Steinberg UR242/UR44 or Scarlet 6i6

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Hennessey, Dec 5, 2018.


Steinberg UR242/UR44 or Scarlet 6i6 ?

  1. Steinberg UR242/UR44

    12 vote(s)
  2. Scarlet 6i6

    1 vote(s)
  3. None of them

    4 vote(s)
  1. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Hello to everyone. I will apreciate your thoughts about two of these AI since i am considering to buy one of them form my laptop.

    But i have some doubts so i kindly I will ask you if you can to write pros and cons about those two audio interfaces but in other hand i already have make my decission and i will probably get one of those Steinberg.

    But to clear my doubts i will ask you for your personal expiriences ,because most of reselers here where i am do not have Steinberg stuff to be specific UR242 (which is pretty shame even a official steinberg resseler) and then when i make some remarks about that ,they all recomend me to buy Scarlet 6i6 because they allways have it in stock and recomends me as perfect even better performance-wise AI.But...

    Well to be clear i do not suffer from all that Steinberg products hype but i heard one good saying which is for me absoultely true and that is " When German people make car and war then they make it to be worldwide known" so that is all the time in my head and in this casue also.
    Having a DSP mixer is very good addition and nice touch IMHO :)

    Since Scarlet as a i read it is from China ,maybe i am wrong but that gives me not a confidece... IDK :/

    I dont believe more resselers because week ago i was "forced" to buy by resseler recomendations Tascam 4x4 which is looking good ,but behavies worse than my Intel audio in my laptop even with drivers latency set up 1024 samples ,to many glitches,,not stable,lame interface,slow as hell, not supported FL Studio ,just up to 96khZ max sample rate , support sucks and headphones output are way to loud not good balanced.but that is another story...

    Because of that i ask you for help :)

    But Why Steinberg?
    - Well because a lot of good recensions and a couple self expirience with them . Nothing more.

    Once i have tried an UR12 and that was in very short term but for me most important was that good responding with PC and very low lattency settings without glitches whatsoever.

    I own TC Electronic Desktop Konnekt 6 which is one bet buy for me ever and for my humble needs....Now is 7 years ,and has never gave up on... Precise as clockwork.
    But i cant use it since is firewire interface and my laptop doesnt have firewire even for an upgrade possibility.

    In meanwhile i am also considering for Steinberg UR44 RT edition but for now and my needs is way to expenccive about 500e which makes it 150e more than normal version of this kind of interface.

    So to shorten this story i have a these request so please speak if you can from your very own expirience ,that is what i need, for that amount of money in range from 200-350e is :

    - Good and stable performance with any daw
    - Developer support with regular drivers update and fixing problems
    - as low as possible latency for a solid monitoring _via DAW
    - for me in UR interfaces DSP mixer is a worth thing to have
    - And of course a decent AD\ DA converters,good MIC preamps etc. I dont know nothig more about technical things "_
    - And most immportant is to have 4 inputs and at least 2 outputs and if possible 2 separate headphones outs.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for my eventualy spelling and language errors :) Cheers
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
  3. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I have UR242. I am satisfied. I have recorded several guitars, and also SM 57 with that.

    In terms of stability, they are good, I have never had any issue with those. Also, they release drivers occasionally.
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    My personal experience about Scarlett, with a 18i20 is that the drivers are good, the interface is fast BUT the headphones outputs are weak, so if you use a professional heaphone (high impedance) it is not powerful enough to give a good volume when mixing at safe values keeping enough headroom.

    I can't speak for the Steinberg interface. Giving this brand policy, I would check if you need a single or not before buying.
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  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Thanks for feedback guys. :)

    And Olymoon ,yes i have good enough pro headphones AKG , but still i wanna know little bit more about Scarlet interfaces so if any of other member have been expirienced with both of them i hope they will give me an advice ....

    Best regards :)
  6. jointsmoker

    jointsmoker Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2018
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    if you are looking for a good MIC preamp UR 242 is the choice ^^
    Scarlett sounds clean but ur 242 sounds more warm and punchy ,
    i worked with the both and end up using ur242 for recordings ,and for performance wish i use native instruments komplete audio6 for mixing mastering ,i found it is better.
  7. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Here's a fact! Unless you're running on a Mac OS I'd highly recommend staying clear of Focusrite because they write some of the worst Windows 10 drivers out there!
  8. amadeusex

    amadeusex Ultrasonic

    Nov 2, 2017
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    My Steinberg UR44 works flawless with Win10 and MacOs HighSierra.

    The preamps are outstanding and the Drivers are working just fine. Two independent Headphone Outs aren't too shabby either.
  9. Yabaplop

    Yabaplop Member

    Oct 25, 2017
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    I had 3x UR242 and a Scarlett 6i6, so i can only speak for them.
    Thought i loved the UR, they went twice to guarantee because of a bug that would randomly disconnect them, sometimes several times a minute. very annoying, i sold the 3rd one when it came back. I was on a macbook pro.
    Have been using the Scarlett for a year and a half with 0 problems.
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  10. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I had a older Yamaha i88x. Never again. Win 7 came out no updated drivers. Would not work with out a reverse hack. So take it from my experience if you want to buy a new DAC every time a new version of windows comes out get the
    Steinberg if you want to want to keep your DAC then get another brand.
  11. T3NR@

    T3NR@ Producer

    Aug 4, 2017
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    I juggled between steinberg ur and scarlett for a year but then saved more and bought a babyface pro, not one ounce of regret.
  12. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Folks ,thanks to all of you , for all your efforts and writing me also helping me out.
    I appreciate that a lot and because of that i believe in this community i was asking here rather to listen resselers.
    Well i have almost come to decision and Steinberg won in this race and 99% i will get UR44.

    By the way i am on (laptop Windows 7) and for those people who tell me about Steinberger quiting support on old system ,i just want to say that this is just for some short time ,because i need it for "mobile" studio work ,live recordings etc...

    In near future i will for sure get some decent replacement ,but i think also that Steinberg MIC preapms have that warm sound, idk it feels like that ...

    Actually i have in mind in near future to get UAD Apollo TWIN but in first place i must and i hope with this Steinberg stuff make money for that sweet toy or TC Electronic Studio Konnekt when i upgrade my studio rack,but that is another storry to tell . :))))

    Well thanks a lot and when it comes because i have to order from Deutschland i will for sure give some oppinions on that gear because nowhere on www i didnt found a proper comparison.

    Well thank you and i would love to be this thread alive maybe can help out to another confused people like i was...

    p.s. i was just maked sneak peak at Babyface Pro it looks like a good tool but for now overpriced for my budget but maybe in near future i will add to considering list.And i will need a proper Mixing board to take full advantage I/O wise. Anyhow, Thanks for the tip :)

    Long Live AZ & AS!!!

    Much love for all... :) Merci

    Best regards and have a good one :)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
  13. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I have a Pro 40 fire wire unit about 4 or 5 years old now. It's good. I think the scarletts are good since I helped a friend who was budget minded and it got one. It worked fine not issues.
  14. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    change your DAW or update drivers! Check Steinberg site or Yamaha for latest drivers. I have never had an issue with UR242!

    Don't pay for additional inputs and outputs if you don't need. All Steinberg interfaces are the same, they just have the different number of inputs and outputs.
    Also, I guess UR44 does not have pad switch.
    Check here:
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
  15. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Holly cow that was overseeing!
    Well thank you for that info and heads up, now that is very disappointing thing that UR44 does not have a pad switch but UR242 does.

    Now that is a game changer because one of benefits from steinberg in my case was that PAD switch,but...

    About interfaces itself yes i know that every single one is same,and yes, i need those extra inputs because like i mentioned earlier i will use it for some live gigs to record with Cubase or Nuendo Live and UR44 offers me if i am not wrong 6 inputs 4 Outputs and 2 separated headphones outputs as well. You can never get enough with I/O

    But i think that i will never have a need for pad switch because i was never recorded that loud sound so i will have to reduce the gain for - -20db by now , and i was recorded so many loud live gigs in my home studio via Dynacord PM 1600 thru my TC Electronic, and i used to manage loudnes without any clipping and distortions.
    If i am not wrong but correct me if i am, PAD switch is only there to reduce input gain for additional - 20db.

    But there is a catch which i dont know about my TC since he have 3 modes of input modes and one of them i used is LINE IN stereo mode and maybe that mode have inside that PAD switch or something,so i have been lucky enough to do all recording properly and nailed gain staging. That interface is really good because it have good loudnes monitoring, but it lacks extra inputs and it is a firewire which is not for my current needs.

    Now something new in my story is that i will get those interfaces from Germany, for nearly half price than in my country i will not be so picky, but maybe i will anyway take a UR242 regarding that PAD switching, just in case you know

    But hey, this thread as i expected comes up to be very constructive as you helped me a lot i hope this thread will be helpful for someone else i really hope that.

    Thanks people, thanks a lot :)
  16. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well maybe and i believe you as i just saw that interfaces of yours looks and feels like real deal, and surely it is, but this little mobile things are something in what i dont believe to much because of cheap building etc.
    That your interface have a nice price tag and for that money it has to be good
    But again i am not ready to make stress to myself to buy something and afterwards to be disappointed, then return it back and wait for money back... That is too much stress for me in this holiday period especially .

    TBH i was never in touch with Focusrite before so i dont know how it behave in general but with steinberg i was and that was fine and was very satisfying for me to work with.
    But as thread grows i find and see good alternatives and reading experiences from other users which are very informative, maybe i will channge my mind i have few more days before i must have one of them because of work...

    Thanks for helpful info i hope someone else will find it useful.

  17. Yabaplop

    Yabaplop Member

    Oct 25, 2017
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    I did. I went through all of this with the support. Turns out i was not the only case.
  18. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Yes mine is the real deal. Big unit for the studio only. Glad I could help with some info. I can say my friend who has the Scarlett has not complained once about anything to me.

    Happy Holidays.
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