Reaper as editor

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by kooper, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I was told by someone here that Reaper rivals acid pro for audio editing. So I just imported some audio stems and started trying to edit. I put the cursor where I wanted it, and split the track no problem, then I tried to move one of the sections to adjust timing. It would not move. No matter what I did it would not move. Jumped over to acid pro and imported the same stems and tried this. BOOM it moved easily. There is a lot about reaper I love, but I do a lot of editing every day. So far as an editor acid pro blows it out of the water.

  3. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I personally would not say that Reaper was blown out of the water... In Reaper, the "Snap to Grid' option is on by default which locks the position. There are many options for how objects are moved & aligned from basic, to very advanced.

    Taking the time to know how a DAW functions should aid in better workflow. If the manual for Reaper is not to your liking, try The Reaper Blog or Reaper Mania for helpful videos.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
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  4. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I know all about snapping. It is on in acid pro. Moving to the nearest snap point and not moving at all are two different things. The key word here is "easy". Maybe I should try again, but having to go read up on something that is basic editing means it's not easy to use. Editing is pretty much the same except that some daws make you jump through hoops with menus etc. I like sonar but it always had extra steps to editing that acid pro does not. BTW I am a fan of reaper in general, just this one aspect didn't act like this VERY experienced editor would expect. Snapping does not keep sections from moving, only how far and at what resolution.
  5. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    i am no reaper expert. the only thing i can think of, in this particular situation, is the LOCK and SNAP settings. make sure snapping (magnet icon in tools palette) and lock (lock icon in tools palette, right click gives you options) are DISABLED.

    reaper tends to have a relatively steep learning curve but it is highly configurable. if you play around with it a bit, you can usually find some way to customize it to your preferred work flow. the preferences pane is a mess but has a search function.
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  6. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    If you right-click either the Grid or Snap icon in the toolbar or, select Snap Settings from th e options menu, you will see what is available aside from any custom scripts or actions. Reaper allows separate Grid & Snap settings.

    Also do a search for Snap Settings in the Reaper manual for more ways of using snapping, relative snapping, & nudging.

    For instance; holding Ctrl while moving an object turns off snapping for that instant.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  7. rootwits

    rootwits Producer

    Sep 29, 2016
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    I'm Right Behind You
    This is what i modify for editing when installing REAPER:

    1.Right click on Timeline (Measures Beats - minimal)
    2.Right click on Snap button (Grid - 1/16)
    3.Options > Preferences > Project > Media item Defaults (Disable - Create automatic fade-in/fade-out new items)
    4.Options > Preferences > Appearance > Media > Item volume control (Knob)
    5.Options > Preferences > Editing Behavior > Vertical zoom center (Track under mouse cursor)
    6.Options > Preferences > Editing Behavior > Horizontal zoom center (Mouse cursor)
    7.File > Project settings > Save as default project settings (To keep the configuration)
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  8. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Perhaps you should stop using Reaper if something as trivial as this is a problem. My media items move around as if by magic. I don't think I've ever played around with the default settings. Of course I'm only a VERY inexperienced Reaper user
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  9. Boosire

    Boosire Producer

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Mmm yeah you might as well stay on your daw if you're reluctant to learn how any other daw function.

    Reaper hasn't been made to be easy out of the box, it's an elastic daw, you can give it any shape you want, it's a customization daw, as people learn it they usually change a lot of it's parameters to adapt to their needs.

    Also automatic grid snap isn't solely a reaper thing, most daw aren't gonna be intuitive from first use if you don't know them, i've had to check out for basic stuff for Cubase, Studio One, Cakewalk Bandlab and Pro Tools at first use when i was still looking for a daw to switch on.

    Just get over it or don't try at all.
  10. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I've been moving audio freely into Reaper without any special trick. So I dont know how could you have this problem, but it seems more specific to your situation than to Reaper itself.
  11. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Never had this problem, but a lot of others with Reaper. [​IMG]

    Reaper isn't easy at all.

    That's exactly what I thought too.

    Ever tried to delete an item without any other item being moved while all Reaper settings are on Default? Impossible (effin Ripple Edit)!!!
  12. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    This is exactly what I have been thinking. I don't consider "editing" as "trivial". It is one of the main functions I use a DAW for on a daily basis, so I consider it fundemental. What I may do is continue using acid pro as my main editor, and use reaper (and Logic Pro, and Reason 10) for other functions. My whole point here is about "ease of use". If it begins to feel like I need to learn a whole cirriculum in order to do fundemental things, I then lean toward your suggestion here. This is exactly why I am slow to use reason, even though I paid $300 for it. I will eventually get to it. I have had good success getting things working with Logic, by only going and watching a video. I know reaper is powerful and I have found other great uses for it, but I was extremely surprised by this. Why would there be a need for "LOCK"? I may take the time to get indepth with the "learning curve" but I have productions stacked up and all of this goes on hold while I crack the books. The good thing is Magix put out a new version of Acid Pro, which I have found extremely user friendly and surprisingly powerful. I have not ruled out reaper by any means. Just surprised by this obstacle. If you have not tried Acid Pro for audio editing, I think you might be surprised. It is much more than a LOOP DAW. I am reading the feedback here by all of you guys, and I might just try the suggestions. I doubt it is snapping that stops this. It sounds more feasable that it is LOCK. In AP I don't even need to set the snapping. The resolutions adjust with zoom. If I zoom in enough the snapping adjusts it's resolution with the zoom, but I have NEVER had it refuse to let me move audio sections until I go to school. Yep, for now reaper is not my editor.
  13. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I imported audio with no problem. It's the moving of sections that are split up that didn't work. I would think you just grab it and drag it. That didn't work. Maybe it was a glitch.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    read the manual mofo.

    serious though i used acid for at least 10 years, and yes reaper blows it out of the water 1000 fold, but the control are not exactly same reaper has more pro options and hang in there you will LOVE it.
    but really read the manual mofo (in a loving way of course)

    search through youtube for reaper workflow , while at same time going through user manual
    \make sure you purchase it so you can get updates constantly best money you can spend on a daw trust me
    regarding snap options for your track on upper left of screen you can make your tracks snap to grid or move them freely
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  15. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Here is another source of tricks, tips & info that may be of use:
    Rob Van Hees
  16. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    Reaper can do literally everything, and in very quick way,
    most things are not mapped to keys, buttons or other UI elements which would just waste space on screen and might cause problems for unexperienced users,
    it's designed to be tailored by end user, if you fail to do so, then perhaps stay with limited acid pro
    (no hate, just sheer facts)
  17. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Maybe i missed it in a post from you but it seems to me you still didn't post that you checked the status of the Lock Toolbar button in the Toolbar on the upper left of Reaper's Arrange window. It should be set to OFF. (so unlit).
    Is it movement to the left/right that doesn't work for you or movement up/down (or both ?)

    And in general regarding Reaper:
    In my opinion it has a steep learningcurve and can be a very daunting DAW for beginners with all it's dazzling arsenal of menu items etc.
    I tried Reaper 10 years ago for the first time and got frustrated, i didn't understand a thing in it.
    Above all, i hated the very ugly looking GUI (i still do LOL).

    But i kept reading many great stories about Reaper, that it was such a versatile, cpu friendly and an incredible customisable DAW.
    So after a few months, i picked Reaper up again and really started to learn everything i could, having confidence that Reaper once could
    be my main DAW and that i would work in it with great happiness cause i could optimize my workflows in Reaper to the max.
    I invested ALOT of time in this learning process but i slowly started to experience the greatness of Reaper and i was become more and more stunned about all you can do within Reaper and the amazingly fast workflows you could create, getting things done in notime.

    When you really wanna use Reaper to the max, (and always looking for ways to do things faster/easier in a DAW),you should be the kind of person that is willing to invest time to learn deeply.
    If you're not such a person, that's totally fine, but then maybe Reaper isnt the right DAW for you.

    I have never used Acid Pro but i am pretty sure that Reaper has a far greater/bigger arsenal of (audio) edting functionality.
    With really hundreds of Actions natively available in Reaper and then the blazing arsenal of Actions that are freely available in the ReaPack
    Extension for Reaper, there is really everything that you could wish for, regarding (superfast) Editing of audio and midi in Reaper.
    The luxury problem lies in the fact that you have to be willing to dig deep into all these available Actions and learn them.

    Many people just stay with a DAW, "cause they are just use to it"
    They are mostly not motivated to be crtitical about how they have to do things in a DAW to accomplish something, they are just
    used to doing things "on autopilot" and not wondering:
    "hey, hold on, this a quite time consuming way and clumsy workflow to accomplish this,
    i want to do it faster..CAUSE TIME IS MONEY there a way maybe ?"
    And this is exactly where Reaper shines, cause 9 out of 10: yes, you can do it faster in Reaper.

    Just my 2 cents.
  18. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Best Answer
    Reaper is the best. You can use Acid as an editor in Reaper.
  19. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    I am wondering what exact functionality regarding audio editing is so great in Acid Pro, that it is stated as a great Audio Editor.
    Maybe, if ihave this info, i can "translate" that to Reaper's editing functionality / workflows.
    And see if it maybe will be Up To Par with Acid Pro, regarding ease of audio-edting / speedy workflows / arsenal of audio editing functions.
  20. Boosire

    Boosire Producer

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Any video of speedy reaper workflow to show him as an example ? Never really searched on youtube i've learned mostly on the forum, i want to see how fast people are compared to me as well.
  21. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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