DubSub A nice (free) Additional tool for Sub and Bass Management

Discussion in 'Software' started by Talmi, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It has been out for a week already but I didn't have the time to test it. It's a new tool from airwindows, named DubSub.

    Here it is : http://www.airwindows.com/dubsub-vst/

    Usefull to read the description by Chris that I partially replicate here in case some don't read it on AirWindows site , it explains how the different command work - as usual with airwindows a very simple and minimalist "interface" - and what they do and covers what this tool is usefull for :

    The top section, Treble Grind, is like a bass guitar presence circuit. You shouldn’t use that for hi-fi purposes, if you want clean pass-through use the Dry/Wet. Treble Grind works like a distortion, and has an Inverse/Out control allowing you to subtract it as well as add it. ‘zero’ is in the middle.

    Crossover determines what goes to the Treble Grind, and what goes to the bass sections. To make it track bass better, set the crossover low.

    Bass Drive is how hard you’re pushing the main bass section. It’s essentially an adjustable Head Bump control like in ToTape. Bass Voicing controls the depth of the bass boost: setting it higher up sounds more like overdriving a bass amp. Bass Inv/Out is the same as in the Treble Grind section, an ‘attenuverter’ like in certain Eurorack modules: it lets you subtract the bass, not just add it.

    Sub Drive, Sub Voicing, and Sub Inv/Out are much like the bass section, except they work on an octave-divided version of the bass section. This helps it get good octave-down sounds some of the time, but it’s not anything like a digital suboctave synthesizer: it’s working crudely like an analog octave divider, which means it can make horrible noises if it doesn’t have clean signal to work with. This is of course intentional :) if you want it to do a recognizable sub-note, feed it a carefully controlled signal off a single track. Or, you can set it very deep and not mix in all that much of it, and get an interesting effect sound. For cleaner deep bass, work with the main bass section, or voice both of them very deep in hopes of cleaning up the sub-bass section a little by refusing to let it have more complicated signals.

    I know there was a thread out there about all AirWindows free products coming out, but this one is very usefull on its own as there sure are others tools for bass management but not that much, there aren't crack for all of them (watching you SubSynth by PA lol), and well this one is good and free, I've just tested it on a bass line with Modo Bass and it did a much better job at "pumping it up" than SubSynth even with the fact that SubSynth is actually a digital octave sub synthetiser while SubDub is an analog octave divider. Even if like me you already have SubSynth it's at least a seriously good complement.
    Bass management tools are always cool.

    And it's free. A little reminder, as I'm on the topic, for Chris's Patreon which finance the whole thing.


    Cheers to all. :wink:
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  3. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Thx for sharing :bow: On my workstation new bass enhancers to try are always welcome. Watched his youtube demo and tested it a bit on some bass tracks. Sounds pretty cool! The treble grind is more handy than I thought at first - the add/subtract knob in combination with Xover makes it useful.

    ..And Sub Drive makes it awesome..:phunk:
    Find it funny how Chris emphasizes how he likes to build only a few knobs into his plugins, but this thing has 12 of them regardless and in any case you'll have to look more closely and see what they're doing. I'm still asking myself if I ever came across something comparable. Actually a good thing between the same old same olds.

    Will check it out a while and see if it comes in handy.
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Cheers @Maizelman and thanks for the feedback :wink: !

    About the interfaces of Airwindows plugs : I was mentioning that cause there is no "gui" for any of his plugins. It's always just sliders, and usually even the value you're messing with isn't indicated (the freq of a filter, the threshold in db of a comp, etc)....That's something that he justifies - because some people don't like or understand that, I personaly kind of like it, or other vsts that have the same optic (like a few form kush who have skins with no label , even if here there is a gui, you kind of turn the knobs "blindly" at first if you use those skins, like for pusher or axis eq for instance) - by saying that he prefers people to listen to the result of what they do when they move around the sliders, rather than observing those results visualy. It's an interesting pov, defendable regaring sound processing.
    He often says that he usually does plugs with little to sometimes no knob, but imho his best plugs (to tape, to vynil, from tape, channel, desk 4 , strip and many others, including many modulation/creative plugs, he has the best bit reduction plugins I use - DeRez and BitGlitter - with the Unfiltered Audio one) are often the ones with the most commands/knobs, at least it's my favorites. It's never infinite tweakability, I also like plugs that offer that (watching you DMG or Flux) but it's not AirWindows/Chris thing. Still many of his best plugs, most advance utilities (like dubsub) give you all the parameters that matter. He is also always very open to adding 'or removing) sliders, making new versions of things when people request it.

    I also need to test it more on more different type of basses.

    Also he is far from being done with bass tools, a couple more are coming " I have progress on the mono-bass version of DubSub, and I’m happy with BassKit, the streamlined and polished mono-bass-enhancer that lets you beef up tapey or bassbin-y fatness in mono or add literal subsonic thunderousness with the octave divider "
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  5. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    You use it in Logic? In S1 and FL its Knobs. I'm okay with knobs and without GUI, though I always get a bit confused when I first open airwindows plugins after watching the demo videos. :mad:

    Yeah, Chris really makes every effort to interact with users and even listens to their preferences. :wink: And he's a personable guy. I'm anxious to see what other bass tools he has up in his sleeve.
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