Apple Has Demonstrated They Don't Care About Computer Musicians [GET A PC]

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Config, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Windows 10 is waiting for you
  2. Old X

    Old X Guest

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  3. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    I "transcribed" an entire symphony (symphonic poem) on Classic II, Coda Finale (9 inch screen it was, if memory serves..). It was the first "computer" prepared print in my country! Yay, what an achievement! Then me (and my friend, that was helping me) realized, we can get a 14 inch color screen pc for the same price.. and the rest is history. ;)

    Very seriously: even though I don't want to see any apples around, it would be VERY STUPID to wish apple drowning in this sector.. I'm old enough to know there are no "good guys" when it comes to "business as usual". I need apple to be competitive as fuck, otherwise M$ will eat me for lunch...

    But till PC is good enough for Junkie, it's good enough for me, I guess .. at the end of the day, he has to do some mixing for Hans! ;)

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  4. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    they both suck in different ways, but windows= more power for less money and you can at least turn some of the crap off without getting too technical. My computer cost £150. some of you may sneer at this but i can use tens of channels of vsts with huge fx chains. its how you use it that counts...its a lot more productive than the many hours i spent with 5 synths and mixers and fx boxes and midi and recording on a much more expensive setup ten years ago....and shitty one button mac mouse is a joke
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  5. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    Let's completely ignore the ridiculous price, but there are two no-goes about new Apple products for me:

    I plan to use computers for 10+ years. Which is a pretty solid idea as newer generations don't add much to the performance anymore. A new 8 core CPU should be good for 10+ years without an issue. But Apple stops service after 6 years and the new T2 chip prevents anyone else from servicing the product. So there is a hardcoded end of life date for new Apple hardware. NO GO #1a

    There is also no way to _easy_ upgrade RAM and/or SSD in new Apple products in the next 10 years to come. NO GO #1b

    I need my computer to work with it every day. In case disaster strikes, I don't have the time to first safe delete everything from the computer (if even possible when it broke), take the hardware to my car, drive hours to the next Genius Bar, drop it off, wait for days or even weeks for a repair, work with a replacement (install everything, if even possible, safe delete everything later), drive hours again to pick my computer up, install everything again, finally work again. NO GO #2

    In case an SSD breaks I order a new one for $80 and get it delivered to my door within 3 hours, switch it in 10 minutes, copy from backup and be back in business in maybe 4 hours total max.

    Apple hardware is a total NO GO.
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  6. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    Please get technical and explain to me which crap you can turn off in Windows but can't on a hackintosh?

    And my macOS mouse has 12 buttons. The shitty 2 button Microsoft mouse is a joke.
  7. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    The point with a Hackintosh is to get the superior pc hardware running on Mac-OS isn't it? So all mouses you have even the ones with twelve buttons will work with a windows driver. There is no doubt that the standard Mac-mouse is pure garbage. The standard Windows mouse does not exist.
  8. Old X

    Old X Guest

    You can do that with Mac Pro, but you aren't comparing desktop PC with Mac Pro, but apples vs oranges again, also who gives you more than 3 years of warranty for any PC component or configuration, you are on your own anyways after that and at one point you will need to change the mobo to go with another chipset, so kinda of moot really, but yeah, different strokes for different folks, there's really just not much arguments there.
  9. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    The times when people where using a one button mouse for Macs are long gone. And of course you can get a two button mouse from Microsoft. Most PCs with Windows even come with any random shitty mouse out of the box (mostly not from Microsoft though). That's just not a valid point to make.

    Many mice come with a Mac driver out of the box or work without any driver just like on Windows. But for convenience reasons, I personally use Steer Mouse as a driver, which has tons of features to customize pretty much any mouse to a much greater extend than most Windows mouse drivers. With the additional advantage that you can quickly adjust the settings in case you ever get another mouse and don't need to fiddle with another driver and set everything up again. And it works perfectly solid, which I can't say about every mouse and diver I ever had for Windows.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2018
  10. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    Who said anything about warranty? A new Mac is not serviceable after 6 years. NOT AT ALL. Apple will declare it vintage after 6 years and refuse to DO ANY REPAIR AT ALL. Not even if you offer them $10,000 to switch your broken SSD. And the T2 chip prevents anyone else from doing any repairs, because only Apple can reset the T2 chip to work with a hardware replacement. So if a new Apple breaks after 6 years, it's dead. Gone forever.

    My current PC is 9 years old now. I see no reason to upgrade. 4 cores, hyper threading, pretty much as fast as intel's latest quad core. The motherboard had just 2 USB 3.0 ports back then, but an 8 port USB HUB fixed that. I just replaced the graphics cards for new models twice in all the time, I got more RAM and two SSDs. I see no point at all for a new one. Maybe in two years I might think about a new 8 or 12 core. And it should be good to go for another 10 years.
  11. Old X

    Old X Guest

    Who will repair your PC after 6 years? You are exaggerating the point, you are on your own anyways, being on Mac or PC, people who use Mac's change them by that time, you aren't obviously one of them, so yeah.

    Check the benchmarks, laptop dual cores now perform like that these days.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2018
  12. Eliot Wilder

    Eliot Wilder Ultrasonic

    Dec 10, 2017
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    The problem I had was when my old iMac died this past year and I was forced to upgrade. All of the plug-ins I'd collected over the years were suddenly unusable, plus the new GarageBand interface has been redesigned to make it (at least to me) much less intuitive and much more difficult to perform certain functions that used to be easy for me to access and use. I switched over to Logic, but it's just not the same as far as ease of use. It's like being a painter and having your studio set up in a particular way so you know where all your paints and brushes and other tools are ... so all you need to do is paint. For me, that's gone.
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  13. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    If you buy a shitty pre-build pc yeah you probably gonna get a shitty mouse. But normal sane people either build themself or buy a custom premade pc. That means that you can choose whatever mouse you like. Most people maybe use Logitech that has both high end mouses and crappy mouses like most brands. And of course a high end mouse from example Logitech comes with advanced software where you can program your mouse as you like. Apples high end mouse Magic Mouse 2 that comes with iMac pro looks just terrible to work with. Design should never ever compromise on functionality. (What's up with the flat fetish thing?)
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2018
  14. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    A student I pay $20? Any PC shop around the next corner? But pretty much every freelancer I know of is capable to switch a SSD by himself.

    You aren't on your own, because there is no way to fix the new macs on your own. Not even Donald Trump could do that, and he's a stable genius and hires only the best people you know ;)
  15. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    lol what that guy is talking about in the video?

    Firewire was removed from apple devices in 2013, that's 5 years by now, which is beyond any average computer device lifespan, it's more than obvious it was going to become obsolete - in terms of audio performance, usb 2.0 can be used for roughly 70 audio channels if driver is coded properly, usb 3.0 far more, thunderbolt much more too, there is no real advantage of being stuck with firewire anymore,
    besides, Apple provides dongles to get firewire from thunderbolt, no third-party drivers needed at all,

    every audio interface manufacturer who is not cunt - apparently only RME nowadays) does provide drivers even for older products even for newer OS versions - RME website - quote from their downloads section:
    Mac OS X Intel driver for Fireface 400, 800, 802, UCX, UFX, version 3.35. Compatible to OS 10.6 and up, 32/64 bit. This driver requires firmware 1.70 (FF 400) and 2.77 (FF 800) or higher.
    Archive: Mac OS X Intel driver for Fireface 400, 800, UCX, UFX, version 3.06. Supports 10.5 in 32 bit, 10.6 in 32/64 bit and 10.7. This driver requires firmware 1.70 (FF 400) and 2.77 (FF 800) or higher.

    about computers, yes Apple doesn't offer any, most people are using either laptops or stable old rigs or hackintosh rigs or server-based networking solution where endpoint client can be again either laptop or screen (iMac), obvious lack of upgradability is result of most computer users not being able to buy components on their own and setup them to work properly without hiccups, so they buy sealed package anyway,

    own cpus? obviously, because after what Intel showed with vulnerabilities and various spying agencies cooperations, Apple wants to have their hands on more thoroughly, which is not possible if they buy "third-party" chips from companies they cannot rely on (Intel, AMD etc.) and aren't offered full documentation in order to make best drivers and kernels of their system,

    Apple may not care about professional high-demand customers, but seriously who needs stronger rig than average MacBook Pro for music production? maybe some crazy virtual instrumentalist, but he should use server offloading like Vienna Ensemble Pro anyway...
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  16. Old X

    Old X Guest

    You can change the SSD in Mac Pro too and there's guys that service Apple products too, so again, moot points, you really have no arguments here.
  17. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    You do realize that I was discussing hackintosh, right? Which means the same sane people will build the hardware themselves and get a good mouse. But even if you buy an original Mac, you can get any mouse you like, just as with any other PC you buy.

    And guess what, many Logitech mice come with the same "advanced software" for Mac. And I personally don't like their "advanced software", as it always had issues for me, suddenly stopped working, crashed etc. (on Windows as well as on Mac). I don't have any such issues with the even more advanced software I use on macOS for Logitech.

    So what was your point again?
  18. Old X

    Old X Guest

    Great post and perspective. :thumbsup:
  19. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    i just use the shitty trackpad on my shitty win 7 computer. it has 2 buttons. The DAW itself and other software are pretty stable. and, dare i say it.....i use the built in audio interface! I stopped being precious about equipment and decided to be productive instead
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  20. drewny75

    drewny75 Noisemaker

    May 23, 2012
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    This is like when a boy breaks up with a girl and won’t shut up about it. Clearly he still cares for her.
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