How to shift Libraries to new External Drive

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by noize2sound, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. XImpalerX

    XImpalerX Ultrasonic

    Sep 14, 2018
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    I did list some in the post you quoted, to summarize for you though, the advantage is a simple CTRL-C / CTRL-V, not having to download software and take the time to learn and set the options for the fastest operation.

    I mean you said and I quote "If you have the option of to do a sector by sector cloning that is preferable."
    Which is bad advice, because if you do that It will clone all the sectors, even if the sector is blank or it is a logically bad sector, which could potentially turn a 30-60 minute task, into hours and turn a brand new disk into a fragmented mess. It would also create a 1TB partition on the new drive, which may be undesirable.

    We are dealing with a simple Data folder, there is no reason to clone other than adding complexity.

    I appreciate you wanting to help, don't let me stop you, but that statement above combined with plagiarization, shows that you don't really know what you're talking about, at least not with any competency.

    I believe the OP's question has been answered though, so I am done.
  2. Agent007

    Agent007 Banned

    Oct 19, 2018
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    Wherever Nord VPN takes me
    I tried not to get into a pissing contest on any thread because the sole purpose of my posts is to try helping other members. This time, however, I am making an exception. Let me start by saying that the only person here that does not know anything about cloning is you.
    First, cloning does not copy bad sectors onto a new hard drive. A bad sector can not be read. Bad sectors are not accessible. Therefore bad sectors are not copied.
    Second, cloning a 1TB disk onto a 2 TB disk does not automatically creates a 1 TB partition. All decent cloning software gives the user the option to modify the order or size of partitions of the cloned disk. For example, in EaseUS Disk Copy,the "Sector by sector copy" asks the size of your destination disk to be at least equal to or larger than that of the source disk. You simply leave this feature unchecked if you wish to clone a larger hard disk to a smaller hard disk.
    Third, you accused me of plagiarizing. How can I plagiarize something that I authored? You know what the saying says about assuming. In case you have not figured out yet, I am the same person that wrote that on the other site. I explained it to you earlier but I guess your ego made you blind.
    Fourth and final, I am done arguing with you about this.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2018
  3. XImpalerX

    XImpalerX Ultrasonic

    Sep 14, 2018
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    “Sector by Sector Copy” will copy not only the used sectors, but also the unused sectors, and if bad sectors are present it will attempt to read and re-read them before skipping, so it will take a much longer time. It will also clone fragmentation, which would be stupid to do to a new drive.

    Your exact words were to do a "Sector by Sector" cloning.

    You assume the OP knows how to clone a disk already.

    You saw his screenshot right? You want him to clone a drive that has tons of other folders on it? or does cloning software have an option to only clone one folder?

    The first rule of IT is to assume everyone can barely find the power switch until proven otherwise, so you recommending cloning to someone without knowing their level of expertise, or what options they should check or uncheck, and not fully grasping the situation is irresponsible.

    You listing the options to set in the software after the fact further reinforces my point, which is "why make a simple folder copy so convoluted?"

    The point I was making is that you never want to clone a drive that has bad sectors, especially physical ones. Cloning a drive with physical bad sectors is a terrible idea.
    Using cloning software to copy a data folder is overkill and completely unnecessary.

    Logical bad sectors are accessible and can be repaired via zero-fill or CHKDSK, and the data in most cases can be recovered. You should know that, but I guess you don't?

    I will believe you for now about you being Jim Cockfield, and if you are then I apologize for accusing you of plagiarizing. I mean I do it too, but I usually add my own thoughts to it, so when I see a straight copy/paste from someone who is purporting it be his words, I call it out.

    Now I am really done lol
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2018
  4. noize2sound

    noize2sound Kapellmeister

    Mar 23, 2018
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    Update :

    I just copied the Kontakt Library folder to new 2TB Drive But,

    • Same path & same name as previous drive didn't work
    • Kontakt could't find the libraries
    The locate option worked like a charm (Picture Below) But mammoth trouble is about to come...... Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 18.17.49.png
  5. noize2sound

    noize2sound Kapellmeister

    Mar 23, 2018
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    I made sure that old drive was not connected during above process so that spotlight do not find multiple files & only look into new location
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