Active Studio Nearfield Monitors

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Someone, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I don't have that much money so I would say I want active studio monitors for a prize up to 250€ per monitor (so 500€ for the pair).
    More realistic for me to buy new ones is to buy some on ebay, but if anyone know mind-blowing awesome studio monitors for an incredibly low prize share it with me :wink:
    So basicly I want the same as everybody else, neutral monitors. The monitors would stand about 30-50cms away from my face.
    My room is about 3,5 meters wide, 7 meters long and 2,5 meters high. I have no idea if "plaster" is the right term, I don't have paperhangings (again no idea if this is the right word), just colored wall.
    I make dubstep but also more chilled music like chillstep, downbeat and this kind of stuff.
    I hope this infos help you to give me some tips which are the right monitors to choose...

    I'm focusing on the KRK Rokit 5, i read good reviews for them and they would fit for my room, I think. I also saw some ESI nEar 05 on ebay, read good stuff about them, too. ALso thinking about Behringer B2031A Truth, Behringer Truth B1031A and alesis m1. But it's hard to choose...

    Which of these are better for me? which would you recommend?

    ...sorry for any bad grammatical mistakes, its late *yes*
  3. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i use KRK Rokit 8's and i luv them and my room is about the same size you just have to find your sweet spot in your room when it come to listening to the Bass response :wink:
  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Check out this

    I would stay away from most of the stuff you mentioned, just personal reference, nothing more :wink:

    About Equator, I find out not so long ago, some guy from other forum had them on testing, in his words they put on shame 700$ for pair monitors, didn't tried them,respect very much his opinion, also saw many people talk about them.

    I think you can return them after testing if you don't like them, so you are not loosing any money on mistake of some hype or something like that *yes*

  5. fataltone

    fataltone Newbie

    Feb 22, 2013
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    stay away from the KRKs they will lie to you when it comes to bass (yeah your beat is thumping) when it's really not

    I got two pairs of yammy(Yamaha) HS80ms from Guitar Center's used section for $400 ($485.00 after shipping and tax)
    check them out
    also look for some used Adam 7s
    but the biggest things

    1.the acoustic treatment in your room (properply placed)
    2.calibrate your monitors as well
    3.make sure the tweeter is at ear level
    4.make sure you got your monitors setup up in the triangle
    the same distance the monitors are a part from each other
    you should be sitting the exact same distance
    here is a simple video to help
    My link
    I won't have my monitors that close to the back wall like in the video unless needed because of limited space
    I suggest three feet from the wall

    -Two Tone Capone
  6. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I'd personally stir away from Behringer monitors. Apart from the fact that you might get a defective unit (typically the word out is that the noise ratio is too high), at first they may sound great, but since components are cheap, the sound quality will degrade rather fast and you won't notice it in time.

    I have a pair of Yamaha HS50 with a HS10 sub. I'm happy with them. On the other hand, lots of people love KRKs. Both sets are "colored" monitors, meaning they have a typical sound of their own. This can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you view it. KRKs are unnaturally boomy and as stated before, you might hear a big bass that might sound thin in another system. The Yamahas are hyped in mid-freq range and things may sound "honky." The point is that regardless of the monitors you buy, you need to "learn them" so that your brain learns to compensate for the uniqueness and flaws of your room acoustics. Monitors that are truly flat are way off your budget and they need professional room treatment to really provide their intended frequency response.

    One other thing you can buy right away with your monitors is Focusrite's VRM Box. It's a DSP headphone monitor emulator that will give you virtual room environments and speaker types, including KRKs, Adams, and Yamahas. It can give you immediate cross referencing so you can anticipate how your mix might sound elsewhere. Ideally, if your mix sounds average in most emulations and your actual speakers, you may have nailed it.

    Best of luck with your choice. In my opinion, I'd prefer to buy monitors that are 5" for a small room (Rockit 5, HS50). The bass won't boom, but it may sound closer to real life. Through cross listening in other speakers, in time you'll learn to find to set the bass right. However, if you buy monitors that highlight the bass, you will never know for sure how your bass really sounds, and you'll be playing hit-or-miss more often than not. I chose the Yamahas for the same reason NS10s became classics: they sound awfully honky. If you learn to tame your mids well and get them to sound right on your HS50s, they will most likely sound right in other speakers, too. If you add the VRM Box, you'll save lots of time on cross comparisons.

  7. fataltone

    fataltone Newbie

    Feb 22, 2013
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    the mid range on the Yamaha not the best but overall better for mixing than the KRKs
    I had to buy a new van so I couldn't buy the new Zen Pro Mod Yamahas that take care of that and add better bass response as well
    I will be sending my Yammys to Zen Pro asap to save or make the money from selling studio time,selling beats,ect...
    -Two Tone Capone
  8. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    @Two Tone,

    Wow, you opened my eyes to the Zen Pro Mods, new to me. So bad I bought the 50s, not the 80s. I don't think they can mod mine, anyway. I don't live in the U.S.
  9. fataltone

    fataltone Newbie

    Feb 22, 2013
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    yeah the thing is you can contact Warren the owner of Zen Pro Audio
    he will do a mod on the m50s upon request I believe reading from him over on Gearslutz
    the only thing I don't think he is doing international shipping and it would be super expensive but hey ask him maybe you can work something out

    I'm super mad that I couldn't get the Modded Yamahas
    but hey hopefully by the end of the year I will
    best mixing monitors in that price range and with the mod in many higher price ranges

    -Two Tone Capone
  10. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    For such a small room, I wouldn't recommend such big hs80m. I didn't hear so much good about Rokits.
    I'm in love with my VXTs, a bit above your budget, but you can find some good 2nd hand.
    If you're ready to spend >300€ for a pair, don't go cheap (Alesis, Berhinger, ...). Go for some 2nd hand good stuffs (Genelec, KRK vxt4 or 6, ...).
    It might sound weird but : don't buy anything >6", and don't use subs if you do bassy music. sub will only get you wrong.
    yes, near fields will sound like cheap hifi when you get away from them. But that's how you get a good mix.
  11. BChrist

    BChrist Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I've had very good luck with my M-Audio BX8a's. It's going on 5 years now that I've been using them. With the 8 inch woofer I'm able to hear my lows really well. The size of your room may only call for a 5 inch monitor. Although, I don't see anybody having any real problem with using a good monitor that may be just slightly "too big" for their room. Thats what the speaker volume is made for. I've had mine set directly in the middle, (NOON) on each 8 inch speaker and I've never moved it from there.

    The M-Audio BX8a's should fit perfectly within your projected budget and the BX5a's even better. Whatever monitor that you end up going with, I wish you the best of luck man. Happy recording and Happy mixing bro!
  12. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    H4TE : The bigger is not the better in this case, it's not a matter of volume. If the boxes are half meter high, and your ears <80cm from here you get a wrong mix between woofer and tweeter and it can mess things up pretty badly. This effect appear with all loudspeakers when you're close to them, but gets worse as they get bigger.
    It's generally a bad idea to use 8" from less than 1m.
  13. musicsolutionz

    musicsolutionz Newbie

    Jul 8, 2012
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    Check out the Focals.. right now sweetwater is offering a 18 free financing for the complete system $2,397.00.. right now the best producers are using these bad ass speakers!!!!
  14. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I would say if you have the possability go to a music shop that have many different monitors in your budget range.
    Take a cd with you that have the music you like and have a listen to all monitors at low volume and then decide which one you like best.
    Then go to e-bay and look for similar.
    The most IMPORTANT thing about monitors is that after many many hours of listening you got to "know" them i.e. you learn how they sound and your mixes will be better beacuse of that.
    Monitors are personal things just beacuse someone like a brand another might NOT like them.
    So juddge for yourself and trust your ear not someone elses opinion as you might hear it completely different compare to them.
  15. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    First thanks so far for everybody who helped :wink:
    This is one reason why audiosex is great :thumbsup:

    Already answerd your PM *yes*

    Thanks for the tips :wink: ... I already knew most of this because I have a friend who knows how to positioning monitors.

    Didn't know this interface, will have a closer look at it and depending on what I spend on my monitors I may buy them, too

    Sadly even used VXTs are expensive...

    I also have normal speakers and a car... I wont only use the studio monitors, I like to test the song out on all speakers and headphones that I have... So I think I dont need a subwoofer for the mixing if I keep in mind that there will be more on normal speakers...

    Thats A LITTLE BIT out of my price class
    And to be honest, arguments like "the best producers are using these bad ass speakers" dont really convince me...

    Can be tricky, too. I already did this two weeks ago, but when you listen to monitors in a room completly different to yours without knowing which monitor does what and how good it really is, you normaly like the ones with the more powerful sound except the more neutral sound. And you like the subwoofer with the most bass (ADAM Sub10 MK2 :grooves: ). I cant say which monitors are best for mixing because I dont have the experience, so if I would just jugde because of personal taste, that wont bring me anything...
  16. Bluespiral23

    Bluespiral23 ex.mod

    Sep 3, 2011
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    Take a look here:


    Mackie HR824 MK2

    High resolution Active studio reference monitor
    Ultra-linear frequency response for accurate mix translation
    8.75-inch high-precision, low-distortion LF transducer
    1-inch titanium dome, ferrofluid cooled tweeter
    Optimized Waveguide for wide, even sweet zone
    Twin FR Series amps — 150W for LF / 100W for HF
    Cast aluminum Zero Edge Baffle™ minimizes diffraction
    Full internal damping eliminates midrange artifacts
    Passive radiator provides tight, articulate bass extension down to 35Hz
    Acoustic Space, LF roll-off, and HF controls
    Balanced XLR, TRS, and unbalanced RCA inputs
    OmniMount™ ready for easy wall/ceiling placement
    THX pm3™ certified for surround sound applications
    Perfect for High-Definition audio, cinema and gaming systems

    Speaker Type Active
    Frequency Range 1.6 kHz – 22 kHz
    Low Frequency Driver 8″
    High Frequency Driver 1″
    Shielded Yes
    TRS Jack Yes
    XLR Yes
    Dimensions 42.5mm x 27.3mm x 35.1mm
    Weight 15.7kg

    Price around EUR 450 pair! :wink:

    Fostex PM2 MkII Active Nearfield Monitors



    Separate HF gain control, overall volume control and a -3dB/0dB/+3dB switch for the LF unit
    The amplifiers are precisely calibrated to match the performance capability of the drivers
    Capable of producing extremely high SPLs accurately across the full audio spectrum, great for today''s bass heavy music
    Independent amplifier in both L and R units
    Separate HF gain control
    Beautiful glossy black front baffle

    Power supply 230V at 50/60Hz (120W)
    Frequency Response 50Hz-20kHz (free field 2dB)
    Active/Passive Bi-amplified design
    Inputs XLR-3-31 type digital input, XLR/ 1/4 combi-jack analog input
    Sensitivity Output sound pressure level 84dB/W at 1m
    Woofer Size/Type 8 3/4" aromatic polyamide woofer
    Tweeter Size/Type 1" poly urethane film laminated cloth soft dome tweeter
    Magnetic Shielding Magnetically shielded
    Cabinet Dimensions 254mm W x 411mm H x 300mm D
    Weight 14.7kg
    Additional Info Amplifier power: high frequency 120W, low frequency 120W
  17. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Prodipe Ribbon 8`s. I WAS gonna buy the KRK`s but after a trip to Reverb in Birmingham UK for a listen was INSTANTLY sold on the sound of the Propdipe`s.

    The price should fall within your budget too.

    I have had the Prodipe`s for about 18 months now and still kiss them goodnight every night!!! :hug:

    Sound on Sound Review
  18. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    funny, I just saw them on eBay kleinanzeigen (german craigslist) for about 100€ more than the price of new one :rofl:
  19. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    lots of quality monitors out there. I would like to own Events or Adams myself, always been a fan of JBL, but I bought KRK Rokit 10-3's, and I am very pleased. Burningstar has some smaller ones and they sound decent for what they are, also. I have had ears on with experience with a lot of different brands and models over the years, and in my opinion, KRK's really are some of the "best for the money", based on my personal experience.
  20. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    I would wait a little while longer the stack up some more dough, then you can get better monitors. :mates:
  21. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    BTW, if you're looking at Behringer. They're coming out with a new set of monitors called Nekkst K5 & K8, which were designed by Keith Klawitter (the founder of KRK)
    Presonus also has a new set called Eris.
    If you're looking at used ones, take a closer look at the Neumann KH 120.