Audible difference between DAWs?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Ted Smithton, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Nailed it. And the name will go something like that:
    Analog-vintage-hardware-mojo-warmth-colouration-saturation-sausage- 88Dimensions
  2. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    any advance on seventeen?
  3. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Easily hit 20 by Christmas!
    But someone posting an actual song, be lucky to get 3 replies
  4. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    ok matey, I'll start, but it's another oldie... :speaker:
    i'm not hijacking the thread, honest :shalom:

    As I recall, it was recorded on a mix of cassette (or possibly quarter inch) 4 track and some version of cakewalk on windows 98 all midi synced with an atari st running cubase... and a parsnip in a pared tree.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  5. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    thanks man, glad you enjoyed.
  6. guy incogniyo

    guy incogniyo Noisemaker

    Jun 28, 2012
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    my last words on this subject:


    Saying to someone they don't know anything, calling them a liar and then trying to add weight to the statement
    by giving incorrect information.


    And my use of p-ro-pper grammre has nothing to do with facts.

    DAWs don't record to disc the OS does this. DAWs convert samples to bytes for the OS .

    The point of ASIO wasn't to throw WASAPI out the window as wasapi came after ASIO was developed.
    WASAPI was MS attempt at there own low latency driver.

    ASIO: by design bypasses a bunch of OS junk allowing for the lower latency which is why it's called a direct connect driver.

    in the end calls are made to specific functions in the OS.
    MY example tho wrong choice was not incorrect

    You went on to say that realtime FIR causes to much overhead and delay so no DAW would use one or if they did not on anything important..

    Regarding the imptortance of an FIR filter
    Anytime you need to guarantee specific freq response or adhere to specific requirements as well also to guarantee linear phase.

    IIR is not always cheaper on resources in some cases 1 FIR will give similar results to that of a chain
    of IIRs.

    Any quility sample rate conversion uses an FIR

    so If you have ever had a sample in a project that was using a lower or higher rate then the project? And you were not required to resample it in order to do so...

    Was this conversion done realtime or not? Hmmmm

    What about Everytime someone runs and external sound through a convolution reverb or a guitarist uses a AMP modeling plugin which is like everyday....

    Zero latency fast convolution FIR incorporating an FFT block is from 95
    first pluggin claiming zero latency FIR calculations was the KeFir back in 08..

    My test proposal and it's relationship to FIR filters ..

    First I'm not saying nor have I ever said they do or don't alter the sound.

    I'm saying only way one could realy test for differences is by using the native plugins.

    IF THEY Do OR Don't it would have to maintain linear phase.
    So if one was to sprinkle some magic pixie dust at the daw level.

    Both Logic and common sense tell us that using an FIR for such a task would be the best choice.

    And if your correct and all native EQ's are built using standard filters and such it would mean your null test would still work.

    But probably only AFTER proper amplitude matching was done. as I'm sure these levels will not match.

    If they don't or you can't null them out,

    Then it's like I said, test measuring amplitude and phase has nothing to do with which one sounds better to someone.

    As no one has actually come out with these types of results no one can honestly say anything in regards to any differences in the sound.
  7. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    lets make a poll
    are there audible difference's between DAWs?
    but 1 poll just diplom audio engineers 1 poll for artists ....
  8. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    This was a reply to messages spamming the forum that have now been removed.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
  9. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Dude. You didn't even know what gain means.

    Samples *are* bytes. The only thing the OS does is put these exact bytes on the disc.

    Sure. Do you see WASAPI used anywhere except on Microsoft Surface and Metro apps by people who don't have a proper audio interface? Nobody uses it for serious work.

    Well, just as with any other software. You call functions in the OS to even create a goddamn window.

    IIR filters guarantee just as "specific" freqency response and "adhere to specific requirements". That's why you do filter design where you can see the exact "specific" frequency response and set the filter so it "adheres to specific requirements". FIR is no better. Linear phase, yes, but unless you have a very specific edge case in mastering, you don't need to guarantee linear phase.

    Yet we're still using IIRs all the time and FIRs only in mastering because of the latency.

    Yes, resampling is one of the edge cases when you need to use a FIR filter. You know the first rule of any studio facility? You never change the bit depth and sample rate. I always use 44.1kHz 24bit for that exact reason. Also, this is not much of a huge "difference between DAWs" as all of them sound great these days, and it applies *only* if you're importing a file with a different sample rate. Which should be never.

    It wasn't done in realtime. Most DAWs will have you wait a little while and save the resampled audio to a cache folder.

    Does convolution reverb or amp modeling plugin qualify as "audible difference between DAWs"?

    Eh, kind of. See
    Basically by making a FIR zero latency it's no longer linear phase, so you might just as well use IIR
    Why so? What if, like most of people, you prefer to use your own set of plugins? Then the whole test would fall apart.
    The thing is, they can't. You know how big of an outrage would someone messing with your sound on a DAW level cause?
    Yes, not level matching is one of the reasons people insist some DAW sounds better than another
    Test measuring amplitude and phase actually has a lot to do with proving these people just got the placebo effect and no change actually happened.
  10. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    the Rolling Stones use fL Studio
  11. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well from my expirience when i transfer project from FL to Cubase 5 with same levels i hear difference... But my expirience about that stuff is not big so i can not explain. But what happens in most casses is for example.

    When i transfer Drum beat programmed in Battery from FL with same midi information no mix but basic leveling involved,it is huge difference. FL Studio have that "fat bottom,low end" but in Cubase 5 isnt case it sounds thiner and flat .... Well idk why but is audible for me... Maybe i am wrong or my ears but that is a true storry... Cheers
  12. Alin

    Alin Newbie

    Sep 11, 2018
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    Look, first open some samples in logic and render them then bounce then start live render and switch the phase then compress then eq then render and then start pro tools and open and render and sum and bounce and drop and start fl then crank the bass and render then mix and master and you will see that nothing compares to live music
  13. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    if you believe your ears/brain over hard evidence of basic addition then that is your problem. i dont care about your opinion, i care about facts.

    there are differences between DAWs, but not in the summing. if it nulls then it is exactly the same, fact.
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