Old Arturia V1 vs V2 vs V3 (my tell it like it is review)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Nostalgia_Rocks, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    OK so, people say to me why use old software.. well here's why.. a simple comparison

    V1 : ARTURIA plugins (h2o) : Loads fast af on my new laptop, awesome sound, raw and nasty, GREAT PRESETS.. sounds like real analog. minimal eq and processing nesessary to get good sounds.. it is what it is.. great unpredictable analog-like sound. 2005-2006 era.

    V2 : A little worse than V1 A little slower loading etc.. ok but meh presets..kind of uninspiring. better to use the first version of the arturia plugins imo.. i never did like V2 as much as V1..this is from the 2009 to 2011 era.

    V3 : LOADS SLOW AS HELL ON MY NEW LAPTOP (try at least 5-10 seconds before the windows appear), AWFULL PRESETS, really crappy mainstream ''modern pop, trap crap, electro'' inspired presets, not as good sound as V1 OR V2. horrible crappy gui, crappy washed out colors hard to see..

    need i say more? of course this is my opinion and there will always be a difference in opinions. and that is OK. if you love V3.3 than by all means use the software.if you don't feel free to go back in time when stuff was actually good quality like me. ;) :)

    ps. sorry for the all caps! forgive me :dont::bow::winker:
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  3. sucklord19k

    sucklord19k Member

    Aug 14, 2017
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    I thought the V3 GUI looked excellent. I definitely understand your complaint about the presets, though; way too many piercing, aggressive sounds for my tastes. While I do agree that it takes much longer to load, you only have to load it once so...
  4. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    I agree 100%.

    I started using Arturia products like the Arp 2600 CS-80 etc... back in 2009 v1 and v2 days. I had just started moving from being an artist and writer to the music production aspect of things, so I was new to synthesis and all of that, but I knew what sounded good. What stood out to me about Arturia among other vst's at the time was that the PRESETS WERE AWESOME. Back then I didn't know anything about the synths they were modeled after, nor did I care about how close they were to the original sounding hardware.

    After coming back to Arturia synths in the last 2 years or so, I've been thoroughly unimpressed. Not only is there no backwards compatibility so I can use older presets from older versions, the new presets are generally trash and less interesting to show off the new improved architecture of the synths. After realizing that I couldn't use any of the old presets from my older projects, I just installed the older versions via JBridge on my system along side the new (rarely used) Arturia stuff.

    The sound of the Arturia stuff has supposedly improved in relation to the hardware that they are emulating, (although I prefer the sound of the older versions) but the presentation of these synths is lackluster. Truth be told, I like the inaccurate sound of some of the early versions of their plugins, I know it may not as sonically accurate as the newest versions, but based on their own merit the old versions sounded great (maybe even better than the new stuff) if you weren't looking for hardware emulation.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
  5. Raddler777

    Raddler777 Guest

    Totally agree! Sound quality has progressively been degraded since V1. I wonder if there's still V1 stuff for mac floating around though? would love to find it, I never could.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2018
  6. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Arturia's presets have always been terrible.
    Arturia's modelling in the early days wasn't very good either, but some of the more modern instruments are much better.
    I don't really like the newer flat-look GUI's though...
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  7. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    BTW does anyone still have the original Moog Modular V (the first version NOT V2) ?? I CANNOT FIND IT ANYWHERE ANYMORE..Please because some of my older projects cannot load properly with out it and I'm trying to redo some of them. You would be a life saver if you can pm me..
  8. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    oops double post
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
  9. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    do a bank
  10. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I've been playing with their supposed emulations since early 2000s and it sounded impressive at the time. Then I realised my eyes tricked me into thinking they sound much better than they really do. The most revealing is when you make a mix and listen to it. It sounds like VST. Trust me, Moog Modular still sounds the same as it used to, it's just that the GUI takes way more RAM and the plugin itself takes way more RAM. Nothing else. I personally consider their synths as an exceptional example of resource abusing plugins. It would be really nice if they focussed more on the sound quality, not the GUI bling. :sad:

    And also, their products can be really buggy, as in unstable and picky. That's why I'm still using latest versions of v2 plugins. I really wanted to like their DX7 and Synclavier, but they're such resource hogs. :sad: I'll stick to FM8 and forget about Synclavier, or just sample the sounds and use them. Creativity. :wink:

    u-he... these guys make incredible synths. Whatever they make is stable, great looking, and awesome sounding. They just leave me perplexed. I'd like to tell Arturia programmers to look up to u-he more. There's just something about u-he synths that sounds more real. It's hard to pinpoint it what it is. Probably a lot of things. Filters, oversampling, programming abilities... kinda like Arturia programmers waste too much resources for nothing, whilst u-he wastes the resources on the stuff that matters - sound.

    Native Instruments are something in-between. Lately their plugins are more like Arturia's. They used to be much better at resources consumption. Sound is still VST, easy to tell.

    Just my 2p. I've been into this VST thing since '97 or so. Sold all my shit because I thought VST is the future. Bought some of that back and now hearing stuff that makes me go "you idiot" to myself. :sad: [meaning hardware still sounds better to me]
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
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  11. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Most accurate post ever, along with SineWave's.

    Even in the old V1 Arturia synths, their presets were rather dull and uninspiring in comparison to some other (limited) options on the market.
    I've had Arturia stuff since 2003. When they were brand new. Often there'd be a preset that could be inspiring if you worked it, but I was blown away by other people's work, both the sound engine and the presets. I've always wondered how Arturia always ended up being so ordinary in every way, yet so commercially successful, I've put it down to them using the best guis to draw people in, especially lovers of vintage gear.

    They seem to be in their own world, not really interacting with anyone else. Not caring for the whole plugin industry.
    That's why they seemingly go ahead and model instruments of which there is already a free version, which still ends up sounding better than their fancy gui version.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
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  12. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Yes I've got it. ON CD! I bought the original box of MMV and CS80V, when they cost a whopping 300 bucks each. Which was a normal price back then for synths. I think Reaktor alone was 500 bucks or so. Tassman was $400+.

    I'll check if I can get it to you, without the CD, because the first version requires a CD check. The updates required one to insert their CD, in order to apply. Perhaps H20 did one, and I have. Unless someone else has already helped you.
  13. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    Like i said above *bump, the one V1 i actually do not have (and need desperately) is Moog Modular V 1.2 or (whatever the latest version was) could anyone dig in their collection and pm me? Thanks a million. :)

    @ Tealla Nope lol still waiting ;) if would be great if could help. :)
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
  14. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    I know this too well, for the exact same reason ...Not all of them, but enough for me to say "you idiot" to myself.
  15. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    even uh-e diva more or less sucks. hardware has infinite more capabilities for sound design. diva sounds like an out of phase vst.. sad but true.. i went though quite a bit of presets looking for a preset i could modify and use but nothing really caught my attention. some of them are pretty close though. i just wish some of the presets could be harder and stronger like real analog.
  16. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Ok bro, I found it. I have the latest version, which indeed was v1.2, from June 2004
    I had to extract the EXE file, as the normal install procedure requires the original CD to be inserted in order to proceed till end.
    So you'll get the extracted EXE file contents, and you'll find your way. The main folder is a sub-folder called "Main".

    So check your PM! ;) Hope you rescue those projects!
    All the best
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  17. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    thanks so much man! unfortunately its calling for missing .dlls and all kinds of crap on me..well, its to be expected, I just wish someone still had that talio installer sigh..well anyway im totally kicking myself for not saving it. it needs to be installed properly, it says impossible to find FLdg.dll (or whatever its called) doesn't anyone have the original installer anymore? even on edonkey i can't find it..lol..

    well you could always rip the .iso for me xD
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
  18. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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  19. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Have you got your registration serial?

    Also try to create this reg key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arturia\Moog Modular V

    And create a string value "installdir" then double-click on the created value to set it to the folder location where you extracted your MMV contents.
  20. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    just tried it and it still didn't work saying impossible to find FDlg.dll, then another couple errors saying my moog modular is not installed correctly.

    i used to have Arturia.Moog.Modular.V.v1.2.FULL.READ.NFO-TALiO
  21. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Arturia sound NEVER impressed me.
    You want to be impressed ?
    U-HE Ace
    There is punch and transients.

    zero latency filters, audiorate modulation ... you can clearly hear those aspects.
    Arturia seems to catchup with their last synths. But they are (at least ) 5 years late.
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