Discussion in 'Software' started by Ted Smithton, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. TW

    TW Guest

    first of all this whole Thread is a hidden request in my opinion.

    You really dare to criticize someone that bought the libraries (updates) and do not want to give them to you? Well, people like you do not deserve anything.

    By the way, I have the updates too. But there is no way I share them after I read all this bs...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2019
  2. Hoggsfeller1

    Hoggsfeller1 Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Planet Earth
    I can't believe the petty vindictive attitudes I have been seeing here lately. A simple statement/observation seems to be used as a platform for negativity and spite in almost everything I have read here in the past year or so. Rather than understanding and trying to help each other learn about music, recording, plug-ins etc. for the most members quarrel over petty differences in opinions and insult each other and the whole concept of the sharing of knowledge, experience, and trying to make other better artists and further the craft for all of us as a result.

    TV, keep your updates if you wish to, but there is absolutely no reason to be so holier than though about it. Your post does nothing to help the atmosphere that surrounds this issue. To the rest of the members here that continue to fan the flames of descent here.... ENOUGH ALREADY. MAKE SOME BLOODY MUSIC!!

    Peace, love and good tidings to all in 2019.
  3. TW

    TW Guest

    What atmosphere??? This thread should be closed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2019
  4. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    If that is the image you see I would guess the lens through which you are viewing has a big crack in the middle.
  5. MaschineMan

    MaschineMan Ultrasonic

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Maybe this should be closed, as it gives a platform for TROLLS to boast about what they might or might not have, that someone else hasn't.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  6. TW

    TW Guest

    No it should be closed because it is a hidden request. And I always though request are not allowed.

    And It is not my fault if you can't afford something. I am not allowed to tell what I own? Jellous dude huh? Get a job.
  7. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    I agree, there is way too many big mouths here, who only comment negatively on subjects that are none of their business !!!!!!
  8. TW

    TW Guest

    Oh, a newbie account not brave enough to use your main? ... pathetic
    Or is this your alter ego to support your posts? Even more pathetic
  9. MaschineMan

    MaschineMan Ultrasonic

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Really? Jealous of you 'Mr'? (TW@ sounds good, you should keep that name)

    There will always be those people in the world who will share their last loaf of bread,

    and unfortunately, there will always be those who would rather see their loaf of bread go stale rather than share, but then will take, take, take from others giving, then spend their sad little lives boasting that they have what other unfortunate people don't have (TW@ 'Rock Star', Tin Tin (so important you have to say your name twice), and your kind, does that ring a bell?)

    It is your right to not to share (I'm sure your family and the one person you think likes you had a great Christmas and was happy that you shared your thoughts with them about how you didn't buy them much because you needed the money for YOUR things, ha, ha).

    And although I do feel you have the right to keep and not share anything you did pay your pocket money for (if indeed you do actually have the free updates), I must say that I find it rather sad that you spend your sad little life trolling boards to boast that you have something that someone else doesn't have just to make you feel that tiny bit better about your achievements in life.

    The fact that you live in mummys basement and have nothing to do all day, because you cant find a job, is no excuse to try to lift your depression by posting that you have something that someone mentioned they were looking for (whether you actually have it or not, or whether Welfare actually paid for it or not). That is really sad behaviour and actually a bit creepy that you would take the time boast about nothing (yes, I have seen all your worthless comments. I mean, really? Can you not find something better to do with your life than trolling? go on make mummy proud :)

    Anyways, as I said in a previous post, I only pop around every few months to read this board (as I have a life and am too busy sharing in my spare time and doing charity work, ha, ha)

    But seriously people make a choice in your life for 2019 and actually help people rather putting people down for being (what you think) less fortunate than yourself (I would disagree and say that it feels much better to give than receive, but I guess you have to do it to experience the joy it brings, so I can understand how some people wouldn't understand that).

    I am sure there will replies that - 'Actually I do have a job and Don't live in Mummys Basement - Tell them I don't Mummy' but I guess the proof is there for all to see - Trolling all day long, boasting about minor things that you think impresses but actually makes you look sad - I could go on with the list of 'Proof' that your a looser, but I personally have better things to do :)

    I will pop back in 2020 to see if anyone has shared these free updates. If I get them I will give them to r4e for his next update, which yes I have done in the past, so yes TW, Tin Tin, etc, you probably do have some of MY buys on your Hard Drive already (and, just to prove it, if a trusted member from the sister site wishes to PM me here, I will PM them back on the sister site to prove my 'sharing, caring' identity on there and the fact that I have shared many things that I personally bought, without asking for recognition or Boasting that I have it and you cant have it (which again I must say is very sad)).

    Have a nice 2019 guys (whether you're a giver or a taker - or both like me, ha, ha)
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  10. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Who the hell are you calling a newbie? you've only been here slightly longer than me you ego-cemtric prick.
    Oh I see your getting the word Newbie from my profile, thats because I haven't posted so much crap as you. When I do post all the shit you do I will be promoted to Rock Star or Cock Star like you. I cant wait for that day. Then I can tell all my friends that one site thinks Im a Rock star, but then that's the only place you will ever be a Rock star or even anything with star in it. Oh no, maybe you'll get a star employee at your burger king or McDonalds job. I hear you get to wear a star on your badge, you fucking looser.

    You really are a nasty piece of shit. You saw a post which you had nothing interesting to add anything too, but because you have nothing else in your pathetic life you think I know I'll everyone one Im a fucking looser and have bought 1 thing in my life and their not having it, ha, ha
    You need to go to the doctor man cos you have some mental health issues.
    If your scared, I'll tell you what to say, say please mr doctor I feel the need to sit on the internet all day posting shit cos Im lonely and have no friends, but on the positive side Audio sexy thinks Im a Rock star, so I must be one.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  11. TW

    TW Guest

    So that`s how the leechers think on this forum. I did not share much in my life as a musician. Maybe samples and software worth 1000 - 2000 bucks over the last 10 years. But to be honest that won't happen again.
    This thread is too much. Too many wannabees that truly live in their moms basement or in their bedrooms, with too many alter egos, that can't afford 80 bucks but attack people that don't wanna share. Well, that`s audio sex. Give me give me give me...

    Have a nice 2019
  12. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Oh yes you shared lots I bet. You wont share a free update, but we are to believe you usually share 'samples and software worth 1000 - 2000 bucks' but just Not Today to share a free update. Dude, your so full of shit.
    I believe MaschineMan shares, because he comes across as a nice dude that does from the way he speaks and acts, but from your tone and your posts it obvious your just a mean, bitter twisted dude. Man, keep your update, if it keeps you warm at night.
    I really do hope you have gone, as you say, as we need more nice caring people around here, not mean bitter dudes that like to be nasty, but I bet you'll be back in 10 with another nasty, scrooge remark, as it seems to be your life, from your many negative posts.
  13. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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  14. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I guess one person got passed on Santa's route this year... All I know is this back and forth has made me want to scope out some SD3 shit bad now
  15. Hoggsfeller1

    Hoggsfeller1 Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Planet Earth
    Isn't it all about being able to try things you may not be able to due to many reasons rather than just money ( although it is a big one for sure!) and discover which tools work best for you in the creation of your art?

    TW & Tin Tin, please think about why you have reacted the way you have as all it does in the end is cause hurt. Teddy was just asking a question he had and for some guidance in solving his problem. I read no demanding tone into that. I do not have the updates in question either and would love to aquire them so I can try the missing kits in SD3 and decide if it is worth investing in the SD3 product line or not.

    Please, please stop attacking each other, leave that to the politicians who just dopn't seem to know any better. If someone wishes to share what they have or not isa personal choice, but there is no reason to hold that over the rest of the community. Calling each other names, flaming,trolling and all of the negitive energy created in the universe by doing so doesn't do anything to make us better creators and people.

    As was said by a couple of wise men once... "Be excellent to each other."

    Peace and good tidings for 2019 to all.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2019
  16. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    Indiependent SDX sounds really good ..
  17. Juan Carlos

    Juan Carlos Member

    Oct 6, 2019
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    Does anyone know if you can use a cracked sd3 with a bought sdx? I'm planning on buying the decades expansion but sd3 is just too expensive for me.
  18. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Check the VR SD3 update that was just dropped because you can use expansions with that. It's trending on the main site.

  19. Juan Carlos

    Juan Carlos Member

    Oct 6, 2019
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    Thanks ThrashHead. Have you tried using it with legit sdx? My cracked sd3 works fine but I don't wanna spend 150 eur on an expansion for it not to work.
  20. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    I have tried bought SDX with the new VR Cracked Version of Superior Drummer and they all work perfectly. But I dont have 'Decades' so I cant comment on that SDX in particular.