ToNYG: My decision to leave AS(better to hear it from the horse's mouth)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TonyG, Sep 28, 2018.

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  1. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    When I made the decision to delete my account I didn't want to create a thread explaining my decision because it would lead to the same thing that I have come to despise about this Forum: the drama, the unnecessary controversy and the trolling. I, however, feel that those members who showered me and my family with their support and words of encouragement when I was in the hospital do deserve an explanation. I, therefore, out of respect for those members and to avoid any speculation will explain my decision.
    My decision to leave is premised upon the administration's failure to take effective measures to curtail the childish and vindictive behavior of some members.Let me explain.
    As of late, certain members have made it a habit to wait for another member's post to hit the "dislike", "nasty" or "disagree" button without any explanation whatsoever. This type of negative spam rating is not content based but done out of spite and vindictiveness with the spammer even telling the other member "watch what I would do now". This type of conduct is explicitly prohibited by the rules and for a good reason:This is NOT Facebook. This is a forum.
    A forum is a medium (such as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas. Without members expressing their ideas, this forum can't exist. Indeed, those members whose sole contribution to the forum is negative spam rating would have NOTHING to rate.
    The administration has either ignored the conduct describe above or the enforcement of its own rules has been ineffective. Today, @Andrew recognized as much and other members agreed that there should be a more strict enforcement of the rules in general. It seems that the only rule that is enforced with a hammer is the posting of links to warez.
    I explained to the administration that simply warning a member who has violated the rating rule is similar to arresting a person who stole some money and not demanding that the thief pay restitution. In both instances the offender gets to keep and enjoy the fruits of his wrongful action. I suggested to the administration a simple but effective solution to the issue of negative spam rating. First, you warn the member responsible for it and have said member either explain his negative rating (as the rules state) or remove that rating. The second time you ban the member.The response of the administration to my suggestion was unexpectedly noncommittal and full of justifications for its own failure. In fact,the only moderator that was willing to do something about it was @Andrew.
    For those who love to jump to conclusions, this is not about @TonyG being mad because he received a negative rating.This is about @TonyG not wanting to be part of a community in which the administration turns a blind eye to those that substantially disrupt the orderly exchange of ideas. Plain and simple.
    When I create a thread I don't do it to receive praise. Nor do I expect everyone to agree with what I wrote.I do it to help other members and to share the knowledge and experience I have gained. I am reciprocating what other lawyers, producers and engineers did for me when I first got involved in this business. Sharing knowledge and experience is te best gift I can give to those members who are starting.
    I really hope that the events that have taken place during the last couple of days serve as a wake up call to all of you. This is a great community. A lot of good talented people. Cherish it, be passionate about its existence and do not allow a few bad apples ruin it for all of you. Also, make the administration do what is right for the community and not what is right or easier for them. If someone has decided to be a moderator make that person work for you and do what needs to be done. No excuses.
    Good luck to all of you!

    Some people say you don't know what you have until it is gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never thought you would lose it.
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  3. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    @TonyG, you mean you (and/or others) were getting negative ratings for threads/comments where knowledge is shared about legal or factual real life experiences in the music business. is that really so?

    because from what I at least have seen, the context of the recent negative ratings you and others have been getting had nothing to do with any "music" or "business info" or "advices", but just with meaningless futile mocking exchanges in ridiculous fight-threads..

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
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  4. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Follow your own advice and stay with us. It's getting lonely enough.
  5. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Thanks Tony. Needed to be said :wink:
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  6. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    TonyG says: This is a great community. A lot of good talented people. Cherish it, be passionate about its existence and do not allow a few bad apples ruin it for all of you:
    Come on TonyG. You are contradicting yourself here. You should listen to your own words, especially the part where you say "do not allow a few bad apples ruin it for all of you"! So where do you stand on that?
    Don't let the negatives get you down.
    So you are going to bow out because you can't handle the mess that is sometimes Audiosex?
    Don't be a Primadonna and get your arse in gear.
    We all feel the negativity at times on this forum but we have choices and these choices are either to engage or ignore certain aspects.
    Take a break and come back when you feel refreshed but to leave because things arent going your way seems a bit premature and narrow minded.
    Whatever you choose to do I wish you well mate :bow:
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  7. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    thank your for the explanation, tony. i hate to see you go, but i guess i understand. i am very happy for you and your family that you made it through your recent personal trauma and hope that some day you will change your mind and return here.
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  8. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I'm forever grateful to everyone at the godforsaken forum
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  9. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Thanks for making this clear. I know you're not the only one who made this experience and came to the same conclusion, sadly.
    Interstingly I'll miss most of the people who quit in the last days, weeks and months, which tells me that the wrong people are allowed to stay and continue with their bullshit. But as DieM said rightly, there are still a lot of people here who focus on being constructive. I hope you change your mind rather sooner than later.
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  10. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Tony, firstly I want to say how happy I am to see you back from that terrible accident, you had us all VERY worried.
    I can see how hard you are taking this, and you may very well be right to leave as a matter of protest. I cannot say what I would do in your position, but one thing I will say. The people that will be hurt by you and the others who are leaving, wont be those who do not like you, it will be the people who DO like you that will suffer, and probably in time you as well. So whilst I agree you have to do what you think is right, I think sometimes it is better to take action only when you have taken time to calm down and make your decision based on what you WANT to do rather than what you ought to do.
    After all, it can take years building up a good group of friends, but it only takes a snap of the fingers to lose it. Of course I will accept whatever decision you choose to make, I only ask you spend a bit longer to think over your decision!

    What ya think?
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  11. willdathrill

    willdathrill Producer

    Feb 7, 2014
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    "At Your Girls House"
    Tony, ill hate to see u go, as most of us will.
    Glad ur doing better with everything thats going on in your life. All i can say is do what is best for you, or you feel fit thats need to be done. Dont let all these young kids or haters get to you. Yes alot needs to be done here, but i think some people dont want to be the bad guy and do what needs to be done to better this forum. If u leave, stay strong brother and wish the best for you.
    #wheresCatalystwhenneeded :bleh:
  12. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    If you've decided to leave your lovely friends because of this stupid rating system:


    this simply means you're so selfish and don't care about their emotions toward you. Take a look at them, they're just some simple icons.
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  13. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Read the post. It says everything you need to know.
    It clearly states exactly the opposite of what you've just posted. :facepalm:

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  14. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    OP explained his reasons in a lengthy, heartfelt post. You choose to posit that there's actually more to it? That's a "conspiracy theory", man. Please don't go there right now. Save it for later, okay?
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  15. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Observe how it's handled in a different way:
    "Don't be a Primadonna and get your arse in gear."

    See the difference here? At first glance, it appears rude but it's actually @DieM, a good guy by all accounts, utilising what's commonly referred to as "tough love".
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
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  16. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I reckon that you are wrong in your assumptions Darth. ICWC was projecting tough love and showing his dissaproval in his own way. Maybe TonyG just needs a good kick up the backside to bring him to his senses.
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  17. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I got it wrong? K.That's fair comment, @DieM. Thanks. Much appreciate your taking the time to illuminate my error.:shalom:
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
  18. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Hey man we all judge wrongly at times. I'm living proof of that. I prefer to call it out as it is as to keep it real. Nice that you took it like a true gent. :bow:
  19. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I don't know anything about this situation, but it does raise a serious general point: if any institution sets rules but fails to always follow them, it opens the way to corruption - through the arbitrary/biased application of those rules. It also serves to undermine those rules as they effectively become a means of targeting some folk whilst protecting others - privilege and disadvantage.

    In this fashion, when one falls foul of apparent arbitrariness, or bias, it can be personally highly offensive. So, if you are to have rules, they must be applied. And if rules cannot always reasonably be applied, better not to have them at all.

    It's a shame to see anyone leave. Well, apart from Foster and Herr Durr and......... just kidding. ;)

    Bye TonyG. Thanks and good luck!!
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  20. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Who gives a fuck about ratings?! I thought they were just some fun addition to a forum frontend. It's the content that counts. Anyway, best of luck, but better stay!
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  21. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    And why do not you just ignore them?

    After all, the ratings are only 1 and 0. The votes do not make you a bad or a good person, I think this is very exaggerated (letting yourself be carried away by someone's negative votes). :mates:
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