Can Music Corrupt Your Morals?

Discussion in 'Music' started by black.afrika.zulu.x, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    it can be used bad or good..
    this is not the point to set the tool on...
    missinformation....and miss values mus be terminated through information and connected ppl...not polarized ppl...
    there was also a time with to much fake suits and housewife morals...opposite of today
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
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  2. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    mmmm ...mayyyybe so.... ? :dunno:

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  3. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    hahahaha....WHO MANS IS THIS?!?
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    The above video is a tragedy. It is a narrow minded mentality generated by over exposure to racism and bigotry that no child should possess and it is a child. His parents should be ashamed but it is a possibility too that his parents might be responsible for his exposure to this sub-human mindset.
    It's not music, it is hate speech put to music and corrupting music as a whole.
    As for corrupting morals, yes, this kind of music if that is what anyone could even call it???? - would corrupt any youth that has no identity or ability to make their own decisions into believing that this is acceptable behaviour and it is unacceptable for any race, creed or colour to integrate. It's appalling and this attitude is a bane to all of humanity.
    T/O - If you put this as your opening statement and I repeat I do not consider this music though some people do, then yes you would be right, this is very corrupting for anyone stupid enough to think this is sane behaviour.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2018
  5. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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  6. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    the youngest among us
  7. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Aw man, this is that underground Trump mixtape I keep hearing about, before he got all mainstream.
  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Probably among the oldest actually, but don't let that stop your ignorance and transparency in taking one phrase out of context
  9. electriclash

    electriclash Guest


    Not sure where this shade is coming from. My post answered question by OP, 'Can music corrupt..?'. My answer was a resounding yes, with serious proof and a subtext of, 'especially the weakest minded of us all, the very young'. I agreed wholeheartedly with your entire assessment of the video.
    Ignorance and transparency? Your defensive projection is in the red, I do not accept. We're actually seeing eye-to-eye on this completely.
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  10. koolarbi

    koolarbi Newbie

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Great thread, love every bit of it thanks OP
  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    No...I mean music makes me move my hips in ways that females can not resist.... :break: :disco:
    Some may say that music has corrupted my morals! :bash:
    Of course the repression of music is immoral, and the corruption of music is a corruption of morals. :trolls:

    And nothing is black & white...nothing is simple...
    The matrix where the individual meshes with the environment can not be fully comprehended by the intellect.
    But our electro-chemical-mechanical brain/body comprehends it all subconsciously. :yes:
  12. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    "Propoganda" When art is corrupted by people, or used for base purpose.
    Used for base purpose ... hmmm
    Well, i must admit that I put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV when making out....
  13. What is the baseline of deciding what is the fundamental essence of morality in a society that values money as an end all and above all else, that values the individual as consumer and is the dream of the billions to become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams? What is right and wrong, truth or lies in a world where corporate ideals are fostered in schools for their own benefit and where universities and mainstream news outlets are beholding to the money that sponsors their livelihoods? When is it right to compete for absolutely anything at the expense of another and so to profit from their loss? Is it some holy book that speaks of love on one page as it then glorifies maiming and killing on the next, or something wholly else glossed over, an inconvenient truth? How can we talk with any asurity or conviction, blindfolded by selfrighteousness if we hold no common ground in which to parlay?
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  14. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Certain things about the internet lead to some people getting defensive. One thing I think contributes to that is that people often write just a few words about the one thing they see another got wrong.
    They may agree about 99% , or at least have to some overall feeling or idea about "how things should be" or "what to do about _______", but often do not respond to that with which they agree...
    Remember to check if the person you are ready to fight over some point actually voted your comment UP!

    ~~~ So now i wrote some things that i think about... A long stream of words with lots of "..." and I will have to punctuate it as if i am explaining what i think to another person. And so I am, if I actually post it.
    And I will. And I had to add a spoiler for my thoughts about posting this kind of stuff, but everything is connected so it is still on topic. :bleh:
    I wonder if a "spoiler" within a "spoiler" is possible? ... I won't attempt it here.
    So first, why to post like this?-->
    All the better to practice trying to get ideas across.
    And if it seems right now ... and if it seems clear, maybe when I read it later sometime it won't.
    Maybe i will see a little better how incoherent I am and where i was wrong.. so why post it?
    Why not just think it? Why not just write a .txt for myself to read later?
    Well, I WILL copy/paste it into a .txt for later ..maybe months or years later, so I might look back an laugh...
    But to POST may force me to be more clear if I think another may read it.
    And more important and efficient, if I post it another can see MORE wrong than i can, and they can see it instantly because it won't make sense! It might take a while before it doesn't make sense to me...
    (maybe not..sometimes I can read back stuff shortly after writing it and can't make any sense of it.
    Either poorly written or just stupid, others can see better and faster ..and they might point it out!
    So I should not write so much or they will not bother and I will never know so many things I think wrong or can not say right... but this is why it is in a spoiler, besides just space on the page. Only someone who would bother correcting me would make it even this far..
    And then to say what i actually wrote about defensiveness ... at least that is what i began thinking ...
    Of course looking at things through a filter, or a whole set of filters that make up an ideology or worldview leads to a lot of conflict because few ideologies are comprehensive or coherent.

    Things (life, reality, humans ... fuck, even a SPOON) are much to complex to ACTUALLY understand.
    All we have are ideas, symbols, metaphors, math, drama ... yet in ignorance we assume we know How Things Are, and worse, in grand arrogance propose to tell everyone else what they ought to do about That.
    It doesn't take the scientific method to show us how little we know about complex things.
    Science shows us how little we know about the simple ones.
    When it comes to more complicated things like, like societies & cultures, communities, families, one-on-one relationships, even our own minds ... we should be humble.

    That is not to say we should not say what we think is true..that is the only way we learn...
    But we should put every idea and opinion forth to be sacrificed on the altar of understanding.
    If it is crushed by facts or wise consensus we can at least see more about it.
    We should try to do that with our own ideas, but it is difficult, and we should be seeking help.
    Let your ideas be attacked and attention...see what happens and what remains.
    We learn by watching the process, and what remains is likely close to true.
    Ideas are like lumps of coal.
    If they are true, the more heat and pressure put on them, the harder they become.
    Occasionally we find diamonds.

    But i could be wrong ... in the least I have said a lot of half-truths, or sloppy metaphors, or ...something.
    So it is the same with all I said. It is just what i think, and I can't even claim to have thought it up, so why be defensive?
    Well, the implications... IF i am wrong about this or that... If it is just a bit of information it is no big deal.
    But if i am wrong about that, what other things might i be wrong about ...
    And if my ideology depends on it .. if my whole view of HOW THINGS ARE might be at risk...

    That is a threat to existence itself and is tied into my limbic system and brain...
    i feel the need to defend my ideas .. in words ... or in actions... to defend myself..
    It's understandable, but understanding is not enough. Keeping it in mind...paying attention is the only help.
    A wise man once said "Intellect should be the handmaiden to attention."
    What we know is important, but what we attend to is, more important.

    Wait ... is it worthwhile for anyone to pay attention to what i just wrote? Really?
    A joke, maybe... but if you made it to this point, you know i am serious too ! Time is valuable...
  15. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    This may obfuscate the original question further........................................................i mean its not like we're going to get a definitive answer is it?
    What is a tritone and why was it nicknamed the devil’s interval?

    "“When we hear something dissonant, it gives you a little bit of an emotional frisson, because it's strange and unexpected. The emotional result of hearing a tritone, might not be too different from the one experienced at the bottom of a staircase that failed to mention it’s missing its last step.”

    Pitches sound harmonious together when there is a simple ratio between the frequencies of the two notes. The ratio of two notes an octave apart is a pleasing 2:1, and these sounds are so consonant we even give both the notes the same name. The next most consonant interval is the perfect fifth, (3:2). And so it continues, through the full range of intervals.

    So how about our friend the tritone? Well, its notes end up in the unsightly proportion of 45:32 (or 64:45 depending on which way you tune it). Either way, this ratio sounds pretty ugly to the human ear. But it’s not all bad news – the tritone has found great fame and fortune in the world of alarms and emergency sirens!"

    and this:
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  16. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Why should you know when you haven't done any research into our moral sentiments?
  17. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Someone said something similar before about statements like this masquerading as questions but it leads to other questions which was part of my point earlier.
    In Relevance to your statement:
    1. How do you know he has not done research into Global moral sentiments?
    2. Why do you think he might not know at the least as much as you do even if it does not fall into the same areas?
    3. What does anyone on here truly know about another?
    4. How do you know he has not tallied all of your threads and posts up and found a consistency and made an assessment no matter how judgmental that is to base his assessment?
    5. How do you know if his assessment does not come from someone who is an authority on the subject just because he did not use academic footnotes and bibliography as his source?

    None of us do. Perhaps a question like? "What makes you feel/say this?
    Might produce a result that gives an answer rather than what I agree with him on, the negating of everything before it has a chance to show its reasoning. So the reasoning will never be known because of the negating. Some people call that ignorance, because it is a choice they made to ignore the possibility that their perception may not be the only possible answer, reason or MO.
    It is no better than quoting someone out of context - it serves no good purpose and instead, creates confusion and an inability to interpret intent.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2018
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  18. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    It seems you're finally raising standards and possessing some academic qualifications. Now my nose is bleeding.:bleh::mates:
  19. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Formal research. Empirical research (if that is even possible) and not thought experiments (Trolley Problem, etc).

    Are our moral sentiments even investigable without doing invasive, Nazi-style experiments on humans?

    Are they even things?

    Are they not, perhaps, "relations" which defy ostension?

    See Problem of Induction
  20. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Wipe away, my friend.
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