New synth on the Bolt

Discussion in 'Software News' started by yabiss, Dec 21, 2018.

  1. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    BOLT from Nektar

    BOLT’s synthesis engine generates a sound’s overtone structure directly in the oscillator. So you won’t find a filter section like in typical subtractive synthesizers.

    The unique Harmonics Oscillator takes care of it all – just by turning the HARMONICS and ROLLOFF knobs you change a wave’s shape and core sound from subtle sine to bright pulse chain. ODD switches the oscillator to create odd harmonics only, If you additionally bring in DEEP, you will notice the waveforms to resemble saw or square shapes (with ODD active). In addition, each oscillator has its own amplitude envelope. So all you need for creating the core sound is right there!

    Sounds come to life with modulation: So BOLT offers four powerful modulation generators. Its 3 LFOs and one Modulation Envelope Generator ensure a host of modulation possibilites. No matter, if you are after snappy transients or would like to modulate different aspects of the sound all at the same time – you can do all of that and more. The modulation generators can even modulate each other if you want to push the envelope. The best is, that it’s easy to experiment: Modulation Targets are pre-assigned, so you simply need to bring up a target amount to hear an effect.

    The MODULATION EG is modeled after classic ADSR envelopes and cover a range from ultra-snappy and percussive to lush sound scapes. The 4 modulation Targets can be assigned to many destinations, including LFO Frequency and Intensity.

    BOLT’s Low Frequency Oscillators go beyond the range you’d expect from a typical LFO. They offer an extended range from 0.01 Hz up to 10 kHz. So they go well into the audible range which allows for some extreme modulation effects, including amplitude and frequency modulation.

    Choose from 13 different waveforms, including Random and stepped waves. Switch Cycle off to use the LFOs as additional auxiliary envelopes – or sync them to the beat. Of course each of them can be synced differently, so you can create interesting poly-rhythms. You can even assign them to cross-modulate each others tempo. You’ll probably never run out of new interesting modulation combinations to try out… [​IMG]
    Four integrated effects processors ensure that BOLT’s patches are ready to be dropped into your productions: EQ, CHORUS, DELAY and REVERB provide the essential effects at your fingertips.

    The effects are optimized ease of use, only 3 parameters per processor ensure you’ll get to results quickly. Still you’ll find enough tweakability including tempo sync for the DELAY or parametric and bandpass modes for the EQ.

    There’s a lot more we could say about BOLT – but it’s all about the sound isn’t it? So download your trial version and listen to it yourself!


    I'm going to give the demo a go...

    What do you think guys?
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  3. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    The concept looks similar to Harmless. this is essentially an additive synth in the skin of a VA.
    I think Nektar took the opposite path of Novation, a midi controller company making a synthesizer but unlike Novation, they didn't improve on anything that's already available in the market.
    judging by the demo, I see Harmless as superior sound wise and in terms workflow.