Tone2 Products are Malware?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Nana Banana, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    Again, just an opinion. Everyone has one. I find them excellent. Not the best i've heard for sure but none the less excellent. So i don't care about your opinion just as much as you're entitled to not give a rat's ass about mine. It's a free world.
  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    So far It is working great on my PC and thanks to you both.
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You just underline a disagreement, do you have the least idea what a sophism is ? Not a disagreement. You say despite proofs that Tone2 doesn't fill your computer with malwares. I say look at the proof and it does. There no sophism here, just you lying to yourself (I'll wait for you to proove to me that what's written in the nfo isn't true anymore, it's easy enought to check lol).
    My comparaison stands as in both cases the dev/constructor takes extreme illegal measures to "protect" their products (by destroying it lol)...

    And I agree with you. Everyone has opinions, and as wrong as yours may be, well, you have the right to have it.
  4. teknomix

    teknomix Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2012
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    "team V.R" manipulate registry and system files causing faults and mal functioning in windows at all...

    I have legit Tone2 on both Mac and Windows, never had any issues with they software.

    but... the only host invasion I have are from... R2R with this :
    I think that we can't demonize some developers by they techniques, any of us knows the risks of each thing that we assumes. Enjoy the possibility to use "free" software thanks to good teams and get legitimate software from good devs.
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  5. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    As soon as Marcus becomes a hacker rather than a dev or short of that puts a disclaimer on his site saying "cautious, as I value the intellectual proprerty integrated in my soft, I code malwares inside them", what you say will make sense.
    Until then R2R and VR are indeed hackers that offers illegal free products which are usable with hacking tools invasive for your computer, so if someone uses them it's at its own risks.
    Markus on another hand sells a product, I don't see how a legitimate customer should be in a risk taking situation, it's not tolerable. Markus is a threat, that you pay to have in your computer. That's the disclaimer he should put.
  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    On the recent ones, there is xFer Records Serum, and about synth that have evolved much more than Tone 2, Dune2 is a good example, the difference between old version Dune 1 and new one is big. And what to say about Omnisphere? They have actualized much more their synth.

    U He i developing very different synthesizers, that I would not compare to these, because U He really aim at the warm sound of analog, while Tone 2 sounds closer to those old 12 bits digital machines of the 80's, which could be interesting if you are looking for that sound, but still into this they could have evolve much more.
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    About tone2's protection scheme, every thing is being mixed here, because the nfo published is old, and tone2's actual protection scheme is not as aggressive as before.
    Actually it essentially aim at deleting any not legit license, of any of it's products, and it's traces in the system including registry.
    So it has nothing to do with what he was doing years ago.
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  8. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Tone 2 has Icarus which is a Serum competitor with somewhat different functionality (Serum has some wavetable modulation functions lifted from Massive, Icarus has some different ones) and less CPU hit. It's underrated synth especially for dubstep/dnb/trap (which I think are the main Serum target groups)

    Omnisphere is a joke (I know it has some of the best ambient/cinematic presets in the industry, but this doesn't make the actual synth any better). Maybe Omni3/4 will be actually great synth. It's far away from the hype and marketing that Spectrasonics tries to create .

    U-he's new synths - while they are modelling some old synths and they sound nice, the CPU hit is insane, because of how much they oversample the oscillators and filters. You can make refx JunoX and Steinberg A1, or Xxx(insert any vintage softsynth) to sound godlike with that much oversampling (make a max sample rate project to test this), so, no, the technology of U-he is not something magical. If people in 70s and 80s had this amount of processing power, they could have done it too. (Not like anyone would be interested in emulating analogue synths back then...)

    I admit that Tone2's synths have some kind of digital sound that I associate with additive/spectral synths like Razor, Harmor, Thorn - while all these are different - they have some kind of unique digital "signature".
    It's quite possible that Tone2 is reusing the same algorithms for generating the main oscillator sound.
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  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Okay so that's "all" he does now, which has been found so far. Delete entries from registry. Good thing I've never touched those darn malw...hum...synths.

    Protection system should stick to preventing a product from working when used without purchase (excluded from demo period). Most devs, cracked or not, do just that. Even if they require you to install third party drivers, installation managers, etc, they notify you of what you have to do for your purchase to work, and they do it prior to purchase so that you're not forced to install crap after purchase if you don't want to. It's done in a relative transparancy, and even if it can have consequences on performance, at least you know the origine of it, it won't just remove stuff from your computer.

    Regarding u-he none of that malware crap have been underlined by any team. He just entered a d... contest with R2R claiming they would never crack his precious protection system. Which they did.
    A while back a few customers said that while they had bought their products, they still had bombs dropping on them. Nothing similar happened since then. At least I haven't heard or experimented something similar. Lol, even the cracked ones don't bomb anymore.
    But TBH if I found any traces of undesired registry entries in my computer done by uhe, any malware or whatever that had any consequences on my setup, if I read any NFO by any team giving me causes for concern, I will sell my entire collection of uhe products in the second. None of that would be acceptable.
    I absolutely love uhe synths, but that would be crossing a line.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2018
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  10. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    there's a lot of vst(i) thath far better than tone 2 without spying their customers
  11. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    AS i got the equivalent of a A- in Philosophy, i think i perfectly know what a sophism is. So i guess i did not make myself clear enough about what i meant by that.
    Okay. Here we go. Your type of sophism is the most basic one. You rely on a premise that is wrong and deduce a conclusion which sound logical but is flawed. That's what a sophism is in the first place

    Premise 1/ PEOPLE SAYS Tone2 software attacks OS and Hardware. ----> Flawed - you just have bad info, no proof whatsoever or you did NOT provide one
    Premise 2 / Attacking OS and hardware is major offense. ---> very true
    you deduce that Tone 2 is a dev that attacks Os and Hardware ---> flawed conclusion as one of your premises is not proved

    Your comparison (even if i understand why you made it) does not stand anymore as it's based on a flawed conclusion. It is what we call a loaded comparison. The conclusion you want everyone to draw is tainted by the irrelevancy of the exemple you choose. How can't anyone relate to that and not find Tone2 guilty?
    If you disagree, you're entitled to but you did not prove your point as i have yet to see a proof that tone2 software disrupt any system beyond his own hacked software.
  12. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    There's quite a difference too between Gladiator and Electra X at least to my ears. Dune 1 is very old and i love Dune 2 so much i bought it so no disagreement here... I own Serum too but i find it great but not fit to my music. i use Spire much more.

    But still there's not a huge difference. May be i'm too old and my ears are failing. Thanks for taking the time to answer however.
  13. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    This is a useless rant. Give names. Elaborate. And FYI, there are a lot of software who check your computer to see if it's legit. As a UAD customer, i can tell you that a card loaded with plugins sold to a guy who does not have any account get cleared if you go online. I've never seen anyone complaining about that.
  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I know what it is, and I understood that you knew too. You simply failed at establishing anything, so

    To established that I made a sophism you would have to prove without a shadow of a doubt that what the original nfo proved was false. Which again given how easy it is to check hidden files and added registry lines, as well as edited host, is a ridiculous notion. Back then everything detailled in the nfo was backed with evidence. You can't possibly disprove what has already been proven without new evidence you don't bring and Marcus didn't bring back then.
    Given that your first premise is a fallacy (which I've already told you), well you can't say that my logic relies on a wrong premise.
    You're actually the one in the middle of a sophism. Your premise has been disproven so your entire argument regarding my supposed sophism collapsed.
    Sorry mon ami but your A - doesn't cut it. Philosophy in highschool is a bloody joke, even in a litterature specialised cursus.

    I would personaly give you a C for this one. You tried and understood the basic mecanism of an easy philosophical notion.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2018
  15. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Can you point me into the direction of such cracks? I've never seen a R2R release after their rant against Tone2. Ans as Olymoon stated, the tendency for Tone2 is to lighten their security not reinforce it.

    Regarding u-he synths, they're absolutely my favorites so not using them on principle is counterproductive. But you can still do as you see fit.

    I have the overall impression that you are very keen on civil liberties and hold a grudge. But saying Tone2 synths are average at best make you look that way.

    I'm done. I have no intention of entering a contest or a flame war. i made myself clear or so i hope. You explained your position. I respect that. In the end, everybody tend to hold his former position no matter what. That's a flaw in human psychology too. :bow:
  16. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    I'm 53 so Philosophy was not a joke back then as it is now in any cursus. Besides i 'm a philosophy and sociology buff and have a law degree.

    FYI i don't have to prove anything. This obligation falls on your end. Burden of proof and all...Basic law 101. You are the one that attacks. I'm the defendant.
    When i read this last comment it appears without any doubt that we have come far from DESTROYING THE SYSTEM to modifying lines in the hosts file.
    i guess you are still young and prone to severe reaction when someone opposes you. But we read the same NFO. Nothing in this NFO allows you to say what you said. Nothing.

    Well, as i'm probably the older guy i guess that it falls on my lap to end this right away. you're getting stressed and i'll do the only thing i can to relieve you from that stress. i'll just move on. No hard feeling between musicians. See you mate.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2018
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I don't get your request. I was refering to crack to U-he synths. They were cracked what last xmas ?
    Tone2 crack ? I didn't talk about that at all.
    Wut ? My taste for synths makes me look like I hold a grudge ? My taste which according to you is something relative to each and any one ? It's determined by a grudge ? My taste ? Wut ? :wtf:
    Nope. Just average synths. I personaly use u-he synths, Avenger, Falcon, HALion and some of Image Line synths. I don't need average synths on top of great synths. No thank you sir.

    edited, no need for d;;; contest

    I see a difference in perspective which leads our exchange to a dead end. To me the NFO is a proof (and back then it was, because again everything detailled in the nfo was observable by installing a legit product, and later releases of Tone2 not properly cracked gave way to reports by many users of indesirable behaviors, I was one of those users) in it self, and you don't have any element to disprove it. To you it has to be proven (which 9 years later doesn't make much sense). I fail to see why (with my previous demonstration)
    Tone2 cannot possibly reduce a security which according to you was never proven to exist in the first place. That's a contradiction.
    So yeah, we're at an impasse, we can just agree to disagree.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2018
  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    You can't discuss with believers. They don't accept facts but assume their beliefs to be facts and wan't YOU to prove their unproved assumptions are wrong. :rofl:
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  19. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Indeed it is a malware infected company!
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