Help and open my mind with mixing,

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by kokabo, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. kokabo

    kokabo Guest

    Hey Guys,

    I would be very happy to get help from this community about mixing,

    Well the thing is, that by today I have 560 Ideas and I finished about 5 (most of them finished cuz they

    were collab and the other guys did the hard work)

    You guessed right .. mixing.

    I have adam a7x, and Access virus ti2 and you guessed right, it won't make your productions bigger by just buying them... there is a lot of work needed.
    I produce mainly EDM, mainstage stuff but however I did a lot of hip-hop, chill,ambience etc.

    Please send me some techniques you like or your way of work so I can wide my knowledge and maybe start finally dropping stuff and lose my stupid depression for not moving forward :<

    Another thing I noticed, my friend sent me an song with amazing mix but I noticed that when I played on my bedroom studio it sounded very muddy and bad but mainly only at my room, headphones was great, beyer dynamics dt 770 good there too, mobile speakers awesome .. I start to get this feeling that my monitors are part of this situation. Hope you guys can help me out!

    THANKS <3
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    The A7X are good monitors, however a sub would be a nice addition, I don't think they are the source of your problem. Is your room treated ?

    As far as mixing techniques are concerned it covers a large variety of topics, maybe try to be more specific regarding which part(s) you need help with....
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  4. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest


    a very quick tip

    apply a hp filter on every "non-bass" channels at 100hz will clean up your mix big time

    also a tiny narrow eq cut around 400hz too
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  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Maybe you should ask yourself what you want to be. A composer or a mixing engineer? To be good at each of them takes years! If you have so many ideas and are such creative, why don't focus on making songs and (basic) sounds and leave mixing to collab?
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  6. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Understanding and applying these correctly makes all the difference;
    • Monitor placement and calibration
    • Room treatment
    • Gain staging vs reference volume
    • dBFS vs dBU (Clipping ITB vs OTB)
    • Mono compatibility (Stereo separation)
    • Saturation
    • Transients
    • Reference tracks adjusted to the volume of your mix
    The structure and sonic signature of a track is done by comparing with reference tracks.
    A good tip is to zoom in and align your waveforms.
    Try heavy parallel compression on the drumbus and subtle parallel saturation on bass lines.
    But if you're a purist you don't need much processing. The sounds you choose and layering them with different timbres are most important.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
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  7. kokabo

    kokabo Guest

    Because most of the people I try to work with Are very professional, professional people won't get id and say I will work on it because I see a potential in it ! they want finish products (the better they get the more selective they get). If I were them, i would do the same! Creativity is good but not being definitive or have bad mix can ruin easily the best idea in the world !

    Thanks a lot looks amazing! would love to know if you have more.

    Hey, thank you for taking your time and helping me (and probably others out), I did not quite understand the parallel compression.
    About gain staging, what you think are the best db/Rms a song should end ?
    Mono ? any tips what should be mono on mix ?
    dBFS VS DBU ? have no idea what this is.

    Thanks a lot to all of u !
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  8. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    less is more. a 4 track song will sound bigger (if eq-d and compressed properly) than a song with 50+ tracks. why ? because the energy of the sound is only divided by 4. (4 strong against 50 weak - you got me? :) )

    bussing : (grouping tracks and applying effects on grouped tracks. you basically control a "big" mix , lets say a 20 channel song to 4-5 faders. very powerful.

    volume. stay away from hitting 0db on the meters on individual tracks.
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  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    what is your room treatment like concerning acoustic treatment?
    right away i can suggest you add a tactile system from 20hz to 50hz in addition to your setup combined with alternating with high end headphones.

    this covers you ability to develop critical listening and HEAR what is really there.
    next i would say get your musical knowledge up to par by understanding the "music theory" behind ALL your favorite songs.
    (in order to have knowledge about exactly how and why they were constructed)
    after this you will have a fine vocabulary a assortment of intros ,endings , verses and chorus', assortment of bridges etc. )

    p.s. if your playback system (measurement of your room itself at listening position)
    presents a frequency response looking like swiss cheese you will have nightmare every time no way to fix that.(while mixing) alternating with headphones is only valuable when you still are able to have good 3d image of a great room to compare it to because headphones cannot show you forward to backward depth that a room does.)


    I am not saying this about you but say a person bought expensive studio monitors in a untreated room ,their results are just a tiny bit better than shit speakers. now on the other hand a person treats their room and has shit speakers, they will outperform the person with high end monitors and no treatment.look image about the dips you ear gets in untreated room NO speaker on earth produces sound that BADLY ( no matter how cheap)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  10. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    So orchestras are weak???
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  11. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    as individual instruments go ,yes. as the whole unit , yes it can be powerful. but in a 35 instrument situation, yes, a single flute is weak on its own. i was saying that in a typical 4 track situation (like RHCP) , a single unit is powerful cause its 1/4th of the sonic field. anyway, nevermind.
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  12. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Ha! There are a million You Tube videos and a million articles on music production now, so I can understand the desire to post for some general advice. Information overload with no starting point!
    Well, getting your monitoring is an important first step, so what's been mentioned so far is a start :)
  13. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Cultivate a new habit

    new habit COULD be along the lines of:
    after you've created your idea for a song
    spend 5 amount of minutes to do a "quick balance in volume across your tracks"
    spend 5 mins to do a "clean up EQ pass" on all your tracks you just balanced out previously

    if you keep doing that on all 560 idea, im pretty sure you will learn a few things and train your ears along the way while building up the habit of "doing some mixing"

    you could spend more than 5 minutes on each task obviously, but taking small steps at a time works great in the long run.

    remember music is not a sprint its a marathon

    also, dont forget to have fun along the way and enjoy
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