Internet has almost shown its full potentiality. What's next? Is Revolution over?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ICWC, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Bonne idée ouais. J'ose pas trop, le sujet étant politique...
    Et ouais va y avoir des trucs partout. Je suis dans le sud ouest et dans mon bled aussi, des actions sont prévues.
    Mais bon j'habitais à Paris il y a encore un an, j'y ai des proches et des amis dans le 11ème et 12 ou je peux aller me réfugier si ça part en sucette dans le 16ème...Et ça risque de partir en cacahuette, vu le nombre de policiers et de chars (!!!, ffs) prévus pour le truc.
    Donc on part en cortège dés ce soir. Et oui, on roule en diésel :excl:...:yes:
  2. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    It seems you're the ignorant one, because yes, in the middle-ages that's how people lived, and in 1920 people didn't have it much better when it comes to information. Try actually having an argument next time.
  3. melopill

    melopill Newbie

    Oct 18, 2018
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    OK integration and action is the next step. This comes through clear and TRUE communication. A catalyst for this would be exchanging perspectives. This should be done through every means possible, and not getting too settled into one thing. (the state of the current world should be proof that settling now is not a valid progression) trying a new sport, trying psychadelics, changing your diet, travelling would open one up. And enough people doing this would be able to reach and clear ignorance.

    our simplest human, and our most complex are way too far apart... if this were a military group doing a march we'd be so out of sync.
    the reason this matters is every individual is supposed to represent a unique mind and way of being. some are just under-developed, meaning they can be led by a more developed one... sometimes neglecting there own unique thing that they are bringing to the table. this creates too many consumers, and too little producers.

    this is evident with all our games, films, opinions, and food seeming to be very similar, with less and less new ideas.when's the last time you saw a character as developed as mario ? or sonic? or the simpsons? but NEW ? its becoming rarer.

    the 90's inventors had free reign as there was no one way of doing things.. you had all sorts of crazy inventions al lof the time from tamagochi's, to minimotors. Investors were always looking for the next thing as there was no standard. but now most phones have the same design, features, and if you stray too far, you do not get the financial support due to the apparent (risk)

    following this is the idea of following a 'working pattern' when it truth you're just overmliking it i.e. fifa 09 fifa 10 fifa 11 fifa 12, assasins creed 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,645,6,4564 less interested in 'remake of game from last console which is literally just a texture change and no new features'

    more interest in diversity. The amount of games you would have bought on your ps2 is alot more than your ps4

    people who have made bad investments must learn to stop supporting it, and lying just to recoup as much as they can.

    we have all we need right now. it's time to just balance it all out.

    practice proving people that you disagree with right, even if you completely oppose what they're saying, just to broaden your view and learn the others perspective.

    Also money is not balanced, so people should not allow it to rule there life without at least wanting it to be balanced. why can i fly from the uk to poland for £2, but a bag of organic apples grown in the same country cost me more than that? which brings me onto false beliefs about termanology. don't be fooled organic should not mean expensive... it does mean grown without adding extra stuff to it i.e. naturally, i.e. put a seed in the ground and let it rain. which should actually make it cheaper....

    getting people all up to a standard where they can at least lead themselves is key.

    the internet was fine, it was just abused. it came out with 'unlimited access to this that etc'

    meaning the people who jumped on board early and new what was going on could use tons of it, manipulate what the people who were catching up would see, and then charge them.

    if you compare now to just a few years ago, you see less and less unlimited deals, more fair use policies, and more prices because of what i just mentioned.

    All in all, if you wanna fix things. Stick to 100% truth, no matter how strange it gets, and expand what you know, in every way you can. When something doesn't seem right, question, and DO NOT accept "that's just how it is" / "i don't know" / etc

    those are not answers. and do not allow you to grow, nor fix the problem. if someone doesn't know, ask where you can find out and press there. be weary around peope who get offended or annoyed when you ask them question's

    oh yeah, and a really important one. SUSTAINABILITY. if what you're doing is harmful in any way, you're doing it wrong. I must stress we have all we need to make this happen. look elsewhere if you don't see it.
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  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I don't see it that negative. But sadly a lot of people are behaving like trained dogs already. So it's questionable if it's the digitalism that makes them this way or they themselves. We just don't need to follow every hype.

    The fact that we do not need to do what the goverment wants us to do is so nicely proven by the gilets jaunes these days.
    So I have hope for mankind, especially the french who are greatly unbending. :mates:

    And there is as saying here: "Please, God, give me the strength to change things I have the power to change. Give me the serenity to bear things I can't change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
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  5. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    oui c'est sûr mais l'impact sur la France n'a rien à voir avec les manifs de Paris!
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    No tinc ni punyetera idea de què dieu però aprofito per parlar en català i quedar-me tan ample. :)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
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