Overloud Gem 670 Is Awesome

Discussion in 'Software' started by superliquidsunshine, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. I demoed this awesome piece of software this evening and it is just killer. I tried it out on a vocal to a song, and let me tell you Sisters and Brothers, this is one helluva compressor. The vocal chain was: Gefell UMT70S > Warm Audio Tone Beast > Warm Audio WA76 > Overloud Gem Comp 670 > Acoustica Audio Aqua Tan EQ (free). Super smooth with a lively, dynamic feel and not squashed sounding. It left the vocal vibrant and alive but controlled. I am in love. It sounds like a record. The new Stam Stamchild will coat $2999. This might be second best. (I flubbed up the vocal a little in places, but you'll get the idea)

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  3. Very nice indeed.
  4. Majestic

    Majestic Rock Star

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Agreed. Everything that they make is phenomenal.

    (I'm not a shill :winker: )
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  5. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    the plugin not bad, dynamic and not coloring too much the sound, i was searching for a new hardware effect processor which not too high priced, but i was realized later, the vocal sound source recording and di are much much more important than the effects
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  6. Absolutely.

    #1...The performance
    #2...The microphone

    I would take Marvin Gaye with a $50 microphone over a U47 and s shitty singer every time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2018
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  7. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Nice acoustic mix you got there. I use the Gem 670 for my own diy mastering and it sounds awesome.
  8. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Wow, killer song. Not a native speaker so have to get into the lyrics later but loving it already all the same.
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  9. Here you go, Rudy Man! It is a reflection of a bit of a science fiction love story that I never got around to writing, about the reason that our planet was able to mount the effort to create the technology enabling us to explore the galaxy...because of the love between an Earthman and a female from a different species communicating telepathically over distances of light years.

    Space science fiction on the moon
    In Milky Way there is the room
    There is a place space lovers play
    But you don't see them in the day
    And in the void between the stars
    Make love and dream to be on Mars
    These are the things space lovers do
    Star drive away with you

    A radar screen that's always bare
    These are the things space lovers care
    They drive their ships into the blue
    These are the things space lovers do
    In constellation Zero-5
    Space lovers prove to be alive
    Again one day we'll see their race
    And they will lead us into ...

    There is a place up in the sky
    Where space love grows, no say goodbye
    A shooting star points out the place
    Light years, so far away in space
    And if you'd care to take a ride
    I'll strap you down right by my side
    These are the things space lovers do
    Star drive away with you

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  10. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Good to know. €79 - 20% = :drummer:
  11. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    I never really got the hype over the Fairchild. Maybe it's because my music is too aggressive, maybe the plugins aren't as good, but it didn't sound anything special to me, and on the master buss only useful to knock maybe 1db before sounding unnatural.

    Guess I'll demo this.
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  12. alegond

    alegond Newbie

    Oct 17, 2018
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    I'm a simple man. If it was considered good enough for mixing legendary albums, it's good enough for my mixes :winker:
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
  13. I agree with that remark. Genuine Fairchilds were often used to level out master tapes on their way to the acetate lathes back in the day. And real emulations of real Fairchilds have a very bouncy, milky response with a limited application elsewhere. Variable-mu compressors that use a more modern approach offer a tighter, more transparent response than you ever get from the original units, however well they've been tickled and updated. The best vari-mu I've ever found is the UAD Manley unit. This has a feather light curve below the knee and a car crushing squasher above it. Finding the magic point to place the knee is trick with vari-mu. Above it and it gets levelled, below it it gets star dust.

    What I liked in sls's vocal was that it took the crunch out of the hardware 76 and gave it that dead level kiss of stardust. Loveley work, matey.
  14. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Everybody see Bowie everywhere now, but fuck me if this is not Bowie-inspired. Sounds like a Hunky Dory / Ziggy Stardust B-side. Especially the chant at the end is a bit of a ripoff tbh ;). Very good song. Legit good. Awesome performances.
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  15. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    sounds hyper clean indeed.
    what's your voice mic and D.i / soundcard ?

    have you tried the arturia "pre" series ? I have mixes on the stove for which I will use them, I will try the comparison ( I.K they're preamps, not comps, but in a mix chain context).

    the guitar part is excellent, your solo would deserve to be a little more emphasized, but overall, excellent quality, congrats.

  16. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Comp G is also good, it emulates a SSL G Bus Compressor.
  17. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Sounds lurvely! :):like: The performance is awesome... wish the solo was a little more upfront... but great work overall!!!
  18. beatletown

    beatletown Guest

    No really that warm sounding TBH. The whole performance should be redone, vocals and guitars sound rushed and forced, demands a re-recording IMHO because it sounds a bit chaotic.
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  19. Absolutely took the sting outta the 76 stinger. When first I listened back I marvelled that there was narry a hint of sibilance. That's what floored me most of all. Thing is, if this was a busy mix the 670 emulation would not be a best of, as it' kind of like a soft-ish lens. The 76 with a decible or two knocked off with an LA-2A type of curvy sloped thing and a bit of Fab Filter Pro C to give it a bit of straight edge would probably be better. You're spot on about dialing in a Vari-Mu, ya gotta work it to find that sweet spot, and though try as I might, still haven't been able to get on with them. And thanks for your kind words.

    Thank you very much for your compliment! And yes, I always have loved Bowie's work (well, not that maybe not so wonderful short period of of about five years from the mid 80's until he woke up from a bout of middling normalcy, when then he and Tin Machine rocked it out as a democratic band and Bowie's name was not lit up by bulbs on the marquee. I actually wrote this song about 39 years ago as a tangent of a sci-fi novel that I haven't as yet written to flush out the premise of the story. The chant at the end I did off the cuff when I recorded it the other night, pretending that I was talking to my friends Beth and Darth Vader sitting across from me. They are both in England, hence the accent. I am from Brooklyn originally, LOL.

    The mic is a Microtech Gefell UMT70S which is just a great mic on so many sources, both male and female vocals, acoustic and amped electric guitars, percussion instruments, strings, anything really. It has cardoid, figure 8 and omni patterns so has the ability to capture the sound of a room, be used as the side of an mid/side array and as a spot mic in cardoid. The capsule is what helps make this mic shine, an M7 which is also utilized in the Neumann U87, and Gefell still using the same and original tooling from the time before WW2 when Gefell and Neumann were still the same company, before east and west were partitioned. I also used the UMT7OS on my all mahogany Martin D-15 on the rhythm acoustic guitar tracks, a Beyer MC930 on my Roy Noble cedar/rosewood. My soundcard for the past few years is an RME Babyface. I never use the preamps in the Babyface unless I do a vocal with my Electro Voice RE-20 as I just love the totally uncolored natural sound of that mic with my voice, but since having the UMT70S, that hasn't happened in a long while. The preamps I do use are a Warm Audio Tone Beast which I dig with pairing the the Gefell, and a Daking Pre One which is what the Beyer went through. I hear you about the emphasizing more the lead guitar, and I should have, but it was just a quick one pass take for each instrument part and a quicker mix. I just really did the track to check out the 670 with my voice. I didn't even fade the song out, just turned stuff off and brick walled it at the very end.

    Thanks for listening to it and the feedback, I appreciate it!

    Edit: Oops, forgot about your question about Arturia's Pre series. No, I never tried them. I wouldn't probably use them or a software preamp, I don't know what to use them for as I have hardware preamps, with the Warm being able to drive the input transformer to pull up some harmonic distortion if I want or need it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2018
  20. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    great gear ( and great guitars ) ... no need for Arturia's preamps with all this indeed :rofl:


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  21. Absolutely, you nailed it and I cringe every time that I listen too it to, picking it apart to see where I can make it a better song in the context of my delivery. Firstly I did it at far too quickly a tempo. I was hot to hear how thr 670 sounded but it was kind of late and I subconsciously rushed through it. My intent of the true heart-felt joy that the song begs for the listener to feel through empathy is lacking and virtually impossible for me to express at such a pace, as well as actually physically being tongue-tied and bungling, forcing my way through the whole song. Also, after the first chorus "And they will lead us into ...", the word space of course is implied, which hopefully catapults the listener into their own fantasy, turning their vision inward and creating a moving picture within their mind's eye, a guitar lead with the help of perhaps a supporting synth harmony pad defining the ethereal nature of weightlessness coming in at that point for 16 bars before the return of the storyline, the triumph of love and at long last the chance to be as one in heart and deed, for now possibilities are limitless within the boundlessness of the galaxy and the universe beyond. Was any of that emotion captured in this performance? Hell no. I can do much better.

    Good eye, dude.
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