is a browser (I had to it just yesterday)
    Reason: too much software, components, files, things to know. My brain hurts. Luckily my phone updates without asking anything, almost
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2019
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  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I have no issue with having a tool that goes online for getting the installation done (and for updates it's the most practical way to proceed). TBH when I setup everything it makes the whole task much easier.
    But some devs - I know not you - implement system where you have to be always online even as you use the product, not just for installation and authorization. I think that's why some users can be allergic to those install/authorization tools.
    Now that's a real issue for me. After installation my setups stay offline (check for update once in a while, been checking a lot lately since you update all the acquas). I run windows, I'm not crazy, it's not a secure OS at all. The updates on the latest win OS (10) break things more often than it fixes them.
    Stability is in order too, at least on our side. I'm not changing my setup every two weeks. I've changed it recently to keep up with the acquas ! When things run smoothly, I want it to stay that way.
    And I know it's the new trend, but for me OSes, softwares or whatever remain products, not services.

    Anyway. We all have to keep up, we're all aware of it. I bite the bullet cause I love those damn plugs of yours.
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Oh. Wanted to say. Love Taupe and El Rey. Didn't give any feedback on AA forums. Bitched a bit about El Rey's promotion thing, the endorsement buzz (good for AA, but viewable on the price tag).
    But it is your best compressor so far. Gotta recognize that. Probably one of the best itb compressor that aim at recreating glorious hw ever made so far. Maybe the best. The other best imo are also other acquas.
  12. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    thx a lot
  13. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Holee crap, Giancarlo just pulled some Matrix maneouvers and explained auths, schooled on updates, and turned some of us into giddy fanboys it seems :rofl:Kidding :disco:

    Anyway wanted to add I reformatted drive once and forgot to remove license before doing so, thought they were gone but somehow logging in and reinstalling via aquarius I noticed my licenses were intact still which was nice. I will only go online with this CPU for install and updates for this reason, usually offline as production computer though. On another dev's offline auth was lost however...
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  14. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Accustica are kings of the cocks in the plug-in world, all hype and piss and wind, fooling all their customers with placebo products at stupid prices while other plugs do just as well.

    Keep lapping up the kool aid and making this joker rich (he pumps more cash back into his protection scheme than he ever does in fixing the 100s of useless/bugged/sound destroying plugs they already released (also at high prices for basically years long beta tests).

    All of that aside, those who wanted to release the Acqua plugs to the wild would probably find it easier to basically reprogram nebula themselves (lol), lots of work.. LOTS of work, then 'sample' the acqua trials with test tones etc and basically reconstruct what the acqua plug does but with some free yet extremely complex engine.... may sound wack but at least that is an end goal with a clear goal post unlike cracking hundreds of encrypted files without even knowing where to start.

    I'm pretty certain between the British, the americans, the germans, the russians and the Japanese a team could get together to outsmart the italians who In this case I think stumbled into this stupid VVK/Convolution tech rather than were blessed with extra intelligence (in other words do you not think other companies far smarter, bigger, richer and capable than this bunch of amateurs would have done something similar with '3D convolution'/VKK/VVK w/e the fuck it is, if it was actually worth doing? Nobody else is doing it cos it stinks, it's hungry, it's large files, it's slow loading, it has tons of artifacts and at the end of the day, not one of the plugs sounds "better" than any decent algorithm plug-in. This is a fact born out by how many mixes have been done without this stupid bloated technology just fine for years, also by the fact that algos now exist that outclass them on tone, compression action, saturation.. and EQ is easy even for algo. CPUS are now good enough to make great normal plugs without this tacky hyped up placebo tech to impress the thick people into thinking they are getting 'better sound' when they are not.

    Anyway, Good luck building that engine...

    Or you could like, just forget about these cartoon plug-ins and realise you already have better plugs out there that just work without issue or CPU hogging (and without stupid DRM), and lastly without the most arrogant dev on earth behind them.

    I may go easier on them if they charged a fair price, but considering they are uncrackable they have no moral ground to stand on and claim piracy is why prices are high, they are simply a rip off (in fairness so are most high priced plugs) but these are all in beta perpetually and the company should be closed down for selling their snake oil not rewarded by fool's money.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2019
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  15. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Let me know if you want to do a mixdown shootout, anytime anyplace :like:
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  16. Gegge

    Gegge Guest

    ITALIANS DO IT BETTER!!! While the others you mentioned are busy putting pineapples on pizza
  17. Gegge

    Gegge Guest

    Why don't you include the Congolese people in your list? Don't you think they can outsmart us? You're racist bro!!!
  18. Hoppe

    Hoppe Kapellmeister

    Oct 11, 2018
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    Wow, this thread indeed turned out to be a surprise

    Thanks for your hard work at Acustica, @giancarlo , it's good to hear you guys are working on the licences thing. I don't have much to say about your products, they are unique and nobody's doing this right now

    Sorry for this thread, not trying to bankrupt your company. It's just that if I buy Taupe right now I wouldn't eat here where I live (Euro is really expensive here), but soon enough I'll be able to buy

    Btw, if you see this reply, I would like to ask a question: why a homebrew 1073 and not a original one in the Gold2?
  19. Hoppe

    Hoppe Kapellmeister

    Oct 11, 2018
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    On AA defense, have you tried imitating analog behavior using digital tools? I'm gonna say, it's fucking hard. You don't even need to be a programmer to understand why. It's discrete time vs. continuous time. I won't explain because it'd take too much time and you can look this up yourself if you want anyway

    Their sampling it's the best possible atm, maybe someone will come up with something better in the future, but at the moment, AA is the state-of-the-art, if you understand what they're doing, and you understand how it is different from programming an algorithm, then you know I'm not lying

    I think you missed the point. It's not about making a mix sound better, it's just about trying to imitate analog hardware, that's why I love AA plugs, beucase they're the closest we've got yet
  20. Gegge

    Gegge Guest

    An amp sim with their technology, if is possible at all, would be game changer
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