Virus Ti soundset set up;How to?(SOLVED)

Discussion in 'Synthesizers' started by hayabusa, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. hayabusa

    hayabusa Producer

    Aug 10, 2014
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    Hi guys,
    I searched onto the forum but didn't find the answer.
    Here is my problem :
    I know WHERE to locate the new bank(.mid) onto the Ti soundbank, it appears correctly onto the Vsti, no problem...
    However, is someone could explain how to integrate those soundbanks onto the Ti itself; how to assign those banks directly in the device?... I assume on a ROM from T till Z, there are empty...
    I will check also on the manual but I wanted to open this thread to help others in case of...

    Virus Ti

    UPdate: page 142 "users manual", it explains the drag and drop but for a part, not for a ROM...
    I open on the upper window the soundbank I want to transfer from a personal library, select all, then try to drag it below to the empty way
    1st pix : showing my new bank on top and lower the empty one
    2nd pix: select my full new bank sounds ready to be transferred but way to do it...
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018

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  3. Someware

    Someware Ultrasonic

    Nov 5, 2014
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    You can't upload the sounds to a ROM bank as you stated from the manual. if you open up the Virus TI, you will see that banks RAM A,B,C,D are *RAM* and banks E to Z are ROM. if you wish to save any patches in the TI you need to save them in banks A B C D. (edit to add pic) as you can see in your second pic you are trying to upload to bank ROM T
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018

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  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    ROM = Read Only Memory. It can't be over written. It's a remnat from the early synth/computer days when RAM was too expensive to use a lot of it.
  5. hayabusa

    hayabusa Producer

    Aug 10, 2014
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    Many thanks, guys!Really helpful...
    Ok, I understood and did it..perfect...though, don't exactly understand the use of those multiple ROM empty if I can't load anything onto it...

    The Virus TI contains 4 banks of RAM, followed by 26 banks of ROM for storing sounds or ‘patches’,
    with each bank containing 128 sounds. ‘RAM’ stands for ‘Random Access Memory’, which means any of these locations can be overwritten with your own patches, whenever you like. ‘ROM’ stands for ‘Read Only Memory’, meaning these locations are permanent, and you cannot store your edited patches here normally. It is possible to flash a ROM bank with a customised bank using Virus Control Center however, which is ex- plained in detail later in this guide.

    I will investigate what is the meaning of flashing a ROM bank..could be interesting maybe!
    Really appreciate guys your help!
    I close the thread
    Have an excellent week end!
  6. Someware

    Someware Ultrasonic

    Nov 5, 2014
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    Heya, glad to be of some help.
    Let me know how you get on with this. I haven't looked into Flashing the ROM banks.

    Have fun :)
  7. Hamudi2000

    Hamudi2000 Ultrasonic

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Works just like it is written in the manual. The "ROM"Banks on the Virus TI series Synths can be overwritten with the control center utility but only bankwise, not only single patches.
  8. hayabusa

    hayabusa Producer

    Aug 10, 2014
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    Hamudi2000, you are totally right...never been into that Virus Control Center...but with your comment, I went there....:wink:
    To be honest with you, the Virus for me is a beast but not an easy one for the beginner to set up and understand the concept, reason why I didn't spend so much time on I looked at it yesterday...easyyyyyyyy...awesome!
    Don't know why but I'm sure a lot of people doesn't know how to do that really cool thing!!!

    1/Open the control center which is in the LAUNCHPAD for Mac; PIX 1
    2/ Go to the TAB called " BURN to Flash" ; PIX 2
    3/Open the browser and select the SoundBank you want to load and tell the Virus Control Center which ROM you want to have the bank...and press OK...That's it!!!Pix 3

    Really nice!
    Hope it helps

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