ah fuck...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Someone, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Sorry for my bad language...

    Last week I ordered new componets for my PC... New CPU, Mobo, RAM, usw... coming with new aerators and coolers... expensive, at least for me. And nothing but my fucking CPU cooler has arrived. These fucking bitches were completly unable to send me this shit.

    I basicly decided to upgrade my PC because I did a song for a Remix Contest which ends tomorrow. I thought one week would be enough time. Its just that my PC cant handle the track anymore, Im unable to work on it.

    So okay, yesterday I had to realize that nothing would arrive. So I had to swallow the bitter pill and I exported any Instrument as a WAV-Stem and loaded it into another FL Project. I needed more than a fucking hour just to export every single fucking Stem :snuffy:
    And now theres the best part: I loaded everything into a new FLP, worked on it, started mixing. Today I wanted to continue, I stopped yesterday because I wasnt in the right mood, maybe you know what I mean. So I loaded the FLP, and it fucking said that a fucking error corrupted! Shit! Okay, this is the reason why I always save Back-Up FLPs. But this had an error, too...
    I mean what da fuck? Fuck FL... Unable to work with stems in this fucking DAW! And now Im angry and compeltly unable to start over again. Doesnt make sense to make it with aggressions in one day...

    I liked that track, and I wanted to give i a try... Maybe win, who knows... I even borrowed studio monitors from a friend for the mixing. But no, no chance for me...

    This whole week sucked...

    And please, no stupid comments!
  3. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Hey Someone, its just an hour's worth of rework. You can do it again and probably better this time.
    Don't let your invested time go to waste.

    If you are feeling adventurous, try doing it in Reaper (I am surprised FLstudio doesn't have a Freeze Track option).
  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    This too shall pass. :thumbsup:
  5. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    "fuck" is totally permissible if it's not directed to one of our members *yes* :wink:

    unfortunately i don't have lots of time to go into details, but you have to get out of this negative mood asap. i had one of the most horrible depressions just yesterday, but today i'm feeling much better.
    if you just sit there and think how horrible it is, then the terminus is suicide, and i don't think you want that.

    shit does happens. i like the saying in the Batman (and in the Dark Knight Rising), when his father said to Bruce "Why do we fall? - So we can learn to pick ourselves up."
    - and that's the only point. in other words, to make you stronger and your track - even better!

    i'm sure, next time you'll start thinking about automatic backups (i do them manually every day when i'm working on track or designs)

    as for the shipping... i'm not sure where you from and where you made your order, but where i live, it usually took 2 weeks for mail to arrive, but this year i have to wait at least 3 weeks :(
    also, if you paid with your credit card or paypal, then you probably can get refund.
    it's even easier on eBay.
    you know what - this got me thinking that your drive might have bad sectors.

    depending on your HDD manufacturer, you can download special tool and test your drives overnight for bad sectors. in worst case, get Hiren's BootDVD and run Victoria :wink:
    if that's the case, you'll be happy you diagnosed it now and only lost one track. :wink:

  6. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Sadly I cant work when Im agressive or depressive... Its sad, and as soon as my new PC will arrive I will start mixing, just because I feel like the track is worth getting finished, even if I dont have the chance to take part in the contest.

    Thanks... Kind of a cliche-advise, but its true and it helps.

    I live in a part of germany with a very well infrastructure. You cant drive around for more then 10 kilometers without driving through a village. I contacted the company where I ordered today. The company had good critics, most people said things arrive in about 2-4 days. There where some who had negative experience with orders took 2-4 weeks, sadly I belong to them. The company first said they were unable to deliver this week because of the motherboard. Now they say the CPU would take 2 weeks, even if it sais on their website it will be delivered in 1-2 days! Thats just pretty extortionate. I will countermand the order...

    I use a SSD... Had these problems with FL before, thought I know how to avoid them, thought wrong...


    I didnt make any music this week because I knew I woulndt have fun until I have a new, working PC. Therefore something was missing, I feeled unbalanced the whole week. Now I tried to mix, and I failed badly... This week just sucked, and being unable to live out my favorite activity makes me feeling lost or something... I dont know, but Im sure you know what I mean
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    thats why i keep telling IL that they have to implement a dnam easy to use Freezing/flattering like all the other DAWs have.
    but they just think that their rendering to disk feature will do the job.
    anyway - you cant really do nothing to make this project working? render stuff out and use only the audio clips loaded?
    use a separate DAW and project to mix your track? i would keep going until tmro - maybe you can get something finished.
  8. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Anger is best tackled by solitude and silence. Talking a walk always works for me.

    But judging by your recent luck, you'll probably get mauled by wolves. :rofl:
  9. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Thats what I mormaley do... At least I think you ment TAKING and not TALKING :rofl:

    Now Im a little bit scared :rofl:

    Interesting idea, FL is obviosly not made for stem mixing...
    Is there a DAW which could do the job? just loading stems, link every stem to the mixer and mix them... Any ideas which would fit for a FL user?
  10. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    the most important investment you have is yourself without your mind and wit you wouldnot be able to accomplish anything. ive seen several days like these. but in times like these evaluate and recognize and appreciate what you do have. insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results. think smart and assess! apply your changes and move on! if your living and breathing your still winning! smoke some weed and fuck that troublesome bitch in the ass! *yes*
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    hmm i made a track in 2008 one my notebook - was a turion 64 1,6GHz single core.
    ive insert no FX compression or anything on the channels.
    rendered all stems to wav and imported back into Cubase. took me 12 hours to master it. ive used only Wave plugins
    i think it was waves 6. the result was sounding clean enough and i was able to play it without any glitches.
    i think you should give it a try.
    you can also reaper for that.

    good luck! :bow:
  12. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Most DAW's would do the job, Studio One, Sonar, Cubase... you could even use Montage in Wavelab!
    Not sure if you do this, but i've had some projects corrupt over the years and every save i change the name of the save file so i can revert to the older versions if need be.
    Have also found with a few projects that they wont open after certain plugins have been added and used (funnily enough Poizone comes to mind)!!

    HDDregenerator is a good tool if its a case of bad sectors on your HD like Saint mentioned.... but dont rely on that for a long term fix for drives.
  13. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Yop I do that, as soon as I make a big change or made many little things I save a new version, with a backup. Problem in this case was that I had to export everything, and I did the whole mixing process in one piece, therefore I didnt had a previous version that I cloud use...

    Anyway, I learned for the future...

    Im now at the point where I have to change my setup. My skills need more than I have. Its fucking expensive, but making music is one of the best things in this world for me, so its okay...

    BTW something new about my "Luck"
    Just saw that my desk has a crack and Im a little bit scared that it will break...
    But lets see it positive, I have something to do until my new PC arrives, repairing my desk and search for studio monitors (which is a big challenge... there are hundreds of studio monitors and everybody sais something different)
  14. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Yamaha NS10 if you can find a pair, they are not made anymore due to the not so ozone friendly gas in the tweeter ;)
    A couple of friends have the NS1000's which really are amazing but quite rare!!

    I have Alesis Monitor 1 monitors.. nice a little over colourful but i know them well.
    They only have a 6" cone so i still have to take things elsewhere to A/B my mixes, 8" + are better for drive response if you're making dance music.
    With that in mind Alesis Monitor 2 (active or passive) are a lot better than v1 =)

    Don't worry about your luck, i just spent the last 7 hrs fixing my server so you're not alone, we've all been there one time or another!
  15. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Theres already a threat :wink: :

    I found some used ones, but they cost as much as the Equator D5s... I would rather go with them if I buy some in this price-class... Still not sure how much I will spend...

    Thanks :wink:
  16. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    "Fear leads to ( Anger ) ( Anger) leads to hate, Hate leads to Suffering Yoda..
  17. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Your computer isn't the problem. Your workflow is.

    Check out youtube the "in the studio with..." stuffs. Benga or Rusko's setup is risible. Some top notch dudes were using FL professionally even 10 years ago, is your actual computer 10 years old? I don't think. Export, bounce, freeze.
    "My name is skrillex" was made with multimedia speaker, low-end headphones...
    50 years ago, some dudes were sent to the moon, with computers. Your mobile phone can do better than these.
    For sure a top-notch computer is a help, so are monitors. Craving for the new CPU and craps like this is ridiculous.

    So long for the deadline. I think one week is short for arranging/mixing/roughly mastering/.. a track.
    Sorry for the FL failure (does it fail on all of your projects? with a new project?)
  18. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    First world problem.
    Get back when you have accidentally erased 20 current school-projects (made by other students) from the shared hdd. That's a nice (and educating) lesson learned, filled with anger, shame, frustration, hopelessness and other odd feelings. I was young. Now I'm older and wiser.
    "Kill your darlings."
  19. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Wow that must have been really aggravating...

    so what? its not about how others make good music (and by the way they all had much more expierience on the date they where filmed / released the song), its about how I make music and what I need. And when I need more to make good music than benga or skrillexdo, than it is like it is and its okay.
    Beethoven made music even if he cant hear it, does that mean I have to take him as a role model and make my music without listening to it???

    Sorry, but I dont like these arguments. It can be useful to see how others do it, and sometimes less is more. But most of the time thats not right.

    And also: Yes people made good tunes with DAWs and programs which werent as good as todays programs. But usually these people use the new stuff and high-end PCs today and state that its much easier for them today and that they like the enhancements...
  20. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Ah, now it makes more sense to me... Skrillexxxx shit sounds like it was made on cheap headphones!!
  21. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    ...and by the way, dont think he makes a track and it got released right after it. it gets mixed and mastered by professionals...
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