ToNYG: My decision to leave AS(better to hear it from the horse's mouth)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TonyG, Sep 28, 2018.

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  1. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    I'll be sad to see you go @TonyG but I'm sure you have reasons that go way beyond a few negative votes. I respect your decision and wish you all the best.

    This place is haemorrhaging quality members and all we'll be left with soon is Foster clones.
  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Ratings are part of our forum and they have been for a while, they participate in making it what it is. Sometimes it's faster to either applaud or oppose in this fashion. I use agree or disagree (which by the way isn't a negative rating it's a neutral one and thus requires no justification to the mods or anyone whatsoever, a disagreement or an agreement don't have to be justified, only negative ratings do - so nasty and dislike) very often when someone says what I feel for agree or when I disagree with someone (for disagree) and I don't feel like arguing while knowing it will lead nowhere as we just have different pov. To me the disagree thingy is a "agree to disagree" kind of thingy, it has no negativity charge whasoever.
    The others ratings are well....negative ones...We can't all love one another, and sometimes we don't like what a person brings to the table....It's easy enought to justify. Here : "I just find what he says displeasant and I dislike it"....Done. Those are subjective feelings, it's not a matter of "proving" there is a justification to it...There always is relatively to the pov of the person who is disliking. In my opinion there is no such thing as spam downvoting. I got more than a 100 dislike. 90% of those got no justification and were mostly made by phantom members who disapeared with the threads they felt compelled to briefly get involved with through their downvotes of my comments. I never complained, never felt unfairly treated, cause I can own this : I have a strong caracter, bad social skills, a big mouth and I'm opinionated while never shy about that part. And guess what ? In real life or online people like me - and others - nerver leave indifferent the people we interact with. Some hate us some love us, few are indifferent. I try to do my part on this site. I try to help and be friendly but I'm lucid enought to realize that my - proud - attitude will always be a pain to a certain extend to some people.
    There are ways to avoid any downvote at all and most members do that just fine if you behave adequately (for that particular result). It takes efforts, diplomacy. It requires to stay away from certain controversies. It requires to seat on your opinions on some disagreements. It's hard, and people pulling it deserve to be called wise.
    I enjoy people who are wise, I enjoy people with a strong opinion sometimes, and usually I respect that. But this is the route we chose and it's an agitated one, it's just what it is. We can't voice things the way we do sometimes and not expect things to backfire, it's our own responsability not the mods.We stop being civilians when we put ourselves in the line of fire and draw our weapons. No way around that.

    I'll miss TonyG, Herr Durr, but their decision - as respectable as it is- isn't something I understand.
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  3. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Seriously, we're losing some serious heavy hitting players here. Hopefully they spawn seedling or something at least...
  4. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    2018 is getting shittier by the day across the board in life.....

    I respect Tony's decision. enough is enough. one gotta draw the line somewhere and he did that.

    Hope he will return here someday. But we have all lost a true giant.
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  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I 'll hate to see you go Tony.
    Any person who is repeatedly hitting the dislike button to people's post should get a life really. If any of these peeps don't like some people's posts there is always the ignore button, mods should imply to them to use that instead of giving negative ratings constantly to satisfy whatever angst they have against their imaginary enemies lol.
    Having said that, i stand with Talmi on this one. I prefer to settle my disagreements with writing instead of pressing stupid "hate" buttons which i generally find lame, unless there is a very good reason for it.
    I have had posts deleted because i went out of line a few times and i am not complaining about it, i deserved that hehe. Thing is, it is really obvious a mod should delete a post containing offensive language. It is more tricky to deal with ratings given since they are part of the internal forum's structure. Imho, the negative ratings -when given- should come with an explanation. I too have seen people lurking, pressing dislike in a discussion's post and never uttering a single word. This is unacceptable for me. You 've something to say, step up or stfu please.
    @TonyG : I won't try to talk you out of this man. We 're past of being grown ups a long time ago haha. Best of luck with your endeavours man. I wish you and your fam good health and happiness.
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  6. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I totally agree with you. I was carried away, sorry for that.
  7. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    conformity is a bad choice, in music, in life.
    please dislike me, ill take it as a compliment.
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  8. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    We need a "crybaby" button.
  9. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Active forummates, good professional musicians/engineers/producers/developers do not deserve negative/neutral ratings here. Or rarely neutral in some special cases. But not always, especially this way "you are wrong, So you are asshole and bitch", who does mean this subconsciously.
    Sorry to hear you are leaving this great forum.
    The main - your music, sound and what you produce and work with.
  10. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    @TonyG You're the man and you know this. Step back, take a fresh breath and wait for the fallout to settle. Doors is always open brother, come around anytime sunshine :hifive::hifive::cheers:
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  11. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    Don't ask me what you were smart enough to figure out. Non native to the English language? I am a soldier in the US Armed Forces. In my profession grammar is irrelevant. Big cojones are. What is so difficult to understand about what I wrote? Let me say that again: what is wrong here (in this forum) is to wait for a certain member to post ( just like bitchmatiq did with @Herr Durr, @TonyG and judge dredd) to post to start down rating the posts. You took what I wrote out of context. Where did I say that I will do the same thing bitchmatic did? Where? Of course you were so preoccupied as to whether or not English was my native tongue that you forgot which one is yours. You need to put the cat you let out back in the bag mucker.
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  12. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    @famouslut Pursuant to the rules I would like to receive an explanation as to your disagreement with what I wrote. Thank you.
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Easy : he is not in agreement with you. Is it still legal ? Do we have to do a dissertation first ? Nope. A neutral or negative rating should have a reason....It's not an explanation, a reason for disagreeing : hummm...let me think...ah... a disagreement, can't justify that anymore than that, unless the forum became quite a scary orwelian universe. And the eventual reason should be given to moderators if they feel like it's needed.
    It doesn't matter if one doesn't understand why not everyone agrees with him.
    If you feel you need an reason for someone disagreeing with you, you can report said rating or comment to the mods who will then maybe ask the person who rated you a reason for not agreeing with your every word, if they feel it should be asked for. Do you think they're gonna ask a lot of people a reason for disagreeing with you ? Seriously ? Who wouldn't ?

    And what's up with the administration thingy ? It's a forum, the mods aren't employees of the forum, there is no bureaucracy, no regulations (albeit there are rules regarding the users) regarding the mods duties....It doesn't mean much.
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  14. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    What is it with you? You have 2 profiles? I didn't ask you. I asked @famouslut. But since you decided to reply I will give you a response. For all practical purposes moderators are employees of this forum and have not been doing what they are supposed to do. Their lack of commitment and bias is what has made other members leave. @beth, @bassdude,@Herr Durr, @TonyG, and others I am too new to know about are gone If you want to kiss the moderators' butts and pretend that everything is fine, that is your prerogative. It may even bring you a promotion so you can join their rank. Good luck
  15. As a native New Yorker, I can say that without a doubt that DT has always been a jerk...before he jumped into politics, and that, brother, ain't about politics but rather just the way it is. He just now happens to be POTUS, though he seems to me to always to have been more a SCROTUS...always has been and possibly always will. The only thing that I could give him a thumb's up about is his renovation of the Wollman Skating Rink, but even then it seemed to me and just about everyone that I ever have spoken about that it was more a public relations and ego boost than from any kind of goodness from his greedy heart. He just wanted to show up Ed Koch, a then Mayor of NYC, which he did, calling him "a loser", much like anybody else that he disagrees with...which makes him "a loser" himself. YMMV.
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  16. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

  17. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    @beth also left the forum??
  18. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    @EddieXx I know I hurt your feelings when I called you out earlier. I don't care about your nasty button. I'm not leaving this forum. The mods will have to kick me out so go ahead and do what you do and keep on pressing that nasty button b...:trashing:
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
  19. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    All over the place
    Positive. We should have a list of members that have left in the past 6 months.
  20. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    :hahaha: made my day :yes:
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