Pot is legalized in Canada!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by crecy, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    ... can't help still thinking: how can a -fucking- plant, a fucking medicinal plant, be illegal in the first place ?
    food for thought.
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  2. Magic Mango

    Magic Mango Producer

    Jan 27, 2017
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    Time no think, must move Canada!
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    May i ask how did you come to this conclusion ? Hard evidence and not speculation puts the Netherlands in number 10 of the highest income countries globally. Given the country's small population, it makes it a top emigration destination for anyone, whereas you describe it as a junkie's paradise lol.
    For an ex-user, i am sorry but you have your facts wrong. You make me find it hard to believe you have ever been a user -as you admitted. Under ideal conditions (the same batch/quality of heroin constantly) you may be a heroin junkie 'till you are really old. 15 yrs ago died from heart attack an 86 y.o. male here in Thessaloniki. The hospital doctors he was admitted to, during the autopsy they found out to their surprise that the guy was a long term heroin junkie! Later findings brought to light that the old guy was known to the police and had been in jail in the early 70s for trafficking heroin.
    Truth be told, as scary as it may be, if you can maintain the same quality in your dosages as a user, theoretically, you can be a junkie till you are really old, that is if you don't die from all the other consequences heroin use brings to your body's organs and brain's white matter etc. Sadly, this is almost never the case with junkies because of the different illegal batches they get from time to time and as long as it is illegal, pre-mature death will be the norm for junkies.
    Thanks for listening,
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
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  4. If partaking in cannibis led to heroin, cocaine and amphetamine addictions then there would be perhaps a billion hard drug addicts in the world...their ain't. I'm not, nobody I know is, and if it were true that something as benign as marijuana would lead to hard, addictive drugs then put the blame on coffee, sugar, wheat and mother's milk. Mother's milk leads to everything.

    From HuffPost in 2011...

    After declaring on Wednesday in Fresno that “marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit,” Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy said the next target will be “the biggest gateway drug of all, mother’s milk.”

    While ramping up efforts to ensure that no human suffering can be relieved by doctors prescribing marijuana, Kerlikowske said his office will soon begin two new initiatives: first, to outlaw breast feeding and baby formula; and then a campaign to urge teenagers to avoid marijuana by increasing their use of alcohol and tobacco.

    “It is the strong belief of the current White House Office that the Bush Administration’s opposition to so-called science was well founded.” Kerlikowske said. “We will soon publish evidence that gravity is a myth, water runs uphill, and hot air doesn’t rise.

    “We’re also reexamining dubious and ridiculous claims that the earth allegedly revolves around the sun,” said Kerlikowske, known affectionately as the Drug Czar. “And, contrary to popular opinion and centuries of scientific evidence, we know the earth is flat.

    “Furthermore, the moisture some call ‘rainfall’ is actually God’s tears.”

    A reporter pointed out to the Drug Dictator that marijuana has been found to have many medicinal uses by the Institute of Medicine, American Nurses Association, American Public Health Association, American Academy of HIV Medicine, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Lymphoma Foundation of America, and numerous other medical and scientific research organizations.

    “Poppycock and balderdash,” Kerlikowske sputtered.

    “Who are you going to believe? Me, a lifetime cop, or a bunch of wimpy doctors and nurses and pantywaist scientists in frilly white lab coats?” asked Kerlikowske, who was the Seattle Police Chief before being named as Drug Despot by the president.

    “All patriotic, red-blooded Americans should ignore the medical research of the federal government and the private sector.”

    Asked why the Drug Tyrant would recommend teenagers should use more alcohol and tobacco, Kerlikowske said he believes marijuana must be stamped out at any cost.

    “Yes, it’s true that each year hundreds of thousands of Americans die from using alcohol and tobacco and no one has ever died of an overdose of marijuana,” Kerlikowske said. “But if you factor out drunk driving auto accidents, hardly any of those dying from alcohol and tobacco are teenagers. It’s mostly middle-aged and older people. And hell, they were going to die eventually anyway.

    “And yes, we will propose legislation to outlaw breast feeding and baby formula. Mother’s milk and formula are both gateway drugs. It’s been proven that almost all heroin, cocaine, and crystal meth addicts started out on either mother’s milk or formula as babies. Formula is the methadone of baby nutrition.”

    Asked about widespread efforts in many states to legalize or decriminalize marijuana and to tax it, Kerlikowske told a reporter from the Fresno Bee, “Legalization is not in the president’s vocabulary, and it’s not in mine.”

    Kerlikowske added that other words not in his vocabulary include compassion, pain and suffering, the scientific method, and evidence.
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  5. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    A moment of Zen...
  6. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Ok,congratulations,shootin' heroin is good for health,no danger!If heroin doesn't kill you with an OD it kills you with depression or you get a hepathis and your vein don't exist anymore.
    I'm not a liar,I know this shit very good.I did it everyday,from the morning to the night,at work,at restaurant,in car,everywhere...
    You are always the GOD here when we're listening you here in any case.You're right....Of course "theoretically" it is possible to die at 70 by a natural death,but theoretically.Theoretically a lot of things are possible...

    And yes Netherlands is the junkie's heaven.In France all heroin (or in the most part) comes from Netherlands todays.Cocaine a big part too,like ecstasy/mdma/amphetamines.

    Why are you speaking of immigration is Netherlands?Yes they get massive immigration todays but the fact is that this country legalized marijuana and today they are the Mecca for hard drugs.And 20 years earlier it was like that yet.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
  7. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I told all what I think,i let you guys with your convictions.For me what you tell is a heresy.

    I hope you don't speak like that to your children.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
  8. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Of course,all smokers won't lead to hard drugs.But some will.
    I know many smokers and most of them do coke too.
  9. xTempest

    xTempest Newbie

    Aug 17, 2018
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    Interesting topic.
    also hello peeps, new here.
    For me, never tried cannabis.
    One of the reasons probably been, that not only had any interest when offered,
    but also that there's tendency to schizophrenia in my family.
    Not sure if weed would actually raise the risk of falling ill to that,
    just have heard many people talk about it elevating the risk.

    To everyone else, enjoy the stuff you like, in moderation of course!
    Also, grats Canada.
  10. Magic Mango

    Magic Mango Producer

    Jan 27, 2017
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    Not sure if that's true but that schizophrenia thing might be only triggered with sativa?
    Indica has more of a panda bear effect hehe so all should be right. Just my guess.
    Like smoking lots of strong sativas might give a cocaine-like high almost...
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Errr... sorry but you said that, i did not. Nor have i implied heroin is good for you and i don't see how putting words in my mouth will make your argument more relevant. Scripta manent my friend and the posts are here.
    Your "boogeyman" description is not how drugs and their consequences should be described imho. I 'd never recommend to anyone to try some heroin. Imho, you do not pinpoint the problem as it is for the society. I will explain.
    Forbidding certain substances only makes it more compelling for the curious peeps. Anyway, the problem itself does not have to do with controlling the substances man. It is the people who can become uncontrollable always, along with the western society's pseudo morals. Tobacco,alcohol,sugar etc. are not good for us but they are free. In a world with two different approaches on dangerous substances, it is hard to convince people of what is really dangerous. Still, educating the people of what these substances will do to them and decriminalizing the substances is the only way you can prevent and constrain the drugs' use and abuse.
    So what you are telling me is, heroin, which mainly comes from Afghanistan, goes first to Holland and then to France ? How on earth this is easier than going straight to France. Afaik, and please correct me if i am wrong, heroin is transported mainly via boats. So how and why any illegal boat transporter would risk going all the way round Europe to reach Netherlands when France has a dozen of south ports and is much closer. Makes no sense.
    For real? Oh geez... What gave me away, is it my deep baritone voice or my shiny white aura perhaps ? :rofl:
    Seriously now, i didn't call you a liar, or tried to patronize you. Ok? You are seeing black and white my friend. Saying "i find it hard to believe" doesn't mean you are a liar. It meant that i needed you to say more on that and you "shying away" from the encyclopedic facts, led me to quote your post. And it was meant to inform of the facts and you agreed i was theoretically right but still you pressed the disagree button. I try to keep an open mind as much as i can. Didn't i mention that heroin affects our organs and white matter? You leave me no choice but to think you are biased mate. It is fine by me, i try to respect everyone's opinion.
    The fact that drugs are stronger substances doesn't magically make alcohol and tobacco harmless. Prohibition of some of the substances is not good for anyone and only leads to a series of criminal activities for all implicated in this vicious cycle.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
  12. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Educating people is essential.
    But decrimilizing ill people ok,not dealers.
    I will repeat it again I don't talk of one thing that I don't know.
    Yes heroin comes from Afghanistan first,but French buy the "good" brown heroin in Netherlands.The white heroin comes from Spain mainly.I won't say here,on this place, all what I know yet on hard drugs,you understand....

    My current life is mainly due to the consequence of bad choices and mistakes with drugs.I know the bad sides.And I would be a fucking twat if I recommend trying to do this.I have not found yet any positive side.

    To finish,as you say,tobacco,sugar,alcohol,fat,pesticide,pollution are already bad for our health.Do we really need more potential problems,with potential more drug addicts?...
  13. Shamshel

    Shamshel Newbie

    Mar 22, 2021
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    This is the best decision of the government. It's just that many people need cannabis as a treatment. Cannabis helps to cope with various pains. For example, I take marijuana every day because I suffer from terrible joint pain. You can't imagine how your joints can hurt if you don't dress warmly (it's a hell). Every month I order cannabis on weedsmart.net, as no other painkillers help me. I'm afraid to imagine what will happen if marijuana is banned. It seems to me that hell will begin and many people will die of terrible pain.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  14. flush with your foot

    flush with your foot Platinum Record

    Apr 12, 2017
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  15. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    The thing is with anything that affects your brains and dopamine levels is, well....as somebody who tried things in life, if you want to be doing this (music production, mixing) for a long time, stay away from it as it will gradually affect your memory and focus.
    It sure does feel good but after a while you will need it just to function and your brains without it wont function properly.
    As i have said, anything that affects dopamine levels and your brains is a big risk.
  16. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    You really need to qualify your statement as eating any sugar at all, having sex and even waking up in the morning all raise dopamine levels. Cognitive neuroscience informs that rewarding social stimuli—laughing faces, positive recognition by our peers, messages from loved ones—activate the same dopaminergic reward pathways. So, even being here on the forum and getting positive feedback activates those pathways, and depending on the individual can too become a potential harm if it becomes an addiction. On the other hand, smoking marijuana can be a horrible thing for one person, a non starter for another and to a third person be the difference between a harsh existence in either physical or emotional pain without access to it...but isn't just about everything in life similar in that way? Dopamine plays a part in everything that we need do in order to survive as an individual and a species.

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  17. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Heya buddy. Yes, you are right.
    Creating music triggers your own dopamine reward, same for working out our having a good time, watching a comedy, etc.
    You get naturally "high" creating music, listening to your stuff or the end result or just enjoying music.
    You apply yourself and you work on something, its different from having some weed and a six pack.
    Some can handle it very well, but most dont, at least in the long run.
    I have learned that there are no shortcuts to happiness, in life there are ups and downs, its natural, but constantly supplying your brain with dopamine enhancers is different from working on your music because your brain doesnt work for it, there is no reward in the end which leads to your brain not producing dopamine on its own, which leads to withdrawal symptoms if you want to quit, because your brain not being used to producing its own dopamine you will be in hell for a while until your body and brain rebalances itself.
    What i meant was going down the path of artificially enhancing your dopamine levels with alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines or mushrooms, can put you in a state where you wont be needing to really work on your music, you will be somewhere in the middle, you wont be yourself at least not your best self.....but then again it can lead to some of your best stuff ever made, so who knows, its a risk everyone has to accept when going down that path.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2021
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  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Man, if i could score some 200-250 grams of good weed/skunk right now, my dopamine level would rise to unimaginary proportions just by the thought of it and that's only before smoking any of it... :hahaha:
  19. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    The great thing about legalizing this is new forms of consumption can start to be developed because smoking is archaic and a hazard after recent disease developments.

    IE what if we could dissolve something under the tongue? Faster acting and could be more consistent then current edibles.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2021
  20. nstppbl

    nstppbl Newbie

    Mar 2, 2016
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    its about time germany legalizes weed maaaaan :c
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