There's No Great Music Anymore

Discussion in 'Music' started by black.afrika.zulu.x, Sep 8, 2018.

  1. I'm not quite sure how to quantify greatness. Though, just to throw it out there in my own personal objectivity...I cannot listen to the band Journey for more than 10 seconds without turning it down, yanking the song off or just walking out of the room that they are being played in. However so, I recognise them to be a great band with many incredible songs even though I cannot stomach a listen.
  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I totally get that and personal taste sometimes intercedes in objectivity, which is perfectly normal and human.

    Quantify versus qualify is another interesting topic where music is concerned.
    - It is one thing to qualify something as great by analysing the rhythm, harmony, voicings, improvisation and structure of any composition or song. Greatness can be qualified if all the right ingredients are present technically, yet only on paper/theoretically.
    - But to quantify greatness is more difficult, because it is impossible to measure how great something is in its infancy because it has not stood the test of time, or how great something is based on an option, opinion, an inclusion or exclusion; and then you start crossing over into qualifying its greatness rather than quantifying it.

    In a perfect world which it definitely is not, quantifying would need no validation because it would be evident, but with music being so diverse, probably never.
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  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    here is for you to get some inspiration to make some great music.

    inspiration in heavy area of music

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2018
  4. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Interesting thing about music: Although it is a "creative" endeavor it is also very restrictive.
    It is very subjective in some ways, but has very strict rules as well.
    Hit a wrong note or play out of rhythm? No compromise there.
    Everyone notices a mistake and it does not require any knowledge of music theory.
    The brain doesn't like it. It is not according to "nature's" unforgiving rules.
    You feel discord in your sinus cavity and bad timing in your spine.
    You wince and twist, and wrinkle your nose in disgust as if it was a putrid smell.
    Those rules about music are due to physics..biology.
    There is some variation allowed and without SOME bending of the rules ... pushing against them, music can be lifeless. Microtonal and odd scales, clashing of frequencies, groove and odd beats... it's all what makes music long as you don't actually BREAK the rules :dont:

    There was a scientist who also played in an orchestra.
    He said something about science being his creative endeavor, and playing music was where he had no freedom.
    Of course that is PLAYING WRITTEN music in an orchestra, but true...

    Life is games, and the rules / restrictions / limitations not only make it interesting, but are necessary.
    Without them, there IS no game at all.
  5. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    All of them. That's their genius, yes?
  6. They suck like The Golden Ratio, the starry sky on a cloudless, desert night, as aweful as an owl in flight.
