BT & Jan Johnson - Remember - Otto's Bedroom Rock Quick Mix V0.2

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by jack, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    it's just a fiew hours ago i found that great share from BT. Thanks a lot to BT and the eye ;)

    melody and stuff i created based on the vocals did not compared it with the original tune.. but think the first two chords are the same.

    Might you like to listen:

    Construtive critic and feedback is welcome.

  3. Devlin

    Devlin Newbie

    Jan 27, 2013
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    The kick in beginning needs more punch or bass. Snare is has a nice sound when vocals start. Before, it is too soft. Intro is too long or the synth at 0:10 sec is too soft. You could build up the volume of the synth slowly till 16 seconds.

    That high synth sound, is sounding too sharp. EQ the high's. And maybe mid. Nice sounding bass and piano. And syntharrangement. Maybe piano is a little bit too loud.

    Very nice track. I dont know the original. It flows really well. I hope you will make a whole track out of it! :wink:
  4. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Thanks for critic and feedback. :)

    Yes the beginning is Lo-Fi - the intro (first half) i made in minutes and i would agree (nearly) complete...
    Everything you can hear is based on the second half / first 16/32 bars of the vocals. Yes, too much highs.
    Piano is sure too loud and or the velocities are too heavey at some parts.

    I'm not good in hearing notes and stuff, means isn't easy for me..
    but only 66,6 % of the vocals remains plus the breaks between :rofl:
    Just the bassline as single wav or the bass notes / midi would help me alot..
    But i'm sure will enjoy it anyway - not only that i respect BT a lot i like his music, the Singer and like this tune.

    Thanks for the motivation.

    Oh what you think, would it be better to play the bass in rhythm to the vocals?

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