Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El digital, Jul 28, 2018.


Would you like to get rid of reCAPTCHA ?

  1. YES

  2. NO

  1. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    So having to click a mouse a few times in order to steal software is really bad for you, you think the site owner doesn't have authority to decide how his site works, and those using paid accounts are inferior to you.
    Okay, thanks for sharing your well overblown sense of entitlement with us, kid.

    And as for disliking my previous post, it obviously went a bit whoosh for you.
    If selecting all the cars or store fronts is such a pain when leeching, imagine what having to work 60 hours a week to buy the software feels like. That'd really pi*s you off.
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  2. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    What use are missing is what it realy said at the bottom of each reCAPTCHA
    look at the vid again and on any page your trying to download from.
    It has skip so you click it first to skip the reCAPTCHA not on the boxes.

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2018
  3. Papawise

    Papawise Newbie

    Mar 6, 2018
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    First of all, you didn't understand the text right, try reading again. As I've said it's not just some clicks, of course I don't have any problem with that, the issue starts when you do it 5 times in a row and it's still no downloadable making you desist or paying the service.

    When the things are clear, everyone can decide what to pay for or not, but in the case that this is just a way to get more paid users thru the premeditated annoying process, "then f*ck you", don't treat me like a fool, and if you offer a free downloadable file, just put it there dude.
  4. meow

    meow Guest

    You help AI development, at least it's not wasting time:guru:
  5. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Five whole times before you can steal someone's hard work for free, well that's just outrageous. How dare they make it so hard for you?

    As first world problems go, I suppose it's nearly as bad as not getting a marshmallow in your cocoa, or a serviette with your burger.
  6. CDLF

    CDLF Ultrasonic

    Jul 7, 2017
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    How would this site profit from you buying an account at an independent file hosting site? I mean, if you used their ref links, they would profit a very little from it. But they're the file hosters that show those captchas (of course to sell me accounts on their own behalf). Blame them.

    Since there's no paid version, at least none I'd know of, this statement doesn't really make sense. It's still the file hosters' faults.
    As many told you before, there're no captchas for registered users on the said site.

    Furthermore, you should probably contact Google's support. It's them who's behind reCAPTCHA.
    The only advice I can give you: solve captchas like a human, not like a machine. That's what they actually check for. The puzzle is just a front.
  7. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    The only time I've seen a reCAPTCHA anywhere on the sister site is in those rare times I'm not logged in.

    Logged in

    Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at 12.31.12 PM.png

    Not logged in

    Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at 12.32.11 PM.png
  8. Papawise

    Papawise Newbie

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Oh man, impossible, when I say 5 times it's figurative, could be more! doesn't matter, it's just unusable, not practical and with no sense. It's just not neccesary, period.
    Debating with you it's just a waste of time. Like talking with a faddy kid.

    Ok guys, maybe my english is too bad.
    I'm talking about Uploaded, not about Audioz. What I've said is that Audioz becomes unusable without an uploaded or rapidshare paid account and since those 2 servers are the ones used the most... all said.

    The recaptcha could take around 15 minutes and if you even take the time to do it you don't get the permiss, it just says wrong captcha (when seems to be not true or at least not clear why) and you then have to desist or buy an account.

    That's on the server side of course, in my opinion a clear strategy.
    Why so many other servers doesn't use that and has no problem at all with the apocaliptic bots trying to destroy their business?, come on.
  9. CDLF

    CDLF Ultrasonic

    Jul 7, 2017
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    I repeat: Try to solve them like a human.
    Moreover, you should ask Google for help and tell them about the inconveniences you're experiencing.

    (Note: I'm not trying to defend those companies.)
    Filehoster's business strategy is making free loading of many files uncomfortable in order the sell premium. If one downloads a file or two the Captcha won't hinder them, but when downloading more files one would soon start using a download manager which renders all countdowns useless. Since one doesn't have to wait.

    Free hosters that don't live from selling premium can go without Captcha as long as their services don't get abused. They can usually manage this by throttling traffic or similar measures.
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