What do you think about this G-Funk Beat?

Discussion in 'Music' started by Santii7979, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Santii7979

    Santii7979 Ultrasonic

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Hi guys! Before start, sorry if i have some gramma issues, english is not my native language!

    I'm looking for some feedback! I have made/mix/master this beat.

    What do you think? Suggestions?

    Hope you like it guys!
  3. Santii7979

    Santii7979 Ultrasonic

    Aug 14, 2017
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  4. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I dunno Noel, I'm not feelin' the funk. The beat has no bounce and the bass line is thin. Overall it sounds cheap and brittle. Needs some punch and some rich warm sounds to give it body.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2019
  5. NanoBeat

    NanoBeat Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Eerrm agree :yes: with @tooloud in that it sounds really cheap and real dated as in 80's...not sure who would use such a beat apart from say a certain distinct artist...I'm guessing you could use it yourself to create something cool...That sort of genre has moved on...Sounds like something Maschine would play through a tiny crap speaker if you hit a play...sorry but don't work for myself :dunno:...thanks for sharing though and good luck :bow:
  6. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Hi Santi, sounds pretty nice! you got a great vibe going on.

    now, maybe the kick is a tiny bit to big/broad uncontrolled? have you compared your beats kick with a similar well mixed/mastered track in headphones? (in case your monitors dont go that low)

    besides the mix, the bass and melody seems to go well together, but the chords are not matching perfectly, maybe some theorist could give you a more precise pinpoint, I can only hear the chords are not working as well as they could either the notes chosen or just not following the beat properly, that makes the beat loose a bit of stump

    but other that that nice work!
    these hiphop sounds are timeless and all have their niche.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
  7. NanoBeat

    NanoBeat Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2018
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    my own personal opinion would be that it doesn't strictly matter whether the Bass notes matched and theory etc In general there is very little strict musical theory that is useful say outside classical that helps such a genre....My own trail of thought is that production is often more important than musical content in such a field..therefore utilising good production techniques such as clearing conflicting Bass Frequencies...making space....utilising certain frequencies more important as in this case there no vocal delivery to detract from the simplicity and repetitive nature of the beat itself...without that its simply Toast without butter...Burned toast at that...I agree totally as in this could appeal too a niche market but this really is not Hip Hop whatsoever but as the OP suggested a total West Coast, G Funk commercial vibe....jmo bro and prolly wrong!!
  8. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Hi NanoBeat, sure there is liberty in passing notes, but im sure you know how important for the thump it is that the notes chosen for bass and a tuned kick are, "cleaning" the wrong note won't do much. so either done by ear or theory but clashing kicks and bass would not have passed in any of the classics, or by any stablished producer, again either you do it by feel or theory you simply dont do it if it sounds "bad" and bad would be anything working agains the goal of obtaining thump right. cheers
  9. NanoBeat

    NanoBeat Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Sorry I think I misunderstood your first post maybe, I assumed you were talking about say chordal changes and melody with regards too the bass line itself...I agree the "thump" is way important in such a genre and normally that comes with say clean samples without layers...good compression and clearing 60Hz or adding to it constructively...thats what I meant by production techniques...I know for sure that there people here that really know stuff about production...would be cool to maybe see how this passage might come thru different if mixed & mastered a bit differently :bow:
  10. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I think I wrote and rewrote a couple of sentences while listening so no wonder it may have looked confusing. you seem to be pretty knowledgeable into whats required in that genre I understand your take. many times its so difficult to know on what level to give critique since something could be great to start, as a demo but at the same time lack tons to become a masterpiece, I guess it depends on the predisposition one is on a certain given day. lets see what happens with our friend here, he maybe does another take or mixes again, who knows :) cheers
  11. NanoBeat

    NanoBeat Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Hey i listen to a lot of Rap and also Old Skool hip hop...as genres I love them both and like you have mentioned there are so many classics...as I mentioned earlier...In such a genre its so hard to say critique without the vocal line there itself..like you say :yes: it could become part of a masterpiece...however as an uncompleted say beat all you can judge on is production techniques and theory which we both know is sometimes secondary to the finished song itself...hey I know nothing apart from the simple fact I hold a biased opinion, love all music, (barring dubstep:rofl: ) and play my own stuff..whether it good..who cares...Peace..:bow:
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