Real Amp - Amp Modelers

Discussion in 'Rock, Metal' started by metaller, Oct 15, 2018.


Which One?

  1. Real Amp (Mesa Dual Rectifier)

  2. Fractal Audio Axe Fx III

  3. Line 6 Helix (Native)

  4. IK Multimedia Amplitube 4

  5. Kazrog Thermionik

  6. Overloud TH3

  7. Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5

  8. Peavey Revalver 4

  9. Studio Devil Amp Modeler Pro

  10. Positive Grid Bias Amp

  11. Line 6 Pod Farm 2

  12. Brainworx Mega Dual

  13. Audified AmpLion Pro

  14. Lepou Lecto

  15. JST toneforge Misha Mansoor

  16. Fortin Nameless Suite Plugin

  17. Fortin NTS

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  1. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    thats why i love you and your ears ! lol reminds me of my own :mates:
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  2. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Ok here's the thing, after using Amplitube for a long while, I bought a preowned Kemper at a very good price, and it came with a lot of premium amp profiles that made the offer too good to refuse. I also have multiple guitars with different types of pickups, so I need multiple amps such as Marshall, Vox, Fender, and Ampeg type combos, but I actually ended up with way more options than that. Also as stated above there are noise considerations, so now I can play all night long without disturbing anybody.

    But ... in a different scenario I may go for real amps, though I would probably need to be making good money from music to justify that, so basically I am now at a halfway house. I have access to decent sounds without overcommitting, and I can easily break-even if I need to bailout.
    You know the score bro, it's a long journey to get where we want to be :drunks:
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2018
  3. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Im going to add a little more heat to the fire HA!!!!!!!! i must say...if i play my Kemper threw my cab its pretty much spot on... i can feel a little difference but its not a deal breaker by no means... favorite of all the models ... Axe and Helix would be next... i just recently purchased a Boss Waza amp head. I got it used for cheap... an pretty impressive so far, but further testing and jamming is needed to determine if i will keep it \m/
  4. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I know im making alot of posts here lol >>> but just dummy loading my heads and going direct>>> they sound better to me threw IR's than the digital models so go figure lol>>> their just open and so natural they dont have that dull compression sound they are much more dynamic in response and sound .. yes i believe myself :cheers:
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  5. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    If a had a proper "producer desk" I'd fill it with all kinds of rackmountable preamps, poweramps, loadboxes and shit.

    So I better not buy one :rofl:
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  6. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    If you listen close in the first video IMO the AXE and Helix sounds most like the Real Mesa..>>>sounds like wannabe ! JK :rofl:and owning a Kemper of course it clones so it would win hands down in the sounds like competition lol
  7. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Just go with anything that fits you .. no need to be rhetorical
  8. burket

    burket Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    i match eq this from august burn red multitracks from urm academy, they have real amp and di. i matched the di track with vstomp and ozone 7. and created ir with matched eq.

    ⬆️ this is real amp

    ⬆️ this is vstomp hotone


    my setting
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  9. Friggy

    Friggy Guest

    Brainworx and the Audified I think sounded the closest. The open upper and lower end was closest to the real amps. AxeFx, Line6, Th3, and maybe a few more were close, but more closed in from the real amp. A little compressed and rolled off highs compared to the amp.

    The rest where just embarrassing. Bad mids, congested, woof-y low end, smaller. Just something bad and uncontrolled in the other sims. Which sucks cause i've used Amplitube 4 Mesa models and have enjoyed them on their own. But now i'm gonna check out Audified. They make an amazing compressor and saturation. Not surprised they have pulled off a great amp sim.
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  10. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I am happy that someone actually found that most of them suck,:rofl:
    and I am yet surprised by those people who voted for Guitar Rig and Amplitube :woot::woot:
  11. JST

    JST Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I don't believe you have tried them.
    I make my own presets. Consistency is one of the things that make modelers great.
    That is a Fallacy. Marketing BS from the Amp industry tone pedalers.
    Thank you!
    I agree somewhat, but physical gear can be what limits you. People tinker with that shit for years. They become engineers, and not just players. Modelers can often be simpler and more straight forward than real gear. I am an engineer, computer tech and player. Everyone I know that just plays, prefers modelers for their ease of use. Plenty of inexperienced Luddites are still clinging to the notion that computers complicate things. Of course this was true for a long time. Just turn it on and go was the mantra, and a valid one, but kemper, Line6, dare I mention Boss, Behringer, Zoom, Korg and Yamaha modelers, among others have had that ability for a long time now.

    @metaller Roland Cube Amps are modeling amps. And that brings me to a question.

    What type of speakers and audio interface do you use for your modelers?

    Have you hooked up a multi effects pedal to your home stereo system? Try it you'll like it.

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2018
  12. I don't always play guitar, but when I do, I play it on a dark dessert highway with cool-whip in my hair.
  13. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Why I should lie? I am not a noob teenager. :rofl:

    Solid states amps are not amp modeller! They use solid-state electronics (diodes, transistors, etc.) to amplify and shape the signal. (So real circuit, real analog signal)
    However, the producers may want to be similar to certain tube amps.
    My own audio interface is by Steinberg.
    I use headphones and not speakers. (I have tried modelers with my cabinet. If I want to run it through my cabinet why use a modeler?)

    I have tried several in studios or my firneds homes, they sound like these garbage ampsims. I have tried even my friend's Headcrush multi-effect. Hate it. :rofl:
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2018
  14. JST

    JST Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You reffered to listening to demos. And you sound like a noob, wondering why everyone is choosing the ampsims you are shitting on. You are obviously unaware of how to use them. If they sound like shit, it is because you don't know what you are doing.
    My studio speakers have a solid state amp as do most stereos, Duh! Again, Roland Cubes are Amped modelers. Your ignorance is profound.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2018
  15. I picked the purple because there is a tiny bit more substance to it, a kind of deeper and wider 3D feeling. I heard a difference in the blind test but it helped for sure to see the changes to confirm that. Without hearing one against the other I would have been hard pressed to say which one would be which as the differences are minimal, minimal but real. The Kemper is a damn good copy.
  16. That's nice, though you might not wish so strongly after I ask my daughter to repeat herself three times when she says something to me from another room...too many band practices standing in front of my amp and next to the drummer as well as zillions of live shows, both my own and seeing others. To rewrite that great more recent Bob Dylan song...It's Not Dark Yet

    There's not even sound enough for me to hear
    I'm not deaf yet, but I'm getting there
    Well my sense of hearing is going down the drain
    Too much stage time, second stage or main… :rofl:

    I can though differentiate between two different signals, many times if not from what I hear, but rather how it makes me feel.
  17. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    My main problem w/ Native Instruments Guitar Rig is that it's really, really super racist! I keep expecting them to announce a hardware unit called the Komplete Kombo Kontroller or smthn.
  18. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    are you true guitar player? the amp plugins sounding crap, probably you cant agree because - 1 you have bad playback system, 2, analog in has enough energy and you have loaded distortion amp sound not clean sound you cant hear the difference of sound quality
    if you really want to use those digital amp you could buy hardware version has better quality(positive grid has not mentioned in the pic)
  19. .: HAMIN :.

    .: HAMIN :. Guest

    My personal experience about virtual amp modelers ,
    none of them are cool as real amps but I think these programs sounds better than others :
    1-Bias Fx
    these tracks of mine created with bias fx :

    2-JST Misha
    3-JST Jason
    4-JST Ben Bruce
    5-Fortin Nameless
    6-Audio Assault Bulldozer and Dominator

    Guitar Rig and Amplitube 4 are overrated , they are not good for modern rhythm guitars atall

    Helix and Th3 has some unique modules for creative tones
  20. .: HAMIN :.

    .: HAMIN :. Guest

    why 2 disagree ? he says right
    maybe you guys plays with banjo ?
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