Pot is legalized in Canada!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by crecy, Oct 18, 2018.


    EAR TO LEARN Producer

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
  2. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I smoked the stuff for about 26 (? give or take ?) years. Every single day no matter what, even if I had to scrap bowls. Except those times when I told myself I was going to quit and a month later, I was back on it. Personally, I was pretty addicted mentally and I only knew this once my mind was clear for a good few years. I was in total denial. I know this now. I'll likely never smoke it again, and in truth I enjoy the clarity of mind these days. For me, it was a total waste of 26 years and it sure wasn't the healthiest approach to life, which is now something I value. If I could turn back time, definitely would have nixed that. I got nothing to show for it at all, it was money down the drain and wasted time.

    Where I grew up, everyone smoked it, moms, dads, kids as young as 5. In fact, the entire neighborhood served as a human alarm system for cops. Various methods were employed, hanging something on a stop sign, x would see it, whistle to y, y would cross the street on the bike (stolen, all of them) and grandma would shout out the window to the next house until everyone knew the cops veered off their scheduled rounds. It's safe to say that most of the neighborhood had a dependency problem, and it didn't stop at weed. Weed was often the payment to keep the human alarms going so other stuff can sell.

    That said, since I've got out of there, I've known plenty of people, obviously, who smoke occasionally, continue to, and they're fine and very responsible people. People in medicine, including doctors, people in law, including cops, and just your typical someones, grinding. On the flip side I know plenty who are very dependent on it, they often become irritable assholes when they can't get it. These tend to be the daily smokers. I get it, I know the feeling, oh too well. Some people I can't stand when they're high on weed, others I can't tell. People are different, and respond to weed deferentially.

    As for the legalization. I think time will tell what consequence may come of that, if any. I'm more concerned with other issues to care if people smoke themselves into a lazy state of do nothing. That's just not my problem, until it becomes one. I certainly woulnd't encourage anyone to take up smoking/ingesting/etc pot just for the hell of it, that I will say. I also recognize it's many legit uses.
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  3. Legal or illegal. There were 12,000,000 marijuana smoking people in Canada that two days ago were criminals...today they are not.
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  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    :no: I bet you say that to all the others too...
    Perhaps, but as far as this "debate" is concerned you 've failed to answer every single one of my questions and keep keeping on with your "crusade".
    Yours is a tough one mate. Heavy use of any substance that can calm you down is definitely an abuse of sorts and can become an addiction exactly as you described it. That kind of addiction though can happen with anything really. I agree 100% that abuse of cannabis can lead to laziness and a "euphoric emptiness" of an everlasting continuous procrastination. I 've witnessed it too first hand alright. For me though, cannabis was never a daily habit apart from my wild youth years but back then i would use/take and abuse anything not just cannabis. Mixes of LSD and amphetamines/speed was my fav lol. I survived with my sanity intact only by sheer luck, i can admit so and i am not proud of it. I moved away from all drugs and booze by the age of 29-30 yo for a long period. When i came back to smoking weed a couple of years later on, i was in a very different state of mind. Much more focused and determined to do my music first and everything else would be secondary. And heck i 've done so 'till today. So please, you may consider my circumstantial weed smoking just like sipping a glass of good wine.
    Ps: I never smoke weed when i mix or master as it clouds my judgement and i want total clarity in those situations. But after i finished a good mix ? Oh lolz lolz :rofl:
    EDIT: Legalization happened in Holland decades ago. It eventually brought the crime rate down by 80% if i remember correctly ? Dutch peeps can give us an insight to this perhaps and correct me if i am wrong, thanks.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018

    EAR TO LEARN Producer

    Jan 26, 2018
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    EAR TO LEARN Producer

    Jan 26, 2018
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  7. The real problem with "drugs" as a social phenomena is exactly the same problem that there is with the rest of society: compulsive behavior. And people willing to exploit this compulsiveness for their own purposes. But neither blaming the drug or the compulsive person does anything to solve the problem. Why isn't it a crime to get somebody to waste their life watching television? Eating junk food? It's hypocritical because there are many more habits which are less healthy, yet actively encouraged. If somebody is easily addicted, they need help managing their behaviors - NOT systematically removing everything they could possibly become addicted to. That means addressing drugs as a health matter rather than a criminal one.

    You hand in your ticket
    And you go watch the geek
    Who immediately walks up to you
    When he hears you speak
    And says, "How does it feel
    To be such a freak?"
    And you say, "Impossible"
    As he hands you a bone

    And something is happening here
    But you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mister Jones?
    - Bob Dylan "Ballad of a Thin Man"

    (sorry, I had to!)
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    EAR TO LEARN Producer

    Jan 26, 2018
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  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I am fine with agreeing to disagree, np. And i don't hate you for that or anything, not at all mate. I only took it personally because you called every cannabis user a junkie lol. You will eventually, as you admitted later on, that this is not the case with everyone :) Although the questions you answered i almost never asked lol. So my questions were:
    Those last two you may skip lol, i was only being sarcastic about it but of course you can tell as much i guess.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
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  10. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Actually, it's impossible to OD using weed, which is a pretty rare thing. I mean, you can OD on water, ffs. Seems liek the most benign of all drugs, just a nice way to get the "filters" off, sometimes.

    The regurgitated tabloid hysteria (reefer madness lulz) is similar to the hysteria about vaccination. Mental health issues are often first noticed in adolescence, wanna guess when most ppl vape first? I guess I'd say that old mantra about coincidence and cause or whatev. But ima too fukn high to remember it... >____>

    Anyway, jeez, is MJ just trolling? - I can't imagine anyone having those opinions for reals, rly. I'd say take a chill pill, but y'know.
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  11. complete

    complete Producer

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Yo MJ bra, are you drugged or wut?
    Post #66, you quoted taskforce but used my questions.

    Stop smoking stuff, guess it's no good for you!

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  12. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    any one got any MDMA lol:bleh:

    EAR TO LEARN Producer

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    There was this Greek soap on tv 'bout 25-30 yrs ago. It was a huge hit with -back then- middle aged and older peeps and enough younger ones to keep it on rotation for 5 days a week for something like 10 consecutive years. My late mom may she rest in peace used to watch it religiously as being a proper drama and i used to watch it sometimes with her but for the reason it was so bad it made me crack in laughter.
    I will never forget this episode where the 25 yo son of the protagonist, super rich businessman-billionaire Mr.Dracos (you can tell by the name how stereotypical the whole thing was) is lost and suddenly found and two policemen are discussing it:
    Q: So you found him huh ?
    A: Yes. He was in a filthy,dirty basement and tried to commit suicide.
    Q: How so ?
    A: He tried to kill himself by smoking marihuana all night!
    Straight away we cut to the next scene, we 're seeing the young dude unconscious in the hospital bed with blackened eyes and all tubed up in both hands, also breathing through an oxygen inhaler. Doc says to his worried, crying mom: He will be very lucky to survive this, his life is hanging from a string!

    So yeah, death by marihuana, that was a first lol.
    I won't bother you with that anymore. It was outrageously hillarious though. So, conservatives may try misleading people and have the power to -at least attempt- to shape public opinion. Not that this means they will succeed as you can see... :rofl:
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018

    EAR TO LEARN Producer

    Jan 26, 2018
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    EAR TO LEARN Producer

    Jan 26, 2018
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  17. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I live next to a council estate also.
    Most people I know living there smoke gear.
    A teacher, driving instructor, 3 gym teachers, 4 IT staff and 2 managers, 3 nurses and so on.

    I don't smoke it. And I must be the most lazy amongst us all with less ambition. So I'm failing to see your point MJ sorry?
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  18. I can respect that, in principle. But what you seem to be arguing for here is drug legislation/prohibition as a way to protect people against their own (potentially) bad decisions. How could telling grown people what they are and aren't "allowed" to do be anything but political? That creates "leaders", puts some people in charge over everybody else, and punishes transgressors.

    Some might see that as being a necessary evil, but I don't. It's because of my distrust for unaccountable politicians that I think they shouldn't have any say over people's personal lives in the first place. The only thing I have ever seriously wanted to ban is all advertising, because it exists to undermine people's decisions. Then people need to do their own homework, and all decisions become informed decisions.
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  19. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    The ultimate goal is really to give people the choice to execute themselves via a slow decline, a slow death. So that their destruction remains in their own hands, not in the hands of the one who spread the poison/evil. A chemically dependent person is still dependent on something outside of themselves, and if one were to remove that dependency from them, you could in theory control them, you could send them to do things for you. Through revolution.

    Thus really, greater freedom is greater slavery, because people cannot control themselves in the face of the onslaught of all of the wrong things that are produced/promoted in the world. If people cannot control themselves in regards to sex, alcohol, smoking, then they will not be able to control themselves with a free flow of drugs.

    This sad reality is perfectly represented by the fact of how many people disagreed with your post. The sick do not even know they are sick and that they are slaves ultimately. The tragic thing is that they who are slaves laugh at those who are truly free, and who point out the slavery to those who are enslaved.

    Introducing the choice to the world is precisely the problem. Since many choices should not even be on the table, because people simply cannot control themselves and will bow to pressure from one corner of their life or another. For example: in school, to be part of the group, to be regarded as "one of us." As adults: to supposedly regulate stress and relax, chill out, heal and so forth. There is always an excuse.
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  20. crecy

    crecy Rock Star

    Nov 22, 2015
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    64° 19' 12.9864'' N 96° 1' 31.1304'' W
    I've been checking the site each time I could today, and I'm going there as soon as I can tomorrow!
    Apart from the legality,what's nice is also all the new availability, variety and convenience.
    For these reasons, if you like or must use cannabis, I hope something like this comes to your region!
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