Kontakt 5 Issue

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by koschke, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Hi Guys,

    Me again got allot of issues after switching to mac but that’s life. :sad:

    So my next problem is how can i install two different Kontact 5 versions on my mac or is that not possible.
    I already read some threats that i can choose two different folders for one kontakt 5 and another for the other non-legit stuffs.
    But how can install a kontakt 5 dmg file to a driver of my choice. When i start the installation dmg file i can only use my mac os x driver for the installation and when i have to override my official kontakt 5 but i want to have both of them so if anybody of you got an idea for that problem pleas help me out. :dunno:

    Best Wishes

    Mac os x and logic 9 Noob :thumbsup:
  3. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I believe it´s only possible on PC
  4. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Ok i have Kontakt 2.3.4 and 5 on my mac pro 10.6.8 my kontakt 2 and 3 i payed for my 4 and 5 are not they all work great you can install and run them together you dont need separate folders

    the only problem i think you mite have is if it is a new new Mac with mountain lion the older versions of kontakt 2.3.and maybe 4 mite not be compatible with mac's new running system hope that helps congrats on the new mac a Wise Decision Young Skywalker :wink:
  5. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Just to be clear, are you trying to install two legitimate versions of Kontakt on two different drives, or is your
    aim to have one legitimate version and one free-range-chicken one on a custom drive?

    In any case, if you use an app like Pacifist, you should be able to extract the various files to a custom location.
    You have to find out where exactly they want to be, though. Pacifist has an info window that will tell you the
    default location, you could then custom extract to another drive, but it should be the same location (relative).

    You might also have to rename the Kontakt app and plugins (on the custom drive) to something like Kontaktv2,
    Kontaktv2.component, etc.

    You could also install the first version, then remove the standalone and the plugins to a temp folder, install
    the second version, rename the standalone and plugins then move the original one back, and move the
    renamed ones to your custom drive. Usually apps don't care where they are. You could still run into problems
    with plists and the Service Center.

    Does your second drive have a bootable os x on it? If you can boot from the second one, you could then
    install the second version via the original installer (since it's now boot, and the installer wants boot....) onto
    the second drive.

    If you want to run two different version of the same Kontakt on one drive, one older and one newer you should
    install the old version first, then rename the standalone and plugins, and then install the latest one. This could
    still cause issues with the Service Center, and it could cause issues with the older version if it needs resources
    which are no longer there or have been updated. Though, I think the Kontakt installation is fairly self-contained
    in the sense that all the resources go into the app package.
  6. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Hi their,

    Thx for he fast replies.

    What I tried and it seems to be working for now is that I only change in the logic component folder the Kontakt 5 Component file and voila I can use all libraries. :rofl:

    For now I tried not all libraries but it’s looking good.

    I get an error massage then I start logic and load kontakt but everything is ok for now.

    BUT.... Kontakt is downgraded to 5.0.3 (r2r) and the actual version is 5.1

    So now my question what can i do.

    What I an going to try is to open the original Kontakt 5 component file and to integrate some files from the kontakt 5 R2R release so that I can use the latest version with all library files.

    But which file of the component file is cracked or did change from R2R do anybody now that.

    best greets

    Kontakt 5 Cracker :rofl:
  7. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    The binary. Lol. That's why exchanging files won't work. You can try if you want to, but if you exchange the new
    legit 5.1 binary with the old cracked one, you'll still be stuck with the old version. The way cracks often work is
    by rendering some functions of a software inoperable. Routines that check whether certain conditions are met for
    the software to assume 'I'm registered!'

    So if you want to pull the proverbial wool over the legit 5.1 binary's eyes, you'd have to decompile it first, know
    and find the relevant routines, then modify them in the correct way. Binary lock picking which calls for a, sometimes
    very high, degree of specialized knowledge. Don't let me stop you from trying or acquiring coding skills, though.
    It's very useful knowledge. Which I have very little of, I'm afraid. That's why I usually end up buying the stuff,
    particularly that by NI. I likes NI.

  8. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Yeah it's true i can’t use damn it :(

    I can use the crack for the old libraries but now i have a bigger issue in my Service Center i have all product and it ask me for serial

    soooooooooo :excl: :wow::snuffy:

    Does that means i can’t use my service center any more or is there another possibility to delete them from my service center...

    Can i get problems if i go online with that cracked contact libraries

    Any advice for that problem would be great. :wink:
  9. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Try removing the xml files of the k'd libs you want to use from

    /Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Center

    and trash the Service Center plist, Kontakt 5 plist and all other plists related to items you want
    to see gone from the Service Center.

    If that doesn't work, you might have to trash the Service Center folder mentioned above, trash
    the Service Center app and its plist, and all plists related to stuff you want to see removed from
    the Service Center. Then download a new Service Center app from NI and install it fresh.


    Can you get problems if you go online with cracked libraries...


    Seriously though, I'm fairly certain NI keeps statistics about Service Center 'inconsistencies' for
    internal use, but as far as I know NI has never sunk so low as to attack its customers for using
    cracked software.
  10. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Feridan thx for he advice it worked for the most of the plugins.
    I delete the xml files but some of the Kontakt libraries does not have an xml file not even in their folder.

    How can i remove them do they have other file names or what.... :(
  11. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    I removed all non-activated libraries except one


    I cannot find the file of this library it is no where

    pls pls pls help me out :dunno:
  12. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Download an app like EasyFind and use it to search your disk for terms like 'Big Fish', 'BigFish', or 'London'.

    It might turn up something.

    You could also go hunting in the various Cache folders, or in Application Support, or in Preferences,
    or in Application, or in Plugins for leftovers.

    /Library/Application Support/
    ~/Library/Application Support/
    If you have a London Strings installer it might come with an uninstaller, or perhaps there
    is an uninstaller app in a Big Fish folder in /Applications/ ?
  13. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Ok i did now everything and nothing worked so far

    What am I doing wrong …?
    There was no installer for the London strings and I insert it through kontakt and it asked me if I want to put it in service center and I click yes (I know my fault) but sincere their I can’t remove it.
    I delete everything what has to do with service center really everything but It want worked but something is weird how can it be that if I am removing the service center and installed it again that every library is automatically in it again with London strings………………………………..
    So what know…..?
  14. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Did you trash the Kontakt 5 and Service Center plists?

    It could be that London Strings installed an invisible pref in one of your prefs folders or somewhere
    else on your disk. Or it uses one of those cryptic-name prefs, that looks like a string of numbers and letters.

    If you want to make invisibles visible, open Terminal and type
    defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
    Hit return then type
    killall Finder
    If you want to make them invisible again
    defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
    killall Finder
    I hope it's still the same on ML (I'm on SL)

    Please only trash invisible files that you're sure about, and from locations that are fairly safe (Preferences, Desktop, Documents folder etc.). You could render your installation useless if you trash the wrong thing (folders and files in root are better left alone); or ask beforehand.
  15. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Hi Feridan..

    First of all thank you for your help i really appreciate it. :mates:

    But now after I reinstall service center and delete the files from it I have bigger issue… :excl:

    I opened kontakt 5 and all my libraries were gone. So I have to put them all again in…. :snuffy:

    I think if I cancel them from the service center they will be also cancel from kontakt player :dunno:

    However my question is now can I get any issues than I use my service center with the non-legit libraries?
    They are shown as non-activated and I want the use the service center as updater for the legit libraries so do you think something can happen their… :( :( :(
  16. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Don't think there will be problems. The unregistered libraries are just, well, unregistered.
    So they should just be ignored by NI. There could be several perfectly normal reasons why they're unregistered.

    You won't find out until you try though. :rofl:
  17. Kalule

    Kalule Newbie

    Feb 16, 2013
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    Hi Feridan - or others as wise as Feridan *yes*

    I've been following your conversation here, as I have some similar issues. And since you seem to be the generous wizard :wink: I hope it's okay with you guys, that I crash this thread with some of my own questions. You see, I'm such a newcomer..

    I have // Legit
    Mac 10.6.8
    Pro Tools 9
    Logic 9
    NI Kontakt player that came with the LASS instruments (audiobro)
    LASS will only work on the legit Kontakt player

    The Free-range-chickens I have are
    Kontakt 4
    Kontakt 5
    virtual instruments/libraries for Kontakt

    The reason why I hold on to kontakt 4, was so I could have the free-range libraries on kontakt 4 and LASS on kontakt player in the same pro tool or logic session. All the libraries I have, that only work in kontakt 5, will go in demo-mode if I open them in the Kontakt player. So the kontakt player is only for LASS. And since I can't open kontakt 5 in my sessions, as it seems that kontakt player overrule it, I can only use kontakt 5 libraries as standalone (not in pro tools or logic). Why is that ? Even when I trash the kontakt player app, and only keep the free-range kontakt 5 in the app folder, it's still the kontakt player that pops up when I choose kontakt 5 in pro tools or logic.

    Now I want to buy kontakt 5, but I am afraid that all my free-range libraries won't work in a legit kontakt 5, or even worse, that they will be caught, and after that, not work in the free-range kontakt 5 either. Do you know ?

    I hope you have some wise advise for me :rofl:

    Cheers to you all
  18. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Thank you for your kind words. :bow:

    I wish I had pearls of wisdom to offer, though. :rofl:

    I don't think the free-rangers will work in the legit Kontakt 5. That's because of the Service Center dependency of the registered version, and there might be additional protections for some libs (LASS seems to have one). So if you _need_ to use those, better stay with the k'd version.

    The reason why Kontakt Player keeps popping up, is it a newer version (compared to the k'd Kontakt 5)? Or it might be that your DAW keeps a list of preferred versions / versions last opened in a cache file somewhere, or perhaps preferences became mixed (with Kontakt Player overwriting Kontakt 5, if Player does not use its own plist file).

    The best way to run two concurrent versions of Kontakt is to use two computers. One for the k's and one for the bought software. Since we're in Mac land, that would be a very expensive option though (unless you get two Mac minis)
  19. Kalule

    Kalule Newbie

    Feb 16, 2013
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    Thanks, Feridan.

    Yup, thats's what I was afraid of. So I stick with the K'd for now.

    I actually found a crazy (maybe not sustainable) way around this today. I use my IAC bus as a virtual bus, from pro tools MIDI to the standalone Kontakt 5. And then I route it back in to pro tools from my Fireface interface. So I can also open kontakt 4 and kontakt player as instruments in the same pro tools session. I don't know how clever this is, as I have to figure out, how I get rid of MIDI overlap. Even though I use different in/out, theres still flowing MIDI from kontakt 5 to kontakt player. One way around it is to track it down as audio immediately. I don't know if I can work like that in the long run. But for now I'm happy I kinda beat the system :dancing:
  20. Kalule

    Kalule Newbie

    Feb 16, 2013
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    Hi Feridan

    Quick one: I actually have 2 MacBook pro's (2011).

    How would I sync it up with the K'd on one MacBook and the legit on the other ? Wich one of them should run Pro Tools / Logic ?

    Maybe you know ?
  21. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    This article is about Ableton, but you might be able to adjust the methods to work with Logic:
    This thread at GS links to some resources (read post #5):
    Here's a video about syncing two Logic Pros:
    You could route the audio using an app like Jack OS X
    If you want to buy Kontakt, wait until Messe (Frankfurt, April 10) they should announce Komplete 9. They're also selling Komplete 8 for bargain prices at the moment, not sure if and how you can upgrade to Komplete 9 tho (probably not at all).
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