Best Track yet + Updates to old ones

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by xoso, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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  3. Devlin

    Devlin Newbie

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Hell in ur Eyes:
    THat guitarpart starts at 0:36 is too loud. The main lead is getting away, not good listenable.

    That kick sounds made me shout YES! Like it. A little bit of reverb on the snare. Like the hi hats.

    The song itself is too long or the main lead is too repetitive. Why no octave up or just a fifth? It is called fifth 2 ashes for christ sake! lol

    Fall 2 pieces:
    like it more than previous song.

    Tear down the sky:
    better than the previous too. More song structure, dynamic. Miss the bass guitar.

    like the double bass kick rhythm. Especially the real quick part.

    Your guitarsounds is overall pretty much the same. So the songs can be dull to listen. Use different kind of distortions or different kind of tuning guitar (drop D or so).

    Not bad, really need some vocals. And please, the description sounds like Linkin Park makes me kill a puppy. It doesnt even sound like them.

    Like the drums, the way it sounds, the production is very nice. Sometimes the bassguitar can be really harder, doing his thing with the drums or just the drums by itself. Lots of guitarparts without breaks.

    If you live here around the corner, i defenitely would do a try out as a bassplayer. Your songs has potention, bro. Tears down the sky and Revelation are my fav's...

  4. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    For the most part it's all demo material from when I get the full band together, so yeah.

    As for the rest, I haven't invested a lot of time into sound design or post production mostly because It's just me at the moment writing/doing everything. I'd kill for help writing in all honesty. At the point I am right now I have literally 200+ unfinished tracks and none of them go together blah blah blah. Cry me a river type stuff but yeah.

    As for the Linkin Park thing, no don't really sound like them. My original point was to be like a way heavier linkin park without rapping. Basically kick ass rock/metal with chester type singing/vocals, but at a certain point I just started writing whatever came to my head and stopped caring what genre/style I wrote. So at this point maybe a little LP in the music but mostly it describes what I want for the vocals.

    As for the tunings drop D wouldn't even begin to cover the range. So far songs range from Drop F to maybe C at highest. As for the amps, yeah they are all the same. Actually all these songs were exported on the same template just so I could have a decent "normalized" version of everything to try to build the band.

    All of these songs have vocal parts that are tracked out to a synth but I think it confused or turned off people hearing a synth or something so I dropped the vocal melodies from the Reverbnation stuff which in all honesty takes a bit out of the tracks. As for the drums thanks. That kit is composed of 2 different Superior Drummer 2 kits with a Easy Drummer kit overlay. Took like 8-12 hours to make it sound as good as it is, but it can always be better. Because even with that 8-12 hours of making it, I've had to remix it down 20+ times to get that mix to work as well as it does. I have more but I can only post 2 in this

    But yeah like I said it's all just me on all instruments etc. Breaks/non immediate transitions are my weak point. No matter how many songs I study with breaks and such my brain doesn't seem to process it well. Same thing with verse riffs. For some reason those are my weak points I am trying to work on. All stuff I'm sure would be easy as shit if I had help writing.

    Anyway, I'll take your opinions into consideration and listen for what you pointed out.
  5. Devlin

    Devlin Newbie

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Drum sound is OK really. Only the snare could use some reverb. That is. Dont use too much time to make things perfect. Write lots of compositions instead!

    Breaks and transitions is one of the hardest part of writing music imho. So, just make music, the rest will follow :wink:
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