Acustica Audio releases Viridian Suite

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Viridian Suite

    Acustica Audio has released Viridian, a plugin suite based on iconic '60s and '70s units.

    Viridian aims to bring you the tone of some of the world's most exclusive British solid-state vintage studio gear, used on countless records that wrote the history of music.

    Viridian suite includes:

    • Viridian Channel-strip.
    • Viridian EQ (Equalizer standalone module).
    • Viridian Comp (Limiter/Compressor standalone module).
    • Viridian Pre (Preamps standalone module).

    It's equipped with 6 preamps, 3 compressor models and 3 equalisers with full band interaction.





    There is an introductory/pre-sale price of €169.15 (15% off) during the first 4 weeks of this release or until a final version is released.

    More info here
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
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  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Viridian has been updated to Viridian 2 (free for Viridian 1 owners)....It's available through acquarius.
    They're implementing the latest core (aka "13") in all their plugs...The improvement it brings justifies apparently a new version.
    I'll to test 1 & 2 side by side as soon as I'm able to, in order to check if those improvements are indeed that big.
  4. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Looking for forward to updating all my AA plugs to Core 13. Will probably buy Viridian over El Rey for the compressor. I think they talked up El Rey so much it couldn't live up to the hype.
  5. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah that A-Pie comp is incredible (and there are two others very nice too)...Loving the A72 pre very much too...There is still the possibility to buy it at a reduced price, so thats something too. I think they are discounted until today, still, maybe tomorrow. They gave the date on GS or on Acustica forums.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I've bought Taupe and El-Rey recently and I'm pretty much happy with them, especially Taupe. I love the colors it can impart, such a huge pallette and it makes pretty much everything that you run through it sound better than in its original state.
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm in love with that thing (good comp too imo).
    And with the econom mode I can just get the mojo, the colors without messing excessively with the transients of the material, with the dry/wet knob I can do it in a pretty transparent way and use all those great models they have included. Some are hugely colorfull, it's a nice way to get their qualities without it being too much.
  8. Marsupilami

    Marsupilami Guest

    Waiting for Amethyst upgrade, can`t go into Aquarius that frquently ... can you drop a note?
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Sure. :wink:
    I'm probably gonna create a thread to centralize all acquas updates announcement as they come .
  10. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    No idea how these sound but the GUIs are gorgeous.
  11. Marsupilami

    Marsupilami Guest

    Sweet! Thanks so much ...
  12. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    With the pre-release and a 35% coupon, Viridian was almost half price. Jubilation slightly diminished when converting Euro to Australian dollar. Can we join the EU? I hear there's going to be a vacancy soon.
  13. Marsupilami

    Marsupilami Guest

    Hahaha ...
    the issue is not necessarily the currency Euro but it`s taxes.
    I believe I`ve seen Talmi in a yellow vest at France24 because of that
    (the third from the left with that fancy haircut).

    If Australia files an accession application
    to instantly fire a good bunch of greedy EU idiots chances are very very good.

    My bet is climate change is about to establish the understanding
    earthlings are a global family which leads into one global currency.

    Until then one is asked to bite the bullet.
  14. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    The issue is also with the € currency (which is very fine for Germany but economically totally awful and highly stupid for every other UE countries, leading to their economical destructions and great poverties ; UE is not a federation and Germany doesn't want to redistribute wealth but only take it all). Competent economists know this, but the french political cast absolutely doesn't want to know, and the people aren't yet conscious about this. FREXIT ASAP !...
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Funny I was exchanging with a member of the forum regarding that matter. I exchange a lot with the people I protest with, besides my friends who are in the movement with me with whom we already have a lot of talks beside when there are protests. The GJ (Gilets Jaunes) are France in its diversity, so there are a lot of different pov represented. Yet in general right now people I exchanged with focused on their personal issues that they considered common to us all (very pragmatical matters regarding everyday life), and that mostly are, but without going necessarly far as far as the roots of the problem are concerned.
    Concrete example : the price of the energy, and not just gas. A lot of people required that the price of electricity shouldn't be rised next year. Which is a promise we've already gotten from the President.
    Except that already happened and it's not legaly possible because of our agreement with the EU. In 2016 S.Royal (back then our minister of environement) made a similar promess. They didn't rise the price for a year...But guess what ? We took the engagement to our European partners - despite the fact that this is one of the things we rejected by referendum as we didn't have this conception of the public sector (that we call service ppublic here) - to make the electricity market open to the private sector, and of course it has now to be an open market (ie the price of the electricity shouldn't be fluctuating according to what the gvt decides, but according to how the market fluctuates). So the competition of EDF (which used to be the only public player of the sector) took it to the law, le conseil d'état, who stated that the fact that the price wasn't risen wasn't fair for the competition as it wasn't a reflection of what should have been price regarding to market criterias, so the price decided was illegal. They decided that we had to pay the next year what hadn't been paid the year before, and we got a huge energy bump in our bills the year after.
    After the gvt announced a week back that the energy price wouldn't rise in 2019, only a few nespapers underlined that it wasn't possible, and the gvt explained that they would find a way anyway, yadiyada, but it's crap. It's just not legaly possible regarding our engagement toward the EU today.
    I tried to talk with my camarades GJ about those matters...But they're not aware of it.
    Right now only 35% of the population according to the polls want to renounce to the euro, yet there isn't a single demand they have that doesn't come from problems coming from our belonging to the EU....
    But you know it's like in 2005 for the referendum. 6 months before it, polls were all saying that the "oui" would win...6 months later the "non" was a triumph. In between, people sat and talked like we hadn't talked in decades in France. Politic, policies, economy, etc. It's fascinating when an entire population wakes up to political debate and democracy. It's dangerous for the powerfull. Specialy in France !
    And right now it's happening again. People are exchanging. They are starting to realize that they are not alone in their misery, they are not individualy responsible of it and soon I'm sure they'll know who's responsible for it all beside what's under their eyes, Macron and its gang (well right now we don't see much of them, I guess they're hiding).
  16. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    @Talmi , I'm currently watching a video with Etienne Chouard, Philippe Pascot & Jean Lassalle :bleh:

    IMO there's currently only one political leader who is really serious, and clearly define a big (and true) part of the solution, in France : Asselineau and the UPR party, FREXIT
    All the others are crap, only searching a good personal situation for them, only searching to be elected

    ...Well, I'm not fluent with english, if we were talking in french I could say much more :guru:

  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Chouard was important in 2005. I read that his blog is very popular still now. I don't really follow his analysis tbh, too much things to read and not enough time.

    I don't have party affiliation, I'm not fund of them. I know Asselineau and he is not my thing (I feel about him or any others like you feel about all the others). He has a hard stance on the frexit thing, and he's probably the only one amongs people who think they should be president or whatever. Euro is part of the problem (and other things above it, even out of the euro, the finance will still be there), but it's far far from being the only one. I also have hard stances on economical matters, political andsocial ones, and I'm not just interestd in our soveraignety.
    I also don't like representative democracy, I believe in a direct democracy. I don't want a president. A prime minister and parlementary members.

    We're grown up and we know better. My avatar is red but, trully, black is my color mostly. Red for the economy. Black for the rest. A bit of Sans Culotte and a bit of Communards.
    I like those moments we're living cause they can lead to changes in the way we debate, take our decion. They make us come together and grow up politicaly. They can lead to revolutions because of that. This civic majority we get to, thanks to all this emulation, this new togetherness we experiment through our fight. Man, all those people, those strangers, talking and fighting. Fack. There is beauty in this, in our sad world, there is a real beauty in those moments.

    Before it gets ugly.
  18. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    Chouard is important because he made the analysis on fundamentals of real democracy (no vote for representatives !... Representative choosen within the people on lottery and for a restricted time with true revocation possibilities ; vote only for voting the laws, by all the people ; lottery principle - as in Athens ancient Greece - basicaly ruins the mafias that the vote for representatives allows to inevitably constitute. Constitution written by the people, and absolutely not by the representatives !... This doesn't allow the conflict-of-interest that representatives writing a constitution for themselves always allows, always making flawed constitutions).

    Asselineau tells the truth (since 11 years, at first totally alone without anyone to support him ; this shows courage and opiniatrety in front of a locked system where no one was giving him a chance), and he is not (yet) elected. He has the capacity for the job, for this transitional FREXIT solution to restore a bit of democracy and power and prosperity to the people (and only then, there could be the possibility to create a real democracy as Chouard has cleared the fundamentals).

    Euro is THE problem, since it removes the monetary creation from the state (in theory the state should be emanation of the people) to give it to the banks and the oligarchy, and since it removes the nation economic initiative capacity. EU is a permanent an antidemocratic coup d'état, made little by little, for the people to not realize. Restoring the monetary creation to the state can allow the elimination of financiary problems (it can allow that money could serve the people, and not always people serving the money). Without that you can do nothing, and you'll remain in this hyperfeudalism oligarchic financial slavery, worsening year after year.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
  19. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah I know about the difference between direct and rep democracy, I know it more than well. Studied it actually. I don't want any representative. So obviously parties...Well what's the point. Don't want nor need any. No UPR, no RN, no LFI, no PS, no LR, no Larem, Modem or PCF...None.
    If you want to know where Chouard picked some of "his" idea, read Bernard Manin.
    To me democracy isn't about the technical details of how we stop being responsible by letting "representatives" vote our laws. We create the so-called mafia by investing a group of people to whom you give your collective destiny to rule. It doesn't matter if it's through lotery, or vote. It's the representation that creates problems, as it's not democratic in its very base.
    I also know about the lines of Asselineau. I woke up regarding capitalism way before 11 years ago (he still isn't there afaik). So yeah. Euro just a consequence. Of a system. A currency. Far from being my only problem, maybe even priority.
    France and the people I have at heart, the majority, won't be saved with a simple change of currency, no matter how hard I want to get out of European Union, that's not only for this.
    Democracy here again takes the toll above all others preoccupation. Of course mastering your budget , your currency and your economy is part of it, but for what ?
    I want everything to change. I don't fetish about sovereignety if it's not a tool for radical changes.
    Finaly in this moment we need to stay away from parties recuparations and such trivial matters. Every one and every ideologies are welcome in this uprising - that's what it's about - and no one should push forward their own political agendas or nothing will come out of it.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
  21. Marsupilami

    Marsupilami Guest

    Sorry folks, I shouldn`t have gone into the political field,
    it was meant to be a lightweight comment towards member "tooloud".

    We are in a forum regarding musicproduction in a broad sense.

    It doesn`t mean to exclude political events
    but it also doesn`t mean to loose the focus of a topic, remember?
    "Acustica Audio releases Viridian Suite".

    "Tooloud" placed politics into a humorous context
    and I brushed it in moderation as a reply.

    Let`s not go into the area of gnawing countryspecific bones
    and ideologic differences to explain why AA has it`s prices.

    Stay lightweight and humorous to respect and appreciate this very forum.
    OK ?
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