BIOS And Windows show half rams only and CPU-Z show all of them !!!

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by MIDO, Dec 24, 2018.

  1. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    hello for everyone, i have pc dell xps 8500 16gb rams, each ram 4gb, windows 10 enterprise ltsb,
    i have an weird issue with my pc its begin with me when i plugin my pc to electricity
    and after there is program called Advanced SystemCare 12 its clean up registry file and junk elc..
    and its make some edite to this files (DEFAULT,SAM,SECURITY,SOFTWARE,SYSTEM ) in in that folder (C:\Windows\System32\config)
    and from time to time this program make this edite which is normal and this time its make restart after the edite which is normal too
    but after when pc try to enter windows its hang on windows loading circle loop and nothing happen till its show me
    (your pc into a problem and need to restart) after it restart and its stay long time
    i plug of the electricity and than conact it again and after my monitor show me your pc into saving power mode like no signal from pc to monitor
    i thought there is probleam with video card i remove the radeon video cards and clean it but befor
    i put it back i try the intel built in video card and its make the same thing like no signal from pc to monitor
    i left pc for few minutes and i conact the radeon video cards again and is work and i left it to enter windows again the same porobleam happen
    i repeat all what i say before again and i remove rams and i clean it and i put it back
    and i conact other windows from other hd and everything work i search for soluotion to the other windows i find the soulotion which
    i copy all this files (DEFAULT,SAM,SECURITY,SOFTWARE,SYSTEM ) from this folder
    (C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack) and replace it to that folder (C:\Windows\System32\config) and i make it and pc work and windows work
    but i noticed that usage of ram very high not like always i check my rams in windows
    i found your installed rams 8gb not 16gb i check in bios the same 8gb not 16gb
    and here it was the shocked for me i read around forums everywhere nothing help me
    i try many this around i clear cmos many times and i put new thermal paste on processor i remove the bios and put back nothing help and nothing change
    i install program called (CPUID CPU-Z) it show me all rams 16GB and all slots but in windows and bios show me 8GB only
    and till now i cant understand where the probleam
    i check each slot from the 4 slots alone it work fine and i check each ram from the 4 ram alone it work fine
    but strange thing is
    Slot 1 (black colour)
    slot 2 (white colour)
    slot 3 (black colour)
    slot 4 (white colour)
    slot 1 with slot 2 show me rams in bios 4gb only not 8gb
    but slot 1 with slot 3 or slot 4 show me rams in bios 8 gb
    and slot 2 with slot 3 or slot 4 show me rams in bios 8 gb
    and slot 3 with slot 4 show me rams in bios 4gb only not 8gb
    and slot 3 with slot 1 or slot 2 show me rams in bios 8 gb
    and slot 4 with slot 1 or slot 2 show me rams in bios 8 gb
    really i cant understand what this probleam
    i hope some one have solid knowledgecan to help,
    and thanks for everyone.
  3. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Is dual channel enabled in the bios?
  4. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    i cant find in my bios options anything related to dual channel and i mad many times restore bios to default and nothing change
  5. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Yes check your bios first.
    Is you windows version 32 bit or 64 bit? (if it shows 8GB I guess it must be 64 bit)
    Have the memory worked on the system before?
    Is it the same manufacturer on all 4 rams, same size, brand and MHz?
    Have you checked every slot in CPU-Z that those are showing dual?

    Have you tried Windows Memory Diagnostic?
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
  6. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Have the memory worked on the system before? yes and it was showing in BIOS and windows 16GB
    Is it the same manufacturer on all 4 rams, same size, brand and MHz? yes all of them the same its from dell manufacturer the only one different serial number
    Have you checked every slot in CPU-Z that those are showing dual? yes all of them show dual
    Have you tried Windows Memory Diagnostic? i mad dell Memory Diagnostic from boot menu and in configuration there show system memory only 2 slots each one 4gb
  7. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    I wouldn't use nor recommend any of IObit's products. They're well-known bloatware with ads. Their applications constantly harass the user to download more of their products and other questionable and annoying behaviours.

    There are better products out there, System Mechanic, CCleaner and others.
  8. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    i recall reading some comments on Youtube on a video about that issue, and there was a solution... try to find the answer there if nobody answers here.. try to look for 32 Gb ram windos 7 or something similar

    Sadly I can't find it right now
  9. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    keywords that may have been used:

    32 gb
    windows 7 x64
    asus P8Z77
  10. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Try Windows Memory Diagnostic. Just write it in the search menu in windows

    Also I read this:
    Also pull out your cpu and see if some of the pins are bend. If you have another cpu test that out. As I see it this is either the ram port or the cpu. Sometimes it's enough just to pull out the cpu and put it back again
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
  11. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    (The Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected no errors)
    i will take motherboard out and will see if there is any problems of pains of slots
  12. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    i open it up and i look everywhere i cant see any problem there in pins
    and if there is problem in it i think the slot it self will not work but when i put any ram in any slot it work
    the problem there is 2 rams block in each one there is 2 slots one black and one white when i contact 2 ram in any block
    it show me only 4gb not 8 gb like bios and windows see only one ram in each block not 2 rams in block
    even windows show that there is 4 slots !!!
    so there is someone still think that there is problem in slot by it self ?
  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Try this:
    1. Click on start.
    2. In the search bar type : MSCONFIG and press Enter
    3. Click on the boot tab at the top of the new window.
    4. Click on the Advanced option tab.
    5. A new window will open.To the top left you will see a tick box for maximum memory. If there is a value typed into the box bellow it remove all of the numbers.
    6. Then uncheck the maximum memory box if it is ticked and click "ok"
    7. Click apply and then OK
    8. Reboot and check what system info says.

    If nothing changes try this:

    Update the system BIOS
    The problem may occur because the system BIOS is outdated. If you have an older computer, the system may be unable to access all the installed RAM. In this case, you have to update the system BIOS to the latest version.

    To update the BIOS on your computer, visit the Web site of your computer manufacturer to download the BIOS update. Or, contact your computer manufacturer for help.
    Check BIOS settings
    The problem may occur because some BIOS settings are incorrect.
    • Enable the memory remapping feature

      Check the BIOS settings to see whether the memory remapping feature is enabled. Memory remapping gives Windows access to more memory. You can enable the memory remapping feature in the BIOS by booting to the system setup. See the User's Guide for your computer for instructions on how to boot to system setup on your computer. The name for the memory remapping feature may be different for different hardware vendors. This can be listed as memory remapping, memory extension, or something similar. Be aware that your computer may not support the memory remapping feature.

    • Change the AGP video aperture size in the BIOS settings

      Check the BIOS settings to see how much memory that you have allocated to AGP video aperture. This is the memory that the system is sharing with the video card that is used for texture mapping and rendering. This memory would not be used by the system, because it is locked by the video card. You can adjust the AGP video aperture size in the BIOS. Standard settings are "32MB,""64MB,""128MB,"and "Auto." After you change this setting in the BIOS, restart your computer, and then check the usable memory. You can test each setting to see which offers the best results.
    Check possible issues with the physical RAM
    The problem may occur because there are issues with the physical RAM installed.
    • Check whether you have bad memory modules

      To check whether you are experiencing this issue, turn off the computer, unplug the computer, and then swap the order of the memory.

    • Make sure that the memory arrangement is correct

      Refer to the User's Guide of the computer to determine in what order the memory modules should be inserted into the memory slots. The system may require you to use specific slots when you are not using all the available slots. For example, the computer has four slots available. But you may have to use slot 1 and slot 3 if you want to use only two memory modules.

    • Check whether memory standoff cards are used

      If you use a memory standoff card to hold multiple memory modules on the computer, the system may require specific configurations for this scenario. Therefore, the usable memory may be less than expected.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2018
  14. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    If the bios only shows 8gb there is no need to start windows. It will only see 8gb for sure. CPU-Z reads the data of the memory sticks not the used size and the bios tells windows how much ram there is, so it is not a windows issue.
    A quick search showed this is a common problem. Might be caused by recent dell bios update. You might try an older bios if available at your own risk.
  15. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Take them out.
    Replace Slots.
    Reset Bios.

    Should be Fixed.
  16. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    nope probably not the slot then. Then it is a cpu issue, did you try to take it out. Try another cpu?
  17. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    there is no numbers at all
    and bios last update
    and i don't have in bios any options about memory only info
    and all rams work fine and there is no Physical Ram problem.
    memory 1.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2018
  18. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    you mean to change the bios at all and put other one ?
  19. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    i don't have other pc available now.
  20. MIDO

    MIDO Noisemaker

    Feb 1, 2016
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    i toke rams out many times and change them places many times and i reset the bios many time but all this doesn't help.
  21. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Yes older bios. If you updated your bios, go back to the one that was working.