
Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Party Enema, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Party Enema

    Party Enema Newbie

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Ive had a talkbox for a while, i use the Heil talkbox and enjoy playing around with it. My only problem is that i find it really hard to record my output without the mic picking up unwanted artifacts from my mouth (usually the grimey sound of saliva as my mouth moves). I also find that with the tube being quite wide its hard to move my mouth and create really pronounced words. Does anyone know of any ways to combat these issues?

    Cheers :thumbsup:
  3. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i use a Banshee talk box it takes a lil practice but i use a ribbon mic so that Cardioid so you dont get a lot of sound from the room and i got a smaller tube that go's inside the original tube so it is smaller inside mouth it helps a lot :wink:
  4. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Practice makes perfect Robin Trower has been using one for 40+ years via a SM58​
  5. Slide

    Slide Newbie

    Dec 29, 2011
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    lyric8 had good advice on the tube issue. Go to a hardware store and get a short piece (2-3 inches) of tubing that fits snuggly inside the tube you have now. I use clear tubing, the kind you see on some kitchen sink spray nozzles. As for the mouth noise, I would start by moving the mic. Not sure where you have it pointed now, but maybe try pointing it away from your mouth and more toward the tubing. Not really sure on that one though, I've never actually recorded a talk box. Also, is it possible that you're not drinking enough water before you try to record? If your mouth is not moist enough, you get that "thick, sticky saliva".
  6. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I have a banshee2 and never think to use a smaller tube (great advice). When I record amateurs/hobbist singers (and the ladiest are the bad), they always do not use a diafragmsyiv breath. and largest part of adult breath in a very wrong way. Bacause of this, the air need to pass the moth very fast, and this amplify the artifacts of the moth.
    When I startet music in the university (composition), part of the curriculum was to learn all kind of the instrument. I was asmatic, with all of the wortest noises, and had broken my nose twice so, when I started to learn transversal flute I always find the floor. This happens because I never use the difragm correctly. I never lost my consciousness, only vision and muscular streght. This show how important is correct breath.
    Today I swim 25 meters under water, do not make noise artifacts with my mouth and have an improved health quality.
    You can learn how to breath with good singers, yoga, swimming, wind/brass/harmonica instruments, and with a bottle. Getting a note from an empty bootle is like playing flute, its my favorite crash course for diafragm because you have to control your diafragm very well to produce continuosly a note from your belly. Now you know why. sometimes, aledgelly good singers do not produce long notes without detuning.
    Invest in your diagragm, it will be very good for all aspects of your life.
  7. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    Absolutely , the 'banshee2' iz the greatest !! Very EZ 2 use 2 !!

    The inventor of the 'first' Talk Box ,'Joe Walsh' / made a loan of
    his original proto type to 'Peter Frampton' for his 2nd Album ;
    that Became his trademark with 'Show me the way' !!

    All kudo'z to Joe for making it all possible , and CLEVELAND ROCKz!!

    Take care , NJ0y !!

    - 0:1 -

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