Looking for an unicorn ( a vst sampler)

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Noprays, Jan 4, 2019.

  1. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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  2. j.cnnr

    j.cnnr Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2015
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    I just started reading your post, and i was thinking about how immediate is Maschine for me to work that way you desire . I configure the input to record on a track, what i'm listening on the internet (for example youtube), and i have it ready to slice and manipulate in seconds, think about it, because i think you may not have found the right way to do it, also can be that you didn't have the Maschine Hardware, and that makes the difference between your experience and mine.
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah maschine can defo brings him there...Another MPC clone....Another copy of the worklow OP was refering to initially.

    Anyone having heard of JD knows what this refers to....
  4. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I also had an EPS16+ decades ago, great sampler. After that I had an Akain CD3000xl , ASR-X, MPC Ren, and now I use NI Maschine Studio.
    Ever tried Maschine ? I love the Hardware integration and its workflow.
  5. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Maschine Workflow is different than the MPC.

    Why not try the Maschine and MPC software?
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah they - MPC, Geist and Maschine - all work differently and look a bit different from one another. It surely is a good idea to test and see which one clicks with you, and what workflow (cause a lot of workflow can be put in place in all of those) you can put in place.
    Still. The idea of those - just like FLS when it was released and still called fruity - is to recreate in the soft world the feel of hw sequencers and samplers. With the original MPC in mind. Although obviously - it's an added bonus - computers offer much more possibilities so it's definitly something else. All of them, even the mpc soft, are very different than the old MPCs.
  7. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Indeed noone can take that choice from you, you simply need to test them all :)
    Some years ago I used Geist but then I sold it since it was kinda buggy and i hated its small fonts which were so bar readable. The best Hardware sampler I owned was the Roland MV 8000. It's workflow was awesome fast, especially when it came to sampling and being able to immediately trigger the sampled sounds. I sold it to buy a buggy, unreliable AVoID ProFools HD system, arg biggest mistake.

    I would love to try the new MPC software, but unfortunately I can no longer try the demo since I already tried it with an earlier version :/ The Portable standalone MPC live might be great, but I am not that convinced of akai due to my bad experiecne with the MPC Ren
  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah the ren and studio were poor models, I'm kind of hesitant to make the jump too toward the portable standalone, since I also was a bit disappointed with those.
    Did you see that R2R released the latest MPC studio soft (2.3.0) for the new year ?
  9. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    No i didnt saw that ! awesome. Lets see if they fixed teh bugs I reported years ago :)
    To bad it is Windows only, I currenty using macOS (hackintosh) more thn my windows 10 which i have recently reinstelled.
  10. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    @Talmi Ok i tested the MPC software. I played around with it about one hour. It still dont like it. Maybe just using the hardware feels better but the software , nah. I still prefer Maschine even tho it has less features.
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  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah actually I kind of side with you on this one (well I don't use Maschine). The problem might be the excess of features which are laid out in several tabs, and with the hw if you only focus on your mpc screen, it's fine, but when using only the soft....It's fastidious as hell (which is the opposite of what it's supposed to be, it should flow). Everything is tedious if you use the freaking software only, even loading samples, going from a program to the other...It's just unintuitive af.
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  12. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    as standalone

    the sampler

    in that case your audio card has no multiple outs to use your old mixer for the tracks to track/bounce .. you can do this in any daw while using this baby as vsti

    never had an eps16+ but asr10,mpc 60,2000,2500.. so..
    like i said can be used standalone or as vsti. without maschine or mpc the closest to your workflow (i think)
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
  13. Noprays

    Noprays Ultrasonic

    Jun 12, 2018
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    Ok..thanks everybody for your time reading, giving an opinion, thinking..etc.
    After read all the posts I realized that work just in the box is almost impossible (because of ASIO own limitations) Nowaday I can't afford to buy a new piece of hardware so to buy an IPAD isn't in the list. Discarding the hardware options the result is to start learning how to work with : Maschine ( 1st option) pretty friendly and even confusing sometimes, not too buggy ( version 2.7.6 here); MPC 2.3 ( pretty xtrange to my eyes, not too friendly); Geist ( no idea, first view: the last video posted here) or Ableton with Simpler etc.
    I started working with Maschine because I already have it installed and maybe this could be the path..I'll try Geist to see if is more friendly than Maschine, (at this point all is the same to me, I have to learn from the beginning)..Ableton is another option, but I really can't understand how it works. (I have to admit that years working with Cubase atrophied my abbility to understand some things and the years made me be less patient ) So..Thanks by now, I'll post a demo of my work once I can complete one :)
  14. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    same as I recall it years ago
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  15. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    The biggest weakness of Geist vs Maschine is that there is no dedicated Hardware. And its dropdowns and tiny fonts. I want to use my computer without using a magnifier glas or glasses. If I want to see the Mixer I press the MIX button, if I want to sample I press SAMPLING If I want to nudge some notes I select the notes , hold the nudge button and use teh jog wheel etc ...

    The only thing I miss in Maschine is a high resolution (Motor) Fader. But Maschone anyways have only regular MIDI resolution. Maybe I should try getting a JAM additionally to my Studio.

    It all depends on what you need, If I would be using a DAW then I would probably use Battery instead of Maschine since it is simply more powerful.

    I really love to using the Hardware & the Mouse. For some things it is simply faster to use the mouse, but for some it feels better using a knob, button or the jog wheel.

    I love to tweak the velocity with a knob instead of the mouse, ju can just listen to a loop, and tripping away with a knob in teh hand while listening to music :D The mouse do not give me that feeling , same with transposing notes or nudging thats much faster with the hardware than teh mouse, but selecting is faster with teh mouse, so best of both worlds
  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Never had that bug, don't know wtf it's about.

    Well in Geist if you have a controller you can assign knobs, buttons etc to do the same. I often come back to Geist (well now G2), it's awesome. But I'm tired of its bugginess. Always something wrong with it and FXpansion has stopped fixing it. But well I love it. So.

    Seems like you click with Maschine. Try to give it a shot, if you feel confortable with it, the learning curve is okay, it won't take you long.
  17. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Yeah you can Map knobs , but it is easiert to have a fully dedicated controller, with proper naming on the knobs, and NKS is so great. love it
  18. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Agreed. Dedicated hw is better, and NI did good with NKS.
    Merely stating that there are cheaper alternatives for people who can't afford it, albeit less practital and neatly integrated.
  19. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Ableton is the answer to your problems if you want immediacy and not having to learn a load of stuff to get good results.
    You don't need anything else, no vst's or hardware, the built in fx are very usable and user friendly.
    Stick to arrangement mode and it will be less complicated if you are used to oldschool midi sequencing.
    Here are a few simple ideas on how to use like an oldschool sampler.
    1. Impulse drum machine: great for short samples to use as hits, here's how:
    Create a midi channel [CTRL-SHIFT-T] and double click Impulse in instrument menu on left: [Stick to arrangement mode!]
    Drag and drop Samples onto each of the pads directly from eg a folder on your desktop. keyboard keys a-l will trigger them.
    You can pitch, change length, filter etc per part.
    Insert a midi clip [CTRL-SHIFT-M] and loop selection [CTRL-L]
    Click on this midi clip and edit or record notes in to taste.
    You can freeze and flatten track if you want to turn into audio. {right click on channel to get these options}
    You can duplicate impulse channel [CTRL-D on selected channel] to multiple channels and solo each part if you want to mixdown separately, add fx per channel etc. Ableton Eq has a built in frequency display.


    Drum Rack is another way to do this. Create one and drop samples [or load up to 128 samples at once]
    Each one will load its own simpler or you can drop other instruments or fx per pad.
    Keys a-l are middle c3 to c4. Octaves Z or X, M to turn on keyboard.
    Record and edit, collect all samples beforehand whichever way you prefer, i just record or resample into ableton audio channels, chop up and save ready for use in a project. This helps to improve workflow when I want to make a tune rather than just do sound design.. upload_2019-1-8_16-21-33.png

    Sorry about onscreen keyboard, don't have prt scrn key!
    I too remember the oldschool way of doing things and to have one in the box solution with loads of easy to access possibilities means i no longer mourn the hardware i used to own or the frustrating years of cubase [sorry guys IMHO obviously]

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  20. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    You can't find "an unicorn" CAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST.
    You could maybe find "a unicorn".

    Oh, and Ableton is deffo unicorny, so use that.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
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