Ok, I'm stumped! :(

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by notrace, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I'm stumped as to what is going on here! I did a fresh install of Window10 r1803. I then proceeded to install my Focusrite interface driver and then two of my DAWS. These are legit version of each DAW. Studio One Pro v4.01 and Cubase Pro 9.5.30 When installing R2R's Merry Xmas Eventide's Anthology XI the issues start. I've set the default plugin path to C:\Program Files\Vstplugins. After what appears to be a successfull install of Anthology XI, Studio One doesn't detect the plugins and Cubase blacklists them immediately. I've redownloaded the plugin, tried reinstalling to different paths I've setup, but the symptom with both DAWS remains the same. No other software seems to exhibit this issue. Here's the part that has me scratching my head, and frustrated. I have a working backup of Win10 r1803 which has this configuration and it's working fine. I looked at permissions of the directory/plugins etc... and still can't find out why this is occurring. Can anyone out there tell me why this is happening now? BTW, I made a virgin backup of the fresh Win10r1803 and have reverted back to it a few times but the outcome with Eventide's Anthology XI is always the same with both of these DAWS. I've even tried reloading Win10 r1803 from scratch and still the same outcome. I'm stumped! :( Anyone care to shed some light on why this might be occurring and how to rectify it? I appreciate it!
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    You mean you hadn't have this issue with the same soft and different windows version?

    It's normal that these DAWs put plugs on the blacklist, that's what this effin list is made for. One of the major drawbacks of both DAWs.
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  4. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    So you're saying the DAW manufacturers recently added it to the their blacklist to ban? However that backup I made a few weeks back is running the same versions of both DAW's. I don't recall ever having this problem previously. In the last couple of months I've incorporated Windows 10 into my system. Previously, I was only running OSX/macOS. Now I run both on separate dedicated SSD drives (Hackintosh here).
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I think it is possible that the DAWs blacklist a Windows version, but not the MAC. But I don't know how these blacklists work. I experienced that elder aswell as newer plugs (in comparison to the DAW) can be blacklisted. I already saw blacklists with dozens of plugins.
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  6. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Can you confirm notrace, that you completely wiped your machine clean of any OS, nothing there, and 'really' did a fresh install of Win10. Did you block incoming /outgoing with wall of your DAWs and plugs? Oh and try putting a copy of the VST in the Steinberg/VST folder
  7. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Yes, I can absolutely verify it was a clean install (formatted the drive). Did not block incoming and outgoing. As I mentioned above I tried different paths and your suggestion was one of them and the result was the same. The only variable that holds up at this point as an explanation is being online.
  8. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Ok, just tried all installations being offline. Makes absolutely no difference both DAWS exhibit the exact same symptom. Still stumped! :(
  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Try un-blacklisting them? Or is that too simple to try? :dunno:
  10. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    You can edit and even delete the blacklist, but Cubase, or as you use to call it, Cubendo, rebuilts the blacklist when it's started so, nope, that doesn't work.
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  11. Popotan

    Popotan Guest

    Try loading the plugins in Blue Cat Audio's PatchWork or a similar plugin. That way you can tell if it is Cubase or the plugin that is causing issues. You can also try installing only the VST3 plugin and unchecking VST2 when you install; one of the two may be causing issues.

    It probably isn't the case but you might be trying to load a 32 bit plugin instead of a 64 bit one and may need jBridge.
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  12. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    There is no VST3 in Anthology XI. The plugin worked previously because I have a backup (as mentioned in my first post) from a few weeks back that its in with the same DAWS that works. This is a new issue that I don't recall experiencing prior. So something has to be different now but I just can't seem to nail down what it is. No other plugin behaves this way just Anthology XI. So the question remains, what is different now? BTW, I can't just use the backup because something else in that backup causes a different issue, plus, this problem is just getting under my skin and I want to understand and resolve it.
  13. Popotan

    Popotan Guest

    Maybe you could try doing a right click, run as administrator when you install the plugin? You could always try installing Anthology X instead of XI if all else fails. I frankly wasn't too impressed by their plugins myself so I don't really feel you are missing much if you can't get them working.
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  14. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Update: Popotan, you must of read my mind. I just finished installing AudioUtopia's Anthology X and it works. I'm wondering if that is the version contained in that backup where it's working. Now at least I can stop pulling my hair out since it points to something with R2R's Anthology XI. BTW, I was installing XI as administrator all along. And yes, I've downloaded Anthology XI a few times from different links just in case, but the issue was always the same.
    Update2: I spoke too soon, damn it! It worked in Studio One 4 but Cubase Pro 9.5.30 still blacklists all the Anthology X plugins. So it doesn't explain the working backup. WTF! Back to pulling out some more hair! :(
    Update3: Just looked and that working backup is dated 8-5-18. :(
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
  15. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    so it is only Merry Xmas Eventide's Anthology XI you have problem with. All other plugin works? If so maybe try this on instead:
    Eventide - Anthology XI 1.0.1, Newfangled Elevate Bundle 1.0.7, VST VST3 AAX x86 x64 (NO INSTALL, SymLink Installer)
  16. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    They work here on win 7 in legit cubase 9.5.30. Could be a missing windows update, fix or dot net install you had on your previous install. Check the eventide forum. I don't think it is a R2R issue. Cubase does not have a blacklist of plugins it will blacklist, It blacklists plugins that crash, before they crash cubase.
  17. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Thank God for backups! :) I found a 7-5-18 Win10r1803 backup that had just Live 10 and Anthology XI installed. I restored that backup and then installed S1-Pro v4.01, Cubase Pro 9.5-30, and all is well. I'm still not sure why I can't get Anthology XI to install properly from Scratch via a new install of Win10r1803 but I've wasted enough time on this and have made no progress. Of course Win10 also installed all updates since the backup date and everything is still looking good. Yes, I just did a backup of this working config. :) If anyone can still look over my first post and come up with an explanation I'm all ears. For now, I'll put this puzzle to bed. It's obvious that R2R's release of Eventide's Anthology XI isn't the problem. Thanks for the responses!
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
  18. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Last update: This install from scratch procedure has been resolved! :) Yes, it was still under my skin so I decided yesterday to try one last thing. I went to Microsoft and used their USB Creation Tool to create a new WIndow 10 1803 installer onto a different USB pen drive. I then Installed Win10 Pro like I had done previously but this time from the new USB pen drive. I then activated it. Then I installed R2R's Eventide Anthology XI, and followed that up with Installing Live Suite 10.02. Live detected the Eventide plugins fine. I then proceeded to install Studio One Pro 4.01 which also detected the Anthology plugins fine. Once again followed that up with installing Cubase Pro 9.5-30 and found this time around that Cubase also detected the Anthology plugins fine. No more blacklisting them. So it appears that something was corrupt in my previous attempts. Why it only seemed to effect Anthology XI I'm not sure but I'm happy this procedure is now working.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
  19. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Love to see issues resolved :)
    Even if I don't use the software it's a minidrama :rofl:
    And others' problems often contain hints in general.
    Thanks for the resolution, and everyone for the suggestions/reminders.
  20. doctorG

    doctorG Kapellmeister

    May 4, 2018
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    The Maltese
    Software can b the ultimate prostate puller...Cubase 9.5.3 of late has had an issue of blacklisting a multitude of things for ....ah aha ah No apparrent reason....glad ya got it sorta out

    Remember this when faced with a frustrating problem:
    Sometimes focusing on the Fly on the windscreen..You miss the Cow in the middle of the road!
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