Studio One + Melodyne problem

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Gulliver, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Hi guys,

    I have a problem with Melodyne in Studio One.

    If I remove Melodyne from an audio event (with right-click "remove Melodyne"), it still seems to remain in the system somehow.

    Every time I save the song (or auto-save) I can see "saving Melodyne", and every time I load the song "loading Melodyne".
    So it is not removed completely.

    That really slows down both the saving process and the loading time as well.
    Besides, if Melodyne is still open somehow, it surely uses some CPU and RAM.

    Anybody got this problem?

    I am using the latest Studio One v2.0.6, and Melodyne Editor v 2.1.

    If you haven't experienced this, could you please try to open an audio event (should be several minutes long) in Melodyne (let it analyse it), after that remove it, and see if it is still there while saving.

  3. madman jason

    madman jason Newbie

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Do you mean the sample is still there? because melodyne is integrated into Studio one it will always appear in melodyne but to delete the sample you also have to delete it in your pool
    which is in the same screen as the instruments, effects, files etc...
  4. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    No, not the sample.
    Of course the sample remains there.

    I am talking of Melodyne, the application. Altough you remove it from the audio event, it still seems to be open.
    Even bouncing the track, or removing it completely haven't helped.
  5. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    You on Mac or Pc? i can tell ya how to fix be more specific
  6. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I'm on PC, that's why I posted this in the PC section *yes*

    Win 7, 32 bit.
    Studio One 2.0.6, Melodyne editor 2.1

    What else do you need to know?
  7. vsl2020

    vsl2020 Newbie

    Aug 10, 2012
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    I got the same problem..pretty annoying to see your ram usage is getting gradually increased by the minutes!
  8. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    This is very annoying indeed.

    I completely removed the track, and deleted it also permanently from the pool.
    Nothing helped, Melodyne is still there lurking around, and slowing processes down :snuffy:
  9. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Gulliver,

    The following comment is totally off-topic, but I've waited a few days before to post it because I thought that maybe you would have more answers to the request that you've done here...
    As it seems that now things are a bit more quiet, I decided then to post here some snapshots related to the PM that you have sent me via AudioZ in relation with the 'Stereo Channel' Plug-In. At the same time, this will avoid you to download all the following, and at the same time for me to upload it within a server...

    All these snapshots have been done within 'Reaper', but the majority of the great DAWs available on the market can handle the same process...


    'Stereo Channel' configured in its normal functioning as 'Stereo Out'


    'Stereo Channel' configured as 'Mono Output' (on the right side - pay attention at the 'Plug-In Pin Connector' that I changed to get the 'Mono' processing available)


    Here and when 'Balance' is panned 'Hard Left', simply check the VU-Meters : 'Left' is working, 'Right' not !. Moreover, if you pay attention at the left side of the snapshot, you'll notice that the Leds of the volume within the corresponding 'Channel Strip' and within the 'Master Section' are active, thus your audio is audible... This is logical, because when you set a 'Stereo' signal to 'Mono', the 'Left' side takes automatically (if not voluntarily changed by the developer) the 'Mono' position, in case you don't know it... The same applies for a multitude of 'Hardware Units'.


    Now, if you pan 'Hard Right' the Balance (the opposite of the previous setting), then you get logically like it must be : 'Right' VU-Meter is working, whereas the 'Left' one is not ! Now, just take a look at the 'Channel Strip' and the 'Master Section' Leds (always on the left side of the snapshot)... what a surprise, isn't ? It seems that nothing is output, thus not audible ! As previously stated about the priority taken by the 'Left' side in case of 'Mono' operation... it seems that this is confirmed.

    This is without taken in account the others settings that are available within the Plug-In (Side, Mid, Mutes,... ), that permit you to get different angles to listen to your audio...
    So, I don't know exactly what you're looking for with this Plug-In, but as clearly stated within the Manual, this 'Stereo Channel' can be turned to process your audio in Mono, and not only on Stereo (its usual operation).

    Then now you have got my 'smartass' explanation and my 'how to' process this 'Stereo Channel' in a 'Mono' fashion.
    If is not what you're looking for, I can only suggest you to either directly contact the creator (or the Team) that has done this Plug-In for further explanations, he knows certainly better than anybody how it works !

    By the way and before I forget, the test has been done with a Backing Track of Mister Joe Satriani, 'Ice # 9' to be exact. As you know it of not, he likes to doubling some of the guitar parts that he plays (mainly the riffs), thus like most of his 'doubled' parts are wisely panned throughout the stereo field, nothing better to really hear the difference when processing in stereo or mono, where some parts are drastically lowered, to not say inaudible...
  10. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Hi Studio 555,

    thanks for this long explanation *yes*

    Altough your post is surely worthwile reading, and contains some useful information, it's still more of the same "smartass" attitude for me.

    You can't seriously suggesting to have to make all this workarounds, instead of pressing on a button?
    All I was missing in this plug-in, is a button labeled "mono", which you can press, if you want to audition the signal in mono.
    Is that so hard to understand?

    Btw, I think not all DAWs have such a "plug-in pin connector" like you show in Reaper.
    At least I wouldn't know right now where to search for such in Cubase 5 or Studio One.

    I don't know why you seem to take these critique on the plug-in as some kind of personal attack?
    Are you involved with the development of it, somehow?
    This plug-in is really nice, but lacks this button. Fact, end of story.
    Why you can't simply accept that?

    This was more of an issue for me, when I was working with Cubase 5, which also has no mono-button on the master channel (there is one in the "Control Room", but not in the regular master channel).
    Studio One not only has such a button on the master channel, but on each individual track, too. So there the lack of such a button is not an issue.

    Which brings me back to... the actual topic of this thread :rofl:

    First of all, why do you answer to a PM on AudioZ in a thread at AudioSex, and with completely different topic? :dunno:

    Ah, doesn't matter.
    If you could help with the actual problem of this thread, that would be highly appreciated :bow:
  11. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    So where are you now?
    I am still waiting *yes*
  12. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I still have this problem, even now with Studio One 2.5.

    Would be cool, if anyone could confirm, if you also have this issue, or it's just me.

    So when I use Melodyne in a song, even when I render it in, bounce or remove the track, Melodyne still gets loaded and saved every time.
    I can't seem to "turn it off".

    This really slows down the saving and the loading of the songs a lot :(
  13. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Hey Gulliver since you took the time to reply to my S1 and Waves issue here at this forum,I took a little time to Google issue Re Melodyne and S1...Though I haven't use Melodyne I hope the link will help..

    It could be a memory issue..There are a few topics on the Link below..

    3.a sufficient amount of free system memory?

    Good Luck..

    Troubleshooting: Melodyne
  14. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Hey mrrnr,

    thanks for your attempt to help :thumbsup:

    Unfortunately, that hasn't got to do anything with my problem.
    Melodyne itself works very well here with S1.

    The problem is, that I can't seem to be able to remove Melodyne from a song.
    Normally, when you click "render", or bounce the track, or even remove it, that should completely remove Melodyne.
    Like with any other plug-in.

    But every time I save the song, it says: "saving Melodyne", and when I open a song "loading Melodyne", even when Melodyne should not be present in the song at all.
  15. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Yea Plugs and Computers have a mind of there own...We have all issues that come up..Dont We..

    Stay positive..

  16. aeroflot

    aeroflot Kapellmeister

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Maybe you can disable the ARA integration
    In option / preferences
    and /devices
    untick the melodyne integration
    and No more melodyne :excl:
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